Thyroid Hormone Physiology and Pharmacology - Trachte Flashcards
What are the components of the Thyroid Hormone Axis?
- Hypothalamus (TRH: thyrotropin releasing hormone)
- Anterior Pituitary (TSH: thyroid stimulating hormone)
- Thyroid gland
- T3/T4 hormone (T3: triiodothyronine/T4: thyroxine)
What are the main negative regulators of Thyroid hormones?
Block portal system => stop release of TSH
T3/T4 => negative feed back to stop release of TSH and TRH
What are some of the other negative regulators of Thyroid hormones?
Somatostatin, dopamine, and high glucocorticoids (adrenal cortex) all DECREASE TSH release
What is the function of TRH?
Tetrapeptide that stimulates release of TSH from thyrotrophs of the anterior pituitary
Why is Thyroid Hormone Axis important?
Has an important role in the regulation of energy homeostasis, feeding behavior, thermogenesis, and autonomic regulation.
TRH controls energy homeostasis mainly through stimulation of TSH and ultimately regulation of circulating thyroid hormone levels.
How does TRH stimulate the target cell?
Couples to PLC => phospholipase C-IP3
Cascade results in Ca++ release and rapid intracellular responses including release of secretory vesicles containing TSH.
TSH is similar to what other gonatotropin hormones?
LH= luteinizing hormone hCG= human chorionic gonadotropin FSH = follicle stimulating hormone
How does TSH stimulate the receptor signal transduction?
Receptors reside on plasmamembrane of thyroid follicular cells.
G(s)-coupled receptor => increase cAMP
TSH:TSH receptor binding stimulates many aspects of thyroid hormone synthesis and release.
What are the 7 steps of Thyroid Hormone synthesis?
- Iodide Uptake (via Na+ coupled symporter)
- Iodide Oxidation to Iodine (organification)
- Iodination of tyrosine-thryoglobulin
- Conjugation of MIT/DIT thyroglobulin
- Endocytosis of T3/T4-thyroglobulin
- Proteolysis to mature hormone
- Secretion of T3/T4 via exocytosis (?)
How do T3 and T4 compare?
T3 is more active than T4.
T4 is converted to T3 intracellularly.
T3 has a shorter circulating t1/2 T3~ 1 d; T4~ 6d
Both T3 and T4 bind thyroid hormone receptors but it is thought most T4 is converted into T3.
What are the transporters for thyroid hormone?
Thyroxine binding globulin (= TBG =thyroid binding globulin)
- binds 75% of T4 and 75% of T3
What three things does TSH stimulate the synthesis of in order to produce thyroid hormones?
Thyroid peroxidase synthesis
Thyroglobulin transcription
Na+/I- transport activity (increases I- availability to the follicular cell)
What are the main functions of thyroid hormone?
Promotes oxygen consumption, heat production and free radical formation
Regulation of BMR
Increased heat production
Increased glucose utilization, uptake and synthesis
Permissive sympathetic effects, ↑ heart rate, ↑ contractility (increases beta receptors)
Why do many states mandate newborn testing of thyroid function?
brain doesn’t develop/grow properly if low thyroid function
What happens if there is a congenital lack of thyroid hormone in infants?
(Cretinism) or maternal hypothyroidism:
- profound mental retardation
- short stature
- delay in motor development
- coarse hair
- protuberant abdomens