when was the geologic time scale developed?
when was radioactivity discovered and its definition
- 20th century
- measurment of geologic time
description and principle
- relative age dating for sedimentary rock
- 18th century basic principles from observing layers of sedimentary rock
1. correlation
2. order of strata
3. cross cutting
correlation by lithology
- comparing sucessions of layers in different places
description and example, a date
correlation by fossils
- correlating strata based on fossils
- its characteristics are adundancy, a wide distribution, marine and rapid evolution
*abundant in paleozoic
description and example
cross cutting relationships
- events that modify rocks after deposition
- show relative age of features
- examples are uncomformities, faults, igneous intrusions
dykes and inrusions are..
are younger than the host rocks
precambrian division of eons
protozeroic, archean, hadean
how is the phanerzoic eon divided
- fossil investigations
- superposition
- cross cutting
order of strata
- sedimentary rocks thatrecord environmental change
the sucession of sedimentary layers is illustrated in..
stratigraphic columns
absolute time method
isotopic dating
isotopic dating -neurons
- neurons play a role in binding the nuckeus together
- the number of neutrons can vary- it defines
radioactive decay
*unstable isotopes decay to create stable isotopes
* so nucleus breaks apart and undergoes decay, and creates a new element randomly
* the rate is predictable
* used for measurement of geologic time
radioactive decy-
half life
the time for half the atoms of an isotope to decay
* after 2 half lives, a quarter of atoms are left