How would you start any examination?
WIPER QQ Wash hands Introduce yourself Ask permission Expose the patient Reposition the patient
Ask if they are in any pain or discomfort
How exposed should the patient be for the thyroid examination?
You need their neck to be exposed.
How should the patient be positioned for thyroid examination?
They should be sitting up on a chair
What might you look for during general inspection of the patient in a thyroid examination?
Hyperthyroidism: Agitated Anxious Fidgety Not enough clothes for weather Proptosis - anterior displacement of the eyeball
Too many clothes for weather
Thin hair
Scars on neck from previous surgery
What are you looking for in the hands during a thyroid examination?
Dryness - Hypo Sweaty - Hyper Palmar erythema Tremor Thyroid acropachy - a bit like clubbing Temperature
Is palmar erythema an indication of hypo or hyperthyroidism?
How should assess tremor during a thyroid examination?
Ask them to place their hands out in front of them, then put a piece of paper over both hands and look for trembling.
Would peripheral tremor be a sign of hypo or hyperthyroidism?
What is thyroid acropathy a sign of?
Graves’ disease
Having inspected the hands, what would you then do as part of the thyroid examination? What would you look for?
Assess the radial pulse
Tachycardia - hyper
Bradycardia - hypo
Atrial fibrillation
What is the arrhythmia most commonly associated with hyperthyroidism?
Atrial fibrillation
Having taken the patient’s radial pulse during a thyroid exam, what would you do next? What might you find?
Inspect the face
Dry skin - hypo
Sweating - hyper
Loss of outer third of eyebrow - hypo
What might the loss of the outer third of the patient’s eyebrows be a clinical sign?
What might you look for in the eyes of someone whose thyroid you were examining?
Exophthalmos - lid lag
Inflammation of the conjunctiva
Double vision with eye movement
What is exophthalmos, sometimes seen during a thyroid examination? What is it associated with?
Anterior displacement of the eye out of the orbit - must inspect from front, side and above
Associated with Graves’