Chapter 1 Geography/Numbers/Math Flashcards
A government territory . EX: West Virginia - California
An area of land .
Be able to identify direction on the compass rose .
Be able to identify direction on the compass rose .
Be able to identify direction on the compass rose .
Be able to identify direction on the compass rose .
Central government location of a state or country .
Addition or Plus .
Subtraction or Minus .
x or *
Multiplication or Multiply/by .
Division or Divided by .
Percentage or Percentage of .
Equals or Is .
Doesn’t equal / Isn’t .
Positive .
Negative .
Numbers 1-1,00,000
Know the spelling .
Area code .
The fist three numbers at the beginning of a US phone number to show where the phone number is located .
Quarter past .
Fifteen minutes after ( as used in time ) .
Half past .
Thirty minutes after ( as used in time ) .
Quarter ‘til .
Fifteen minutes before ( as used in time ) .