Tirzah Unit 1: Ch. 1-4 Flashcards
To speak in a dull, continuous manner
Paper made from grass that grows in marshes
Having a skin disease marked by itching and hair loss
One who makes hand written copies or a writer
Sang in a soothing or sentimental way
Grieving at the loss of something
Made without yeast (usually bread)
Able to move quickly or lightly
To hang around, stay longer than expected
hemmed in
To be trapped in one place
What were Tirzah and Oren doing when they first saw the runaway slave?
They were cutting grass.
From where had the slave named Manetto run away?
He ran away from the pharaoh’s mines.
Why were the plagues, like the Nile turning to blood, gnats, boils, and darkness, happening in Egypt?
They were God’s judgment since Pharaoh would not let His people go.
What did the Hebrews hear as they marched out of Egypt?
They heard the Egyptian’s crying.
What was leading the Hebrews through the desert in the day as they marched?
God, in the form of a cloud, led the Hebrews.
Why was Tirzah’s father beaten by the Egyptians?
They didn’t make their quota of bricks.