Macbeth Quotes Flashcards
Quote 1: Macbeth being a bitch (spurs and vaulting falling)
“I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent, only vaulting ambition which O’ear leaps itself and falls on the other”
Quote 2: witches on crack like ( fair is foul)
“Fair is foul, foul is fair Hover through the fog and filthy air”
Quote 3:lady Macbeth talking about hell and that gawd damned spot also murke
When Lady Macbeth is sleep walking she says:
“Out damned spot”
“Hell is murky”
Quote 4: edgelord lady b summoning sex and getting filled up
“Come you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here And fill me from the crown to the toe top-full of direst cruelty”
Quote 5: (insoluble tie)
“And with a most insoluble tie forever knit”
Quote 6: lady b talkin bout their pretend kid gum gum nipples
“Pluck’d my nipple from his boneless gums And dash’d the brains out had I so sworn to you Have done this”
Quote 7: lady b talkin bout snakes flowers Adam and Eve shit
“Look like the innocent flower, But be the serpent under it”
Quote 8: order of class
“Sons,kinsmen, Thanes”
Quote 9: epic Macbeth being realllyyy cool second account (chop chop)
“Till he unseam’d him from the nave to the chops”
Quote 10: Mac edge lord talking about fires and stars (plus his black + deep)
Stars, hide your fires; Let not light see my black and deep desires”
Quote 11: Duncan talkin bout the traitor guy ironic cuz he can’t trust the new guy
“He was a gentleman whom I built an absolute trust”
Quote 12: ironic statement from king guy my worth
“My worthy Cawdor”
Quote 13:” u a man bro!? - lady b
“Are you a man”
Quote 14: prick my thumbs a dickhead comes
“By pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes”
Quote 15: sleep gets knit and ravelld care
“Sleep that knits the ravell’d sleeve of care”
Quote 16: sun + the state O’the world - Macbeth
“I’gin to be weary of the sun And wish the state O’the world were now undone”
Quote 17: witches prophecies
“Lesser than Macbeth, and greater”
“Not so happy ,yet much happier”
“Thou shalt get kings , though than be none”
Quote 18: letter bumble sucking
In a letter telling his wife of his fortune he states “My dearest partner of greatness”
Quote 19: nihilism speech
“Out,out brief candle! Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player That struts and frets his hour upon the stage And then is no more: it is a tale told by an idiot , full of sound and fury. Signifying nothing.”
Quote 20: Macbeth being a wimp cuz he girl died
“She should have died hereafter”
Quote 21: nihilism tomorrow
“Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow”
Quote 22: banquos royal seeds
“The seeds of Banquo king”
Quote 23: Macbeth being mad about his sons not succeeding
“No sons of mine succeeding”
Quote 24: me angy about fruit crown
“Placed a fruitless crown”
Quote 25: (spot yet)
“Yet there’s a spot”
Quote 26:
“To bed, to bed”
Quote 27: lady Macbeth dissing Macbeth in her sleep
Lady Macbeth also says “A soldier and afeard”-while she’s sleep walking referring to Macbeth
Quote 28: Macbeth being a bit unhinged about Duncan’s death and blood
“Who would thought the old man to, have so much blood in him”
Quote 29: porter reference lady Macbeth
Lady Macbeth references the Porter when she says “There’s knocking at the gate” whilst she sleep walks
Quote 30: what done nut
“What’s done cannot be undone”
Quote 31: talking about how neptunes water can’t wash the nlood
“All great neptunes oceans”
Quote 32: Macbeth wanting Duncan to die quickly shows his empathy / emotion
“If it were done when tis done then twere well. it were done quickly”
Quote 33: Duncan being really awesome and angels loving him
“His virtues will plead like angels”
Quote 34: white cum heart shame (lady b)
“My hands are as bloody as yours yet I shame to wear a heart so white”
Quote 35: why should I the fool side?
“Why should I play the fool and fall on my side”
Quote 36: minions
“Valours minion”
Quote 37: Malcolm tyrant
“Tyrant whose sole rule blisters our tongues”
Quote 38: Young siward tyrant
Quote:Malcolm devil Macbeth
Quote 40: lady b being a bully
“Was the hope drunk whenin you dressed yourself hath it slept since”
Quote 41:Lady b saying Macbeth was a man when he dared to commit murder
“When you durst do it then you were a man”
Quote 42: Macbeth goes mental at banquet so lady b reprimands him
“Are you a man”
“Speak not”
“Go at once”
Quotes 43:Lady b being a smooth operator
“Wash this filthy witness from your hand”
“I laid their daggers ready”
“The doors are open”
“Get on your night gown”
Quote 44: the witches battles
“When the battles lost and won”
Quote 45: witches arm + head
Armed head - Macbeth misinterprets this as he will behead his enemy
Quote 46: Banquo cap foil
“Our captains Macbeth and banquo”
Quote 47: banquo + Macbeth are described as this
Quote 48: take me sword banquo
“Take thy sword”
Quote 49: banquo has cursed thoughts
“Cursed thoughts”
Quote 50: banquo is having sussy dreams
“I dreamt last night”
Quote 51: Macbeth u cheater!
“I fear thou playdst most foully for’t”
Quote 52: Macbeth thinking about killing banquo
“Wisdom that doth guide his valour”
Quote 53: trust me bro Macbeth to banquo
“Cleave to my consent”
Quote 54: Macduff is revealed when?
After Duncan’s death
Quote 55: Macduff is sad
“Bleed bleed, poor country”
“O’ Scotland Scotland!”
Quote 56: Macduff to macb when he doesn’t wanna fight
Quote 57: witches deciding where to meet:
“In thunder, lightning or in rain”
Quote 58: predictions but dramatic irony
“Cawdor” “king hereafter”
Quote 59: Macbeth is evil and wants to yield
“Why do I yield to that suggestion whose horrid image doth unfix my hair”
Quote 60: witches have beards so are bad women
“You should be women but your beards forbid me from interpreting you so”
Quote 61: Macbeth smoked a bad blunt
“A dagger of the mind “
Quote 62: Macbeth confesses at banquet
“Thou canst not say I did it”
“Shake thy gory locks”
Quote 63:Macbeth becomes dependent on witches
“I am but to know, by the worst means the worst”
Quote 64: Macbeth thinking he’s in god mode
“None of women born shall harm Macbeth”
Quote 65: Malcolm saying he’s gonna Do bad stuff as king
“Pour the sweet milk of concord into hell”
“Confound all unity into hell”