Tissue renewal and stem cells Flashcards
tissue maintenance
involves molecular turnover and cellular turnover (involves cell division and cell death)
where do new cells come from
stem cell division (often)
differentiated cell division (sometimes)
- liver hepatocytes
- pancreatic beta cells
when do we have rapid cellular turnover
typically cells exposed to harsh
environments or activities (e.g. skin cells, cells lining the
gut lumen, blood cells)
what cell types cannot be renewed
Often sensory cells with specialized architecture
* Photoreceptor cells in eyes for vision
* Auditory hair cells in the inner ear for hearing
* When these cells are lost, they cannot be replaced
* Loss of these cells can lead to vision and hearing defects with age, disease, or damage
when do we have no cellular turnover
typically cells with highly specialized
structure and function (e.g. auditory hair cells, photoreceptor cells)
how do we see that non renewable cells undergo molecular turnover
pulse-chase experiment
- A “pulse” of radiolabeled leucine is
supplied to photoreceptor cells - The labeled leucine is
incorporated into new proteins in
a new photoreceptive disc - More new proteins are made (with
non-labeled leucine) and new
discs move into the outer segment - The labeled proteins are pushed
up the outer segment - At the end of their life, the labeled
proteins are removed from the cell
BIO230 Lecture 2-6 10
cell turnover in healthy tissues
Cell turnover can be
stem cell dependent or
* Stem cells must be
highly regulated by
specific mechanisms
stem cells
- Can divide indefinitely
- Are not terminally differentiated
- Can self-renew: child cell can remain
a stem cell - Can differentiate: child cell can
become a differentiated cell
how are internal stem cell fate determinants partitioned between child cells
stem cells undergo either symmetric or asymmetric division
One child cell inherits all of the stem cell fate determinants and remains a stem cell. The other child
Both child cells inherit some
stem cell fate determinant and
both remain stem cells
how can stem cell fate be determined by external factors
stem cells undergo symmetric division
Differences in the environment of the child cells determines whether they remain as stem cells or differentiate
* Flexible: both child cells can take on the same fate if they experience the same environment
what does slow division protect stem cells from
- Random mutations from DNA replication
- Telomere depletion
how can stem cell niche be defined
- secreted signals
- direct cell-cell contact
if a stem cell leaves the niche it will differentiate
stem niches also promote self renewal
transmit amplifying cells
after stem cells divide, Transit-amplifying cells divide rapidly to increase cell numbers before final
progenitor cells
undergo stepwise differentiation, more differentiated cells have fewer cell fate options
unipotent stem cells
can produce only one cell type
terminally differentiated
fully differentiated and will usually not divide again
stem cell concepts in the epidermis
basal lamina provides a stem cell niche
stem cells divide via symmetric divisions in the basal layer
transit amplifying cells undergo many divisions and migrate into the prickle cell layer
cells differentiate further into lateral layers
dead cells flake off from surface
how do transplantation experiments identify hematopoietic stem cells
- x-irradiation halts blood production and mice will die without blood cell renewal
- Different cells were transplanted into mice to see whether they could recover
- Only 1/100,000 cells is a multipotent blood stem cell
- Transplant of 1 multipotent stem cell can restore all blood cell types, including stem cells
- This is the basis of bone marrow transplants to treat leukemia
a subpopulation of cells can be used in transplant experiments
how do embryonic cells have full developmental potential
cells of inner mass are pluripotent cells
they can be cultured indefinitely and then factors can be added to change them into diff cells
somatic cell nuclear transfer
cultured ES cells can be created without a fertilized embryo
donor cell placed next to enucleated egg, electric pulses causes donor cell to fuse with enucleated egg, cell division, embryo placed in foster mother, birth of child
how can induced pluripotent cells be made from adult cells
through OSKM (Yamanaka) transcription factors
Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, Myc
what type of cells are plant cells