Thyroid cancer Flashcards
What are the types of thyroid cancer?
What is the most common type of thyroid cancer?
Papillary- 75-80% cases
Who is papillary thyroid cancer seen in?
Women 20-55yo
What is the prognosis in papillary thyroid cancer?
Good prognosis
Slow growing and localised
Can metastasise, lymphatic spread most common
Who is follicular thyroid cancer dean in?
Women >55yo
What is the prognosis with follicular thyroid cancer?
Good prognosis, more likely to met
Thyroglobulin can be used as tumour marker
What type of thyroid cancer impart of MEN II?
What is the most aggressive type of thyroid cancer?
Anaplastic- also most rare
Doesn’t respond well to treatment and metastasises
What are the risk factors for thyroid cancer?
Radiation exposure
MEN 2- esp for medullary
What are the clinical features of thyroid cancer?
Thyroid nodule Lymphadenopathy Pain, pressure Hoarse Usually euthyroid
How common are thyroid nodules?
Very common, esp in older people
More likely to be malignant in younger people
What investigations are done for thyroid cancer?
Bloods- TSH, free T3 and T4, calcitonin, thyroglobulin
What is the mainstay of management of thyroid cancer?
Thyroidectomy and long term thyroxine
What is the management of a low risk thyroid cancer in a young person?
Thyroid preserving surgery
What management can be used in papillary/follicular cancer?
Radioactive iodine