Time-Boxing Flashcards
Time in Scrum
Most important constraint in managing projects.
Certain amount of time is allocated for each process & activity in a Scrum project.
Time-Boxing ensures what?
- Scrum team members don’t self-assign too much or too little work for a period of time
- They don’t expend time & energy on work for which they have little clarity
Advantages of Time-Boxing
- Efficient development
- Less overheads
- High velocity for teams
Duration of Daily Standup meetings
15 minutes
Daily standup meeting 3 questions to ask
- What have I done since the last meeting?
- What do I plan to do before the next meeting?
- What obstacles am I currently facing?
Time-boxing is useful for what?
For avoiding excessive improvement or gold-plating of an item.
Arbitrary Time-boxing
Can lead to de-motivation of a team
How long does a Time-boxed Sprint last?
1 to 4 weeks
What does a Scrum master do in a Sprint?
Guides, facilitates & shields Scrum team from both internal & external obstacles.
How to get maximum benefits from a Scrum project?
- Keep Sprint time-boxed to 4 weeks
- unless projects has simple requirements
- where sprint can extend to 6 weeks
Sprint planning meeting
- Conducted prior to Sprint as part of plan & Estimate phase
- 8 hours for 1 month sprint
- Divided into 2 parts
2 parts of a Sprint planning meeting
- Objective Definition
- Task Estimation
Objective Definition
During first half of meeting, Product owner explains highest priority user stories for Scrum Team.
Task Estimation
During 2nd half of meeting, Scrum team decides “How” to complete selected prioritized product backlog items.