Tissue Flashcards
Quote 1: paper light
“Paper that lets the light shine through” holy imagery power
Quote 2: old paper thin
“Paper thinned by age it touching” effects of time
Quote 3: hand
“Where a hand has written in the names and histories” knowledge and human impact
Quote 4: who how what why where
“Who died where and how” answers questions
Quote 5: meaningful
“Transparent with attention” shows deep care and meaning
Quote 6: buildings are weak
“If buildings were paper, I might feel their drift” buildings are not as powerful as paper
Quote 7: maps
“Maps too” then a list highlights how foundations of society revolve around paper
Quote 8:money and kites
“Might fly our lives like paper kites” credit cards and money are very important in life
Quote 9: humans are powerless
“ raise a structure never meant to last” - inevitable downfall powerless
Quote 10: taking care of paper
“Paper smoothed and stroked” taking care of paper
Quote 11: turn into skin
“And thinned to be transparent turned into your skin” paper is intertwined with lives of humans
9 11
From collection called “ terrorist ar my table”
Themes of identity