HIV/AIDS Flashcards
Epidemiology of Acquired/Secondary Immunodeficiency
*Most Serious Worldwide Acquired/Secondary ID Syndrome:
AIDS (due to HIV infection)
*Most Common Secondary ID in Well-Developed Countries:
Due to *Cancers involving *Bone Marrow, or *Various Forms of Chemotherapy and Immunosuppressive Therapies
-(Treatment to prevent Graft Rejection or Inflammatory diseases with corticosteroids, cyclosporine…)
- Most Common Cause of ID in Third World Developing Countries:
- Protein-Calorie Malnutrition
HIV Epidemics
- Originated in Africa
- Mutates Frequently, *Leading to Drug Resistance or Differences in Clinical Presentation
Most Prevalent HIV: HIV-1
HIV-2 is less common and less virulent and remains mostly confined to *West Africa and *India.
AIDS Epidemiology
- Spreads in Specific Risk Groups
- Infected persons may Appear “Well” and not be aware.
- Complications Take Years to Develop
- Fatal if Untreated.
HIV Structure
Lentivirus with a *Central Core with *double-stranded RNA and 3 Enzymes:
- Reverse Transcriptase (RT),
- Protease,
- Integrase
- -*RT makes DNA copies of Viral Genome *(Proviral DNA),
- -Which are inserted by Integrase into Host cell Genome.
–*Protease cleaves initial *Viral Protein Precursors into definitive Viral proteins.
–Can’t be eliminated without killing infected cells.
*Small Genome.
Capsid: protein coat that surrounds the genome.
–Most abundant *Capsid Protein is *p24, which *Reacts with the Antibody used in the HIV Serological *Diagnostic Tests, the *ELISA.
–*Major Humoral Immune Response to HIV is toward **Glycoproteins in the Envelope.
- -*Considerable Genetic Variability is clustered in regions encoding **Envelope Glycoproteins
- -> poses challenge to develop successful vaccine.
Lipid Envelope that is stolen from the Human Host cell.
Some surface proteins: *gp120 attaches to target cells that express **CD4 and **Chemokine Receptors (CNCR4 on T cells and CCR5 on Macrophages and Dendritic cells).
–gp120 binds to CD4 on T cells; this is why HIV selectively kills CD4+ T cells and not CD8+ T cells.
–Macrophages and Dendritic cells are infected but not killed.
==> Reservoirs of Infection
HIV Life Cycle
1) Infection of Cell
2) Viral DNA production and Integration into Host Genome (Provirus)
3) Expression of Viral Genes
4) Production of Viral Particles
HIV Pathogenesis
1) *HIV is captured by Dendritic Langerhans cells in Epithelia, who present them to CD4+ cells.
2) *Dendritic Cells and CD4+ T cells are transported to Lymph Nodes,
- -Where further infection of more APCs and CD4+ T cells occurs.
CD4+ T cells are Lysed; their Depletion causes Immunodeficency.
*Macrophages and *Dendritic cells are Latently infected and serve as Reservoirs of infection, carrying the virus throughout the body to *infect more CD4+ cells.
–HIV can infect other cell types via CD4 or chemorecptors, chiefly *Glial cells in CNS, leading to AIDS Dementia.
Within the Cell:
1) HIV infects Host cell
2) Reverse Transcriptase makes Proviral DNA
3) Integrase inserts that into Host cell Genome
4) Infected CD4+ T cells, Macrophages, or Dendritic cells activated by *Stimuli that “turn on” Host cell Cytokine genes, also *“turn on” HIV genes.
5) Virus then takes over biosynthesis in the cell to manufacture new virions, using *Protease to pack and release them.
HIV Progression in Body
- Body’s immune response to HIV includes specific *Antibody and *CTLs.
- -**Neither of these *eliminates HIV or controls infection, resulting in continuous viral proliferation.
Viral particles in serum doesn’t peak until about 6 weeks after infection.
- -Possible Acute HIV Syndrome may occur: non-specific, flu-like symptoms of fever, muscle aches
- -Note: ELISA gives false negative prior to this time.
*Average Time from Infection to Symptoms of Immunosuppresion: *8-10 Years.
- Over the years, the *body compensates by *Increasing Production of CD4+ T cells.
- -*Eventually, Depletion of CD4+ T cells exceeds
–At that point, *Symptoms of Immunodeficiency begin.
–*CD4+ Depletion leads to Reduced Cell-Mediated immunity and to *Viral, *Protozoal, *Fungal Infections.
–Eventual failure of Humoral Immunity due to loss of CD4+.
–Loss of Immune surveillance leads to development of *Neoplasms, most often *Lymphomas and *Kaposi Sarcoma.
–Cytokines released from Macrophages and CD4+ cells induces CNS Tissue Damage.
*Long Survivors: May have chemokine receptor polymorphisms, decreasing the rate of Macrophage infection.
HIV Transmission
Typically occurs across *Mucous Membranes of Genital Tract from infected person to another.
- Male-to-Male or Male-to-Female Transmission is *More Efficient than Female-to-Male,
- -Because there are more virions in seminal than vaginal fluid.
*Overall, the process is Fairly Inefficient since there are relatively few virions.
- Sexual Intercourse
- Parenterally: IV Drug Abuse
- Congenitally: In utero at time of Delivery or Postnatally via Breast Milk.
*40-50% Homosexual/Bisexual Men
25-30% Heterosexuals with high risk partners
20-25% IV Drug Abusers
Risk of HIV Transmission
*Vaginal Intercourse: 0.33%
Receptive Anal Intercourse: 0.30%
*HIV-Contaminated Blood: >90%
Perinatal transmission rate: ~0 now, due to prenatal testing and use of HAART in pregnancy.
*Risk increases with Multiple exposures.
- Risk of Occupational Transmission from a Single *Needle Stick from an infected patient is about *1/1000, still *Very Low
- -whereas 1/5 risk for hepatitis B and 1/50 risk for hepatitis C
HIV Infection Diagnosis
- *ELISA (Serological Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay):
- -Initial diagnosis of HIV infection.
–*Performance of ELISA is regulated by state law. Some states require patient’s consent; others don’t.
- ELISA is Highly *Sensitive (>99%), but not very specific with common False Positives;
- -Positives were confirmed in the past by *Western Blot
- -*CDC implemented new guidelines.
HIV can be identified by PCR
- -More specific than ELISA
- -Cheaper
- *p24 Antigen Test and PCR to Proviral HIV DNA are the Most useful in Neonates
- -who are born to infected mothers and have passively acquired Maternal HIV Antibody, which would *invalidate the ELISA Serological Test.
*PCR is Mandated along with p24 and ELISA for Screening of Donated Blood.
(HIV is difficult to culture.)
HIV Infection Monitoring
*HIV-1 RNA level (Viral Load) is very useful to determine Progression of Disease and Response to Therapy.
–Increasing HIV-1 RNA levels suggests Advancement of Disease and/or Treatment Failure.
- *CD4 count Below 200 cells/microliter:
- -Strongly associated with *Opportunistic Infections
- -Diagnostic of *AIDS
- CD4 count Greater than 500 cells/microliter:
- -Usually seen in *Asymptomatic Patients
- CD4 count Less than 350 cells/microliter:
- -Implies Substantial Immunosuppression
*Viral Load and *CD4 Counts are used to evaluate progression/treatment efficacy.
–Viral Load should be checked
@*Baseline and @ *2-8 Weeks after *ARV Therapy.
–(Should decline at least 1 log value by week 4)
Thereafter, *Viral Load and *CD4 counts should be done Every *3-6 months.
Stable patients with *CD4 Counts *Greater than 500 may not need CD4 counts and Viral Loads more than *Once a Year.
Virologic Suppression
Undetectable Viral Load
Virologic Failure
Inability of Treatment to Achieve or Maintain Viral Load of **Less than 200 copies/mL
Virologic Rebound
Viral Load > 200 copies/mL After Virologic Suppression
Suboptimal Immunologic Responses
Failure to Achieve or Maintain Adequate CD4 Response Despite Virologic Suppression.
–After 1 year of ARV, CD4 counts usually increase about 150 cells/mL and Plateau after 4-6 years.
Opportunistic Infections
= Hallmark of developing AIDS.
Characterized by
-Extensive Organ Involvement
- Dissemination to Multiple Organs
- Poor Inflammatory Response
- Unreliable Serologic Testing
- Poor Response to Therapy
Pneumocystis Jirovecii
old name was P. carinii
- 50-60% of AIDS patients
- -have 1 or more PCP and 1/5 will eventually die
Extensive and *Severe Pneumonia:
- -*Non-productive Cough
- -*Fever
- -*Dyspnea
- -*Interstitial Infiltrates on X-ray
Diagnosis by Bronchoscopy with *Bronchoalveolar Lavage and/or *Biopsy.
With current therapy, almost all AIDS patients are treated successfully for first episode of PCP, but successful treatment is more difficult in subsequent episodes.
Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
- *About 1/2 of AIDS patients get CMV
- -But less than 10% die
**Widely Disseminated
Organ Involvement:
- -*Retina: Retinitis, leading toVision Loss
- -*Adrenal Gland
- -*Lungs
- -*Brain
- -*GI tract
Bacterial Infections
Common Cause of Death from
- -**Pneumonia
- -**Septicemia
- -Staphylococcus Aureus
- -Streptococcus Pneumoniae
- -Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
- -Enteric Gram Negative Rods
- -Haemophilus Influenzae
Course is similar to that of a very ill patient.
–Bronchopneumonia pattern in Lungs with Patchy Consolidation.
- Mycobacterium Avium-Complex (MAC) is More Common in AIDS than Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (MTB),
- -Fewer persons die.
Mycobacterium Avium Intracellulare (MAI) tends to be an indolent and widely disseminated disease with poor to non-existent granulomatous response.
Involves Organs of Mononuclear Phagocyte System:
- -*Lymph Nodes
- -*Spleen
- -*Liver
- -*Bone Marrow
- MTB in AIDS is similar to that in a very ill or Immunosuppressed patient;
- -*Extensive Pulmonary Disease
- -*and/or Disseminated Disease with *Granulomas.
MTB in AIDS is causing an increase of TB in the U.S. and multiple drug-resistant strains have appeared.
- Diagnosis by *Blood and *Sputum Culture
- -or Liver or Lymph Node Biopsy
*Drug Therapy is Effective for Both MAC and MTB
- *Diarrhea is Common in AIDS
- -Pathologic cause is not always identified (“AIDS enteropathy used for idiopathic diarrhea).
- -Can cause Debilitation
- -Rarely acute or life-threatening.
- *Cryptosporidium and **Microsporidium
- -Most common pathogens.
- Cryptosporidium: Diagnose from *Stool Sample
- Microsporidium: Diagnosis Requires *Biopsy and EM
Fungal Infections
- *Candida infection is Quite Common in AIDS
- -Usually *Superficial (Oral Thrush) rather than a life-threatening illness.
- Can Disseminate:
- -Bone Marrow Failure, similar to a Leukemia patient
**Aspergillosis may also appear, particularly with Bone Marrow Suppression.
**Cryptococcus Neoformans,
**Histoplasma Capsulatum, and
**Coccidioides Immitis
are often Disseminated infections with poorly formed or non-existent granulomas.
Fungal infections Symptoms:
–Fever, Weight Loss, Organomegaly
–With longer survival and more effective therapy for other diseases, deaths from Fungal infections are increasing in AIDS.
–Cryptococcus commonly affects Lungs and Brain.
–Histoplasma and Coccidioides are not as common and may be associated with certain geographic areas of distribution of these fungi.
***Toxo is One of the More Important Causes of CNS Pathology in AIDS.
The lesions are usually **Multiple Abscesses.
Most often diagnosed by CT or MRI
Occasionally Toxo causes **Myocarditis and
**Cardiac Failure
Herpes Infections
Herpes Simplex Virus infections (HSV-1 and HSV-2) are **Usually Mucocutaneous,
–affecting Oral cavity, Esophagus, or Perianal region.
*Rarely Disseminated
Occasionally presents in the Brain.
Infections are Cyclic and Recurrent.
They are usually not life-threatening.
Kaposi Sarcoma
- *Seen Very Infrequently Now
- -because of available treatment.
- -Most cases involve Skin
- -Visceral Organ Involvement is seen in 3/4 AIDS patients.
**Red to Red-Purple Patches, Plaques, or Nodules on Skin.
–Never kills patients, but Lung Involvement may be Lethal.
–Primarily seen in Homosexual White Males resembling a Sexually-transmitted pattern.
**Human Herpes Virus-8 (HHV-8) appears to be the cause of Kaposi’s Sarcoma
Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
Almost Exclusive B cell Type
**Aggressive, **Disseminated,
and **Extranodal with **Poor Response to Therapy
–Kills in months
*CNS Involvement is Common
Other Neoplasms
- *Anorectal and Cervical Epithelial Dysplasias (HPV) and Carcinomas
- -Are seen more frequently in AIDS patients.
Hodgkin’s Disease is also seen with increased frequency in AIDS patients.
AIDS Encephalopathy
- *HIV can Infect Glial Cells and Macrophages in the CNS,
- -Leading to *Inflammation and *Necrosis that *Affects Adjacent Neurons.
AIDS Encephalopathy or AIDS Dementia **Causes Progressive Dementia and **Loss of Motor Function
Course of AIDS
Slow destruction of immune system by HIV eventually leads to debilitating infections and/or Neoplasms, and the patient many succumb to any of those.
Course is in many ways similar to a Cancer patient on Chemotherapy.
Effective Therapy can be applied to reduce progression of disease.
Prophylactic Therapy
Frequency of Major Opportunistic Infections, such as **Pneumoncystis, can be ameliorated with **Prophylactic Therapy with **Trimethoprim-Sulfa
Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy
*Can increase Life Expectancy, but may have *Serious Side Effects.
–New treatment regimens have fewer short-term and long-term side effects and complications.
–*Currently, *Life Expectancy approaches *Normal for age-matched individuals.
- *Combinations of Anti-Retroviral Drugs are given
- -including Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (zidovudine),
- -Protease Inhibitors (ritonavir), and others.
**Anti-Retroviral Drug Resistance Can Develop
- Response to HAART may have 2 effects:
(1) Slowing or Reversing CD4+ cell loss with no further need for Prophylaxis for Opportunistic infections.
(2) Paradoxical Increase in Inflammatory Response to Chronic Infections, such as CMV - -(As the immune system is restored, inflammatory responses become more accentuated.)
Vaccine for HIV
- Vaccine would Contain the Epidemics
- -but would Not help the millions of currently infected ppl worldwide.
Vaccine Development is **Impeded by
(1)**HIV Epitope Variability (Genetic Mutation)
(2)*Adverse Immune Reactions
through HIV homology to Endogenous Human proteins.
(3)HIV Avoidance of immune response through Cell-to-Cell Transmission.