tissue fluid Flashcards
what is tissue fluid
oxygen glucose amino acids ions water etc that surround tissues
how is tssue fluid formed
capilleries have gaps in the walls so that small substances can be forced out
as blood enters the capilleries from the artioles the smaller dimater results in a high hydrostatic pressure so water and ions etc are forced out- this process is called ULTRAFILTRATION
large molecules remain in the capilleries creating a lowered water potential
toawrds the venule end of the capillery the hydrostatic is lowered due to a loss of water and wp is veey low
water re enters capilleries by osmosis
containing dissolved toxins and uera to be transported out through the bloodstream
role of the lymphatic system
once equilibrium is reached, not all of the liquid is reabsorbed into the bloodstream by osmosis
rest of this tissue is absorbed iunto the lymphatic system and eventually drains back into the bloodstrem near the heart.