Thyroid nodules and thyroid cancer Flashcards
What is the function of normal proto-oncogenes RET and BRAF ?
To promote cell growth and proliferation.
What is the normal function of the tumour supressor gene p53 ?
They slow down cell division and induce apoptosis, if the cells divide uncontrollably.
What are thyroid adenomas ?
These are benign cold non-functional thyroid nodules. On histology they are follicular cells with no capsules or vascular invasions.
What is differentiated thyroid cancer ?
These are cancers that arise from follicular cells.
What are the two types of differentiated thyroid cancer ?
Papillary carcinoma and Follicular carcinoma.
What is the most common thyroid cancer ?
Papillary carcinoma that develops due to mutations in BRAF gene and RET/PTC rearrangement. Childhood exposure to ionising radiation is a risk factor. However, it has excellent prognosis.
What are the histological hallmark of papillary thyroid carcinoma ?
1) Orphan Annie eye appearance due to fewer proteins and low amount of DNA in the nucleus.
2) Psammoma bodies which are calcium deposits in papillae.
What is the cause of follicular thyroid carcinoma ?
follicular carcinoma is caused by activation of RAS oncogene and PAX-8 and PPAR-gamma translocation which promotes follicular cell proliferation. It has a good prognosis. however, it can break through fibrous capsule and spread to the other parts of the body.
What are medullary thyroid carcinomas ?
These cancers arise from the parafollicular cells or C cells due to a single mutation in RET oncogene and is usually a single carcinoma in one lobe of the thyroid. It is often associated with MEN type 2a and 2b.
What is the histology of medullary thyroid carcinoma ?
These are spindle shaped cells with amyloid deposit which can be visualised using congo red stain.
What are anaplastic thyroid carcinoma ?
Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma is caused by TP-53 tumour suppressor gene. It is a rare cancer seen typically in older individuals and has a poor prognosis. They can arise from papillary or follicular cancers and grow beyond the fibrous capsule.
What are the signs and symptoms of thyroid cancer ?
- The first sign is a solitary painless nodule.
- Hard and immovable nodules are more likely to be tumours.
- If the tumour is too big it can cause hoarseness and dysphagia.
What differentiate hot thyroid nodule from thyroid cancer ?
Thyroid cancers are non-functional nodules that do not secrete any hormones.
Calcitonin levels are usually elevated in ______ thyroid carcinoma ?
Medullary thyroid carcinoma that arise from the C-Cells.
What is the cause of post thyroidectomy hoarseness ?
Damage to the right recurrent laryngeal nerve that innervate most of the laryngeal muscles.