Thyroid disease Flashcards
Another name for Hyperthyroidism (HT)
Another name for Hypothyroidism (HoT)
What causes the formation of a goiter/ what is a goiter
goiter’s are inflammed thryoid glands
Prolonged elevation of TSH cause them
What is a thyroid nodule?
an overgrowth of cells that can be benign or cancerous - overgrowth of cells can be called neoplasm
what is neoplasm
an overgrowth of cells that can be benign or cancerous
Describe the thyroid anatomy
hyoid bone
pyramidal lobe
right lobe and left lobe
what is thyroidal peroxidase
catalyzes iodine oxidizes so it can then interact with thyroglobulin and form T4 and T3
what are the two major cells in the thyroid and thier fucntions?
Follicular cells
- trap dietary iodine and transport it to colloid along with enzyme thyroidal peroxidase
-produce and secret thyroid hormone T3 and T4
Parafollicular cells
- secrete calcitonin
what are the full names of T3 and T4
T3 - Triiodothyronine
T4 - Thyroxine
Explain Thyroid hormone synthesis
The TSHR receptor on the outside of colloids is stimulated via TSH (whihc is produced from the pituitary gland)
Upon stimulation, it stimulates thyroglobulin, thyroid peroxide and iodine channels
idoien cahnnels allow idoine to enter collloid
iodine and thyroglobulin work together to form T3 and T4
Which thyroid hormone is more widely found?
T4 - 90%
T3 - 10%
Before stimulation by TSH, how are the thyroid hormones found?
T3 and T4 are attached to thyroglobulin
When the thyroid hormones are released what happens?
they bind to protein, are lipid-soluble, and diffuse from the follicle to the circulation
Discuss how thyroid hormone produce an effect when they are lipid soluble
since they are lipid soluble they travel bound to a protein
Only a small percanetge dissolve in plasm as free hormone and are ble to cross directly to their traget cell
T3 bind to its receptor and exerts its action, mediated thorugh alternation in gene transcript
T4 is acted on by cellualr enzymes that cleave one iodine unit converting it to active T3 form
What releases TSH
TRH - thyroid releasing hormone
What kind of disease is HT
autoimmune disease