Tibia/Fibula/Ankle Fractures Flashcards
Why are open fractures more common in the lower leg
Superficial position of the tibia
What are the mechanisms of injury to the tibia/fibula
Low energy fractures - invariable twisting, inversion or eversion injuries, and often occur following a fall from standing height.
High-energy fractures are caused typically by a direct blow to the tibia and fibula resulting in fracture comminution and soiling of the wound.
What should you assess a patient with ankle fracture for?
Swelling, bruising, deformity, skin piercing
Neurovascular status of limb
Compartment syndrome
What would you order for a lower leg fracture?
Plain radiograph
CT for tibial plateau and Pilon fractures
What are Pilon/Plafond fractures?
Intra-articular fractures of the ankle joint
Only extra-articular fractures of the ankle are ankle fractures
How are ankle fractures classified?
Weber classification
Type A - fibular fracture below the syndesmosis
Type B - fibula fracture start at the level of the tibial plafond (end of the tibia) and extend to the level of the syndesmosis
Type C - fibula fracture above the level of the syndesmosis
Syndesmosis is the fibrous joint between the tibia and fibula at the ankle
How are lower leg fractures managed?
Fracture reduction - typically under sedation
Limb should be placed in a back-slab
- above knee for tibial plateau and diaphysial fractures and below knee for Pilon and ankle fractures
before repeating NV exam and obtaining repeat plain film radiograph.
Repeat reduction until successful
Manage any signs of compartment syndrome
What is definitive management for lower leg fractures?
Tibial plateau - require surgical fixation
Tibial diaphysis and Pilon fractures (unless undisplayed) require surgical fixation
Ankle fractures require surgical fixation
How should na open fracture be managed?
Wound cleaned and gross contamination removed
Photograph the wound
Cover with saline soaked gauze
IV abs
Debridement and fixation + plastic involvement
What are complications of tibia/fibular fractures?
Compartment syndrome
NV compromise
Malunion - the degree of angulation is important as it can lead to early onset OA
Non-union - high energy fractures with bone loss may need bone grafting
Joint stiffness
What are the Ottawa ankle rules?
X-rays are only necessary if there is pain in the malleolar zone and:
- Inability to weight bear for 4 steps
- Tenderness over the distal tibia, medial malleolar zone
- Bone tenderness over the distal fibula, lateral malleolar zone
What is a Pott’s fracture?
A bimalleolar (medial and lateral) or trimalleolar (medial, lateral and posterior) fracture.
Produced by forced eversion of the foot:
Forced eversion pulls on the medial ligaments producing an avulsion fracture of the medial malleolus
Talus moves laterally, breaking off the lateral malleolus
TIbia is forced anteriorly, shearing off the distal and posterior part against the talus
What might a fibular neck fracture cause?
Damage to the common fibular nerve which wraps around it
Loss of ability to dorsiflex foot - foot drop
Weakness of foot eversion
Weakness of extensor hallows longus
Loss of sensation over dorsal and lateral side of the leg - innervation is preserved on medial side (saphenous nerve from femoral) and heel and sole (tibial nerve from sciatic)
Wasting of anterior tibial and peroneal (fibular) muscles