Tick Borne Illness Flashcards
Common Name(s): ‘Spotted Fever,’ ‘black measles’
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF)
Where is RMSF prevalent
- Endemic in Central & South America
- Occur throughout the United States, but are most commonly reported from North Carolina, Tennessee, Missouri, Arkansas, and Oklahoma.
Predisposing factors for RMSF
- Hiking, camping
- High tick population
- Spring, summer & fall months
- Not performing tick checks, lack of PPE/covering.
How is RMSF transmitted
- American dog tick - East of Rockies & Pacific Coast
- Rocky Mountain wood tick - Rocky Mountain region
- Brown dog tick -Worldwide
Incubation for RMSF
Typically 2–14 days
Can you become unalive from RMSF
Typically, no. Untreated, YES!!
When is peak transmission for RMSF
occurs in May – August, although reported year-round.
- Days 1-4
- Fever, HA, GI symptoms, myalgias, edema around eyes & back of hands, and rash.
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever- Early Illness
- Day 5 or later
- Vasculitis and bleeding or clotting in the brain or other vital organs
- Neurological deficits
- Damage to internal organs (respiratory compromise, renal failure)
- Vascular damage requiring amputation
RMSF – Late illness
Patients without vascular damage in the initial stages of disease experience what kind of recovery?
Full recovery
Can R. rickettsii cause persistent or chronic
What percentage of patients with RMSF have some type of rash during the course of their illness?
- 90% however, <50% will have it in within 3 days of illness when most seek care
Describe the early rash of RMSF
- Appears 2-4 days after the onset of fever as small, flat, pink, macules on the:
- Wrists
- Forearms
- Ankles
- Spreads tot he trunk and to palms and soles of feet
- Recent tick bite
- Exposure to areas where ticks are common
- Domestic & International travel history where ticks are common
- Non-specific febrile illness & sepsis of unknown origin, particularly during spring/summer
months when ticks are most active.
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
Treatment of RMSF
Doxycycline = treatment of choice for all tickborne rickettsial diseases.100mg PO BID for 5 – 7 days; or for 3 days AFTER fever subsides.
Labs for RMSF
CBC & Chem
Molecular – PCR
Serology – Immunofluorescence Antibody Assay (IFA)
Prevention of RMSF
- Know where to expect ticks
- What: Medical Intel resources (DoD or public)
- Where: Wooded and brushy areas with high grass and leaf litter
- When: Spring/summer/fall
Gear Prep for RMSF
- Treat gear & clothing with products containing 0.5% permethrin.
- UseEPA registered insect repellents (DEET or picaridin both commonly available).
- Wear long pants, long sleeves, and long socks (light-colored clothing also helps to identify ticks)
How often should tick checks be done for RMSF
- Perform tick checks at 12-hour intervals when training or operating in RMSF endemic areas.
- Never let your personnel go > 24hrs without a check.
Disposition for RMSF
- MedEvac patient to higher echelon of care.
- IDC should initiate treatment with doxycycline while patient is still on board.
- When caught & treated early (symptomatic patients), RMSF may never progress in severity, however, patient still requires MedEvac for monitoring and laboratory studies.