Adrenal diseases Flashcards
what are the drugs that can precipitate adrenal insufficiency ?
- Glucocorticoids ( Mainly oral administration)
- High dose of Fluticasone propionate inhalation.
What is the most common cause of adrenal insufficiency ?
- Autoimmune adrenalitis or Addison’s disease.
- Autoimmune polyglandular syndrome.
What is the most common cause of secondary adrenal insufficiency ?
Exogenous glucocorticoid use.
What is the acid base balance difference between primary vs secondary adrenal insufficiency?
In Addisons disease a mild metabolic acidosis is present. Whereas in secondary adrenal insufficiency the acid base balance is normal.
What are the symptoms of primary adrenal insufficiency ?
- weight loss and fatigue
- Salt craving
- loss of appetite and GIT symptoms.
- Myalgia and joint symptoms
- Orthostatic instability
What are the metabolic findings in Addison’s disease ?
- Hyponatremia
- Hypovolemia
- Hypoglycemia
- Hyperkalemia
- Hypercalcemia
- variable TFT findings.
What is the most commonly used test for diagnosing Addison’s disease ?
250 mcg short of synthetic ACTH.
What is the procedure for 250 mcg synthetic ACTH test ?
- A pre-sample is drone to measure the cortisol level.
- Then 250 mcg ACTH is given
- 30 min post intervention another sample is drawn to measure the cortisol level.
What is the morning cortisol level indicating adrenal insufficeny ?
A morning cortisol level of < 100 ng.
What is the indication for insulin tolerance test ?
It is typically used in secondary adrenal insufficiency as it can screen pituitary dysfunction because insulin can suppress GH level too.
In primary adrenal insufficiency what are the hormones deficient ?
Cortisol and aldosteron
What is the cause of acute adrenal insufficiency?
Adrenal haemorrhage
What is the cause of chronic adrenal insufficiency?
Addison’s disease
What is the most common cause of Addison’s disease in developed world vs under developed world ?
- In the developed world autoimmune adrenalitis.
- In the under developed world it is tuberculosis, HIV, and disseminated fungal infection.
- Bilateral adrenal metastasis can cause addison’s disease in both communities.
What is secondary adrenal insufficiency?
It is due to pituitary corticotrophs dysfunction leading to reduced ACTH production. As ACTH only regulates the production of cortisol by the Zona fasiculata. The zona glomerulosa produced aldosterone is normal in secondary adrenal insufficiency.
What is the most common cause of secondary adrenal insufficiency?
Pan hypopituitarism.
What is tertiary adrenal insufficiency?
It is caused by hypothalamic dysfunction that causes CRH secretion impairment leading to reduced ACTH and cortisol production. Similar to secondary adrenal insufficiency, the aldosterone levels are unaffected.
What are the causes of tertiary adrenal insufficiency?
- Sudden withdrawal of chronic glucocorticoid therapy and resolution of Cushing’s syndrome.
- Head trauma and CNS lesions affecting hypothalamus.