Timing Prinicples Flashcards
How are checks treated?
Checks are equivalent to cash, absent any “substantial restrictions”
The restrictions have to be outside of the taxpayer’s control
- not bank being closed,
- Prof mentioned maybe if employer requires direct deposit and your bank has a waiting period
Is a promissory note income?
No, it is merely evidence of indebtedness
Two types of receipt: actual and constructive. What is required for constructive receipt?
Hornung held:
Must have “unfettered control” to have constructive receipt
This is a big arguable issue, argue both sides
prof disagrees with the court, thinks Hornung had it due to his resources as a celebrity
Prof also disagreed with problem describing lawyer, who was sick and had no assistance, being in constructive receipt of payment that client left at their apartment lobby
Taxpayer puts check for charitable donation in the mail on DEC 31 of year 1. Deductible in year 1?
Charitable deduction allowed upon putting a check in the mail, so long as the check has no restriction on it
Constructive receipt exists, what about constructive payment?
No (Vader Poel): There is no deduction for constructive payment of salary
How do you deduct prepaid expenses?
Prepaid expenses must be capitalized and deducted ratably over the period of coverage, UNLESS
the right or benefit does not extend beyond the earlier of
- 12 months after the first date on which the taxpayer realizes the right or benefit; or
- The end of the taxable year following the taxable year in which the payment is made.
How mortgage interest is deducted:
Deductible: taxpayer uses funds that are not from the mortgage loan to pay the interest (Rev. Rule 87-22)
Capitalize and deduct pro rata: interest is taken out of the loan funds by the bank