Time of death Flashcards
Algor mortis (body cooling)
The assessment is made on the basis of measurement of the body core temperatures
Temp is measured per rectum
Oral and axillary temps should not be used
Body cooling
Most useful single indicator of the TOD in first 24 hrs
Use of this method is only possible in cool and temperate climate (Not tropical)
Heat production ceases after death, the body cools
Normal oral temp between 35.9-37.2 degree
Cooling result from convection and
radiation (evaporation if body wet)
Factors affecting body cooling
Diurnal variation (of 1 degree)
Exercise (Rise up to 3 degree)
Brain (pontine)
Haemorrhage (rise in temp)
Size of the body
Greater surface area relative to its mass: rapid cooling
Heavier body, obese: slow heat loss
Swollen body (eg Heart failure): slow heat loss (dehydration opposite
Other factors affecting body cooling
Air movement and humidity
Immersion in water
Rule of thumb
Fall of temp approx 1
degree per hour
Nomogram method
Best researched and documented method
Requires measurement of deep rectal temp.
Assumes temp at death of 37.2 degree C
Over and underestimation is not uncommon
Nomogram method correction factors
Body weight
Ambient temp
Dry/wet clothing
Still/moving air
Still/flowing water
Nomogram method requirements
No strong radiation
No strong hyper/hypothermia
No uncertain changes in the cooling conditions
No high thermal conduction of the surface beneath the body
Vitreous humour chemistry
VH stable, no contamination or rapid chemical changes easily detected
Independent of environmental influences
Linear rise in potessium conc
Viterous humour continued
Sampling method is also critical: In forcible aspiration from near the retina, cellular fragments may distort the value
Errors much greater in persons dying of chronic illnesses.
95% confidence limit +/- 6hrs to =+/- 12hrs
Other methods for TSD estimation
Stomach contents emptying:
Light meal- 2hrs
Heavy meal- 4-6hrs
Many things can influence the process:
Type and amount of food
Metabolic rate
Presence of drugs
Emotional state
Exercise before death