Odontology Flashcards
Forensic odontology involves the examination, evaluation and presentation of dental evidence in a legal investigation.
Forensic odontologist will often be called as an expert witness.
Main principle is comparison and exclusion leading to 4 outcomes;
–Positive identification
–Possible identification
–In-sufficent identification
Types of cases
Disaster assistance
Fire cases
Missing persons
Bite mark analysis (inc animals)
Age estimation
Why we need to know about teeth
If you can identify what a tooth is and its tooth position it can help identification.
Eruption of permanent teeth = helps aging
Presence or absence or deciduous teeth (non adult) = helps aging.
Aging and individual = helps identification
Why we need to know about teeth
If you can identify what a tooth is and its tooth position it can help identification.
Eruption of permanent teeth = helps aging
Presence or absence or deciduous teeth (non adult) = helps aging.
Aging and individual = helps identification
Humans are..
Side towards lips
Side toward cheeks
Towards midline
Towards back of mouth, away from midline
Above gum covered in enamel
Constricted portion just below crown
Part of tooth enclosed in socket
Part of tooth enclosed in socket
Incisors (2)
Canines (1)
Premolars (2)
Molars (3)
How many teeth adults have
Dental wear and aging
Analysing dental wear is a common method used to age adult skeletal remains.
Strong correlation between chronological age and the severity of dental attrition.
Diet has impact – coarse food more attrition.
Dental translucency
Root dentin translucency starts always near the apex and spreads towards the cemento-enamel junction.
Gustafson’s morphohistologic approach - 6 parameters
Translucency usually measured with the help of calipers – now digital options
Digital calipers used.
Translucency can be assessed macroscopically on intact teeth, but tooth sections provided better results and can be scanned easily