The Child's Story Bible Unit 1 Ch. 1-9 Flashcards
people who come from certain ancestors
convinced or talked into
not pleasant at all; just terrible
heavenly beings, or angels
not following rules or instructions
gave orders with some sort of authority
feeling shame, disgrace or guilt
tread on heavily or walked on
the condition of being famous or well-known
to be real or alive
Who is the leader of the wicked angels that rebelled against God?
Satan is the leader of the wicked angels.
From what did God create the earth?
God created the earth from nothing.
How many days did God create the world? How many days did He rest?
God created the world for six days. He rested one day.
What did God use to form man?
God formed men out of the same things as dust.
What event happened that caused Adam and Eve to be afraid of God?
Adam and Eve were afraid because they disobeyed God by eating from the tree he told them not to.
Why was Cain’s offering not acceptable to God?
God did not accept Cain’s gift because there was no thanks in his heart.
What was different about how Enoch went to heaven?
Enoch did not die.