Times Flashcards
Dawn .
Sunrise or New day .
Morning .
12:00 AM TO 11:00AM .
Noon - Midday .
12:00 PM .
Afternoon .
12:00 PM TO 6:00 PM
Evening .
6:00 PM TO 12:00 PM
Sunset .
Dusk .
Midnight .
12:00 PM .
Point .
A location .
Angle .
A location where two lines intersect .
Right angle .
90 degree angle .
Obtuse angle .
An angle grater than 90 degrees .
Acute angle .
An angle less than 90 degrees .
Circumference .
The side of the circle .
Radius .
Measurement of a circle from the center to the circumference .
Diameter .
Measurement of a circle from one circumference to the other through the center of a circle .
Parallel lines .
Two lines on the same plane that never intersect .
Perpendicular lines .
Two lines on the same plane that intersect at a 90 degree .