Thyroid Flashcards
Steps of TH production in thyroid gland
thyroid is made of many folicles lined by follicular epithelial cells with adjacent capillary blood supply.
Follicular cells:
1. Export tyrosine into follicular lumen where it is converted to thyroglobulin by thyroid peroxidase
2. Absorb I- from the blood via active uptake (NA/I cotrasnporter)
–> export I- into follicular lumen where it is converted to iodide and can bind Tg
–> MIT or DIT
3. MIT/DIT combine to form complex with TPO
4. endocytosis brings hormones back into follicular cell and within phagolysosome they are further hydrolysed to release Tg and become T3/4 and any MIT/DIT recycled by the cell.
In circulation
-> majority bound to thyroid binding protein or albumin (makes up TT4)
-> at tissues can be unbound and diffuses into cells
-> cells convert T4 to more active T3
-> some diffuse out passively
-> exocytosis occurs from external stimulus
How does TH exert its effects in cells
Tissues express different deiodinases that convert T4 to T3 or rT3 (which has opposite effects). The local expression differences of these different enzymes can play a major role in homeostasis.
T3 diffuses into the nucleus of ells
-> binds thyroid hormone or retinoid X receptors
-> alters gene transcription, specifically enhancing metabolism
Systemic effects of thyroid hormone
Enhance metabolic rate by: increasing gluconeogenesis; increasing glycogenolysis; increasing lipolysis and increasing oxygen demand
Ionotropic and chronotropic (alters expression of B adrenergic receptors on cardiac myocytes and their affinity for catecholamines) –> increased HR, RR, CO
Involved in CNS development
Promotes protein synthesis -> major role in growth
–> Erythropoiesis, bone turnover
Regulation of thyroid hormone secretion - external and internal
TRH from hypothalamus –> TSH from pituitary –> release of T3/4
(which then exert negative feedback on TRH and TSH)
- Excessive iodide –> inhibition of thyroglobulin synthesis and Iodide uptake by follicular cells
- Iodide deficiency –> increased T3 production
- variable sensitivity to TSH
Reported causes of hypothyroidism
Primary - Lymphocytic thyroiditis/idiopathic atrophy
Neoplastic (carcinoma)
Iodine deficiency
Iatrogenic - I131, surgery, medications/sulfonamides.
Thyroid gland dysgenesis
Pituitary malformation/destruction
Iatrogenic - hypophysectomy, radiation.
How does non-thyroidal illness impact thyroid hormone physiology
↓ peripheral conversion of T4 to T3
↓ binding affinity of TH binding protein
Altered thyroid hormone metabolism
Changes in thyroid hormone receptor expression/function
Altered hypothalamic-pituitary function → decreased TSH secretion.
Tests for HypoTH in dogs
NTI alters endocrine testing by reducing conversion of T4-T3, reducing TH binding affinity, altering hormone metabolism, changing receptor expression/function
Low TT4, fT4, high TSH occurs in ~1.8% of NTI, so a diagnosis of hypoTH with concurrent illness is more likely → treatment trial, stimulation testing or scintigraphy would be next steps.
Nuclear Imaging - technetium-99 should have 1:1 uptake compared to salivary gland.
→ thyroiditis may increase uptake,
→ GC or high iodine diet may reduce.
TT4 - measures protein and free hormone. Through use of TH Ab that are radiolabelled or enzyme bound. Used to r/o hypoTH but not solely for Dx.
→ Anti-Tg Ab may cause false increased result by binding some of the
→ IDEXX SNAP TT4 considered unreliable as under/over measures in dogs.
fT4 - measured by equilibrium dialysis (removes protein bound and other potential interfering substances), less affected by NTI, not influenced by presence of Ab. Normal value r/o hypoTH.
T3 - not useful, more affected by NTI
(may be useful in greyhounds as less often decreased)
TSH - increased in primary hypoTH, decreased in secondary hypoTH (but below limit of test detection)
→ 20-40% have TSH in normal range, may be due to reduced production with chronicity (TRH desensitisation)
→ can be suppressed by drugs/illness
→ low T4/fT4 and high TSH has >90% specificity for hypoTH.
Tg Ab- present before onset of hypoTH, eventually decrease with complete atrophy. Occur in ~50% of hypoTH cases
→ can help explain elevated TT4 results that are unexpected
→ not all dogs with Ab develop hypoTH
TSH/TRH Stim: reserved for dogs with ambiguous endocrine function test results.
→ increase in TT4 to >1.5x basal level in normal dog, minimal change in primary hypoTH
Human recombinant TSH used - $$, may need higher dose if concurrent disease suspected (or if on GCS)
→ scintigraphy still considered better as in a small study some normal dogs failed to respond
TRH - used to identify secondary hypoTH and dogs with hypoTH and severe NTI.
→ measure TSH and T4 after, see reduced increase in both with hypoT4 (minimal TSH response thought due to desensitsation)
→ interpretation can be challenging due to small increases in TT4 observed
Unfortunately, discordant test results are common. In this situation, reliance on presence of clinical signs, clinicopathologic abnormalities, and clinician index of suspicion become the most important parameters in deciding whether to treat the dog with L-T4 sodium
Factors affecting thyroid function tests
Age - progressive decline with age (across TT4, fT4, fT3). May be due to decreased responsiveness to TSH, reduced activity or concurrent effects of systemic illness.
Breed - up to 91% of greyhounds are below the normal reference range, sometimes below limit of detection.
Note there is a low prevalence of thyroiditis in GH.
Body size - may see higher T4 in medium size dogs compared to other sizes
Athleticism - reduced levels after strenuous exercise in sled dogs
Gender - females in dioestrus will have higher TT4 due to increased levels of progesterone
Obesity - can cause increased T3/T4
Non-thyroidal illness - interpretation of results should take into account degree of success in treating underlying disease, if poorly controlled (eg diabetes mellitus) then more likely a true finding. NTI alters endocrine testing by reducing conversion of T4-T3, reducing TH binding affinity, altering hormone metabolism, changing receptor expression/function
Different causes of primary hypothyroidism and their pathogenesis
Lymphocytic Thyroiditis - most common cause of hypoTH in dogs. Immune mediated pathogenesis is suspected due to presence of anti-Tg (or TPO) Ig and presence of lymphoplasmacytic infiltration of the gland resulting in progressive atrophy.
→ Ab bind activating complement and cell mediated cytotoxicity
The initial inflammation is subclinical (anti-Tg Ab detectable) → second phase of compensatory increase in TSH → >80% destruction and overt hypoTH develops at 60-80% destruction of gland. With chronicity the inflammation resolves and Ab titres normalise but function does not return (4th phase)
Possible genetic predisposition
Not all dogs with Anti-Tg Ab will develop hypoTH (only about 20%, and progression rate is variable.
Possible that T3/4 serve as haptens when bound to other protein
Possibly concurrent env risk factors that modulate
Atrophic Degeneration: may be end stage thyroiditis, or primary degenerative disorder. Characterised by reducing follicle size and replacement with adipose. No inflammatory infiltrate. Tends to occur at later age.
→ May be caused by secondary (central hypoTH)
Polyglandular Autoimmune syndromes- rare reports in dogs, may involve adrenals and islet cells, PTH.
Iodide Deficiency - study in healthy adult dogs required severe restriction to decrease T3/4 but even then did not cause clinical signs.
→ may become more common with raw diets
→ Goitrogens can cause clinical signs
Systemic effects of hypoTH in dogs
Metabolic: lethargy, dullness, inactivity, weight gain, altered lipid metabolism, hypothermia
- Derm: alopecia, comedones → due to loss of TH input for anagen → shedding with no regrowth. Reduced skin FAs and PGE2
→ Myxedema: hyaluronic acid accumulation under skin → draws water in → increased thickness and non-pitting oedema. - Immunosuppression- pyoderma, UTI due to reduced T cell function
- CVS: (reduced B R, reduced ATPase function for Ca and Na exchange) asymptomatic bradycardia, reversible reduction in fractional shortening. Usually not clinical but may exacerbate concurrent heart disease.
- Neuro: various associations with both single and poly neuropathies. Proposed pathogenesis: accumulation of mucinous deposits → demyelination; altered BBB (documented experimentally); disruption of blood-nerve barrier; autoimmune; ischaemia. Has not been reproducible in experimental disease - reported improvement with TH supplementation in some but not all conditions (but also spontaneous improvement reported for neuropathies).
→ may be a link in humans b/w MG and hypoTH and polyglandular autoimmune syndrome.
→ myxoedema coma reported in very rare cases - Myopathy: may cause weakness, exercise intolerance. Can see increase in CK/AST
- Repro: reduced survival of pups, prolonged parturition. Does not affect litter size or interestrus interval. Doesnt affect males.
JVIM 2023 review of drugs affecting thyroid function - which drugs should be watched and which had no effect
In general, dogs receiving glucocorticoids, phenobarbital, NSAIDs (eg, aspirin), sulfonamides, inhalant anesthetics, clomipramine, toceranib, amiodarone, and trilostane should have thyroid function test results interpreted with caution.
For some drugs, such as glucocorticoids and sulfonamides, drug dosage and treatment duration dictate whether a clinically relevant impact on thyroid function will occur
No effect of KBr, propranolol, imepitoin
Zonisamide also no evidence of effect but it is a sulfonamide based drug so further studies are needed
Drugs that affect thyroid hormone levels and mechanisms (9)
Glucocorticoids: suppress hypothalamic-pituitary thyroid axis; impair peripheral thyroid hormone metabolism (inhibition of peripheral iodinases). Effects take 3-5 weeks, most consistently observed at higher doses, withdrawal of 1 week results in normalisation
→ GC reduce release of TSH is reported
→ Topical and otic preparations also reported to decrease T4/3
Phenobarbital - reduce T4 and fT4 in 15-75% (by inhibiting secretion from thyroid gland), increase hepatic metabolism of thyroid hormones by deiodinases and biliary excretion. Changes resolve 5-6 weeks after discontinuation
→ increase TSH due to reduction in thyroid hormones (although has been reported to be suppressed by pheno in rats, doesnt seem to occur in dogs)
→ intersecting CS of pheno AEs and hypoTH CS intersect making interpretation of thyroid function tests difficult.
→ if cant withdrawal drug then consider treatment trial
NSAID - displace thyroid hormones from serum plasma protein carriers → transient increase and suppression of TSH → decreased production, free thyroxine is rapidly excreted and returns to normal.
→ aspirin has the biggest effect on thyroid hormone, decreasing levels after one dose and remaining decreased for up to 4 weeks of Tx
→ decrease TT4 (60%), usually dont affect TSH (meloxicam, carprofen and ketoprofen did not cause changes - variable TT4 decrease in low numbers)
Sulfonamides - inhibit thyroid peroxidase thus preventing production → increased TSH which can cause follicular hyperplasia (goitre)
→ decreased TT4 and FT4 with increased tSH after 3 weeks (low doses <2 weeks unlikely to cause effects). Take up to a month to resolve.
Inhalant Anaesthetics: peracute effect on TT4 within 14 days, should wait longer than this to test.
Tricyclic antidepressants- inhibit TH synthesis, enhance deiodinases, and interfere with HPT axis. Drug forms complexes with iodine in the follicles.
→ Clomipramine study found no evidence of suppression though values did decrease. Unclear the duration of these effects as yet.\
→ study did not find increased TSH after TRH stim, which suggests clomipramine may suppress TSH secretion also.
Toceranib - impair iodine uptake, TPO inhibition, deiodinase induction thyroid capillary regression.
→ studies report increased TSH with normal TT4 and TT3, though in people can take prolonged use to cause suppression
→ still need more studies to evaluate in dogs.
Trilostane: - lack of studies assessing effects, fT4 reported to decrease at 6mo of Tx with increased TSH in prospective uncontrolled study.
Amiodarone - iodine rich class III antiarrhythmic that resembles T4 in structure. Inhibits deiodinases in humans and inhibits entry of hormone into tissue. Thyroid gland suppression through presence of excess iodide (Wollf Chaikoff effect)
→ could cause thyrotoxicosis or hypothyroidism
what are goitrogens
What substances are proposed as possible causes of feline hyperTH
thyroid disruptors) in food (phenols, halogenated hydrocarbons), decrease the effective circulating serum thyroid hormone concentration leading to chronic overproduction of TSH due to reduced negative feedback
Environmental/food components that may disrupt thyroid function: iodine deficiency, herbicides, methimazole, soy, polychlorinate biphenyls, PBDEs, Selenium deficiency
Categories of Feline hyperTH and clinical approach
1) Classical = >1 clinical sign and high TT4
2) Suspect FHT with probable NTI
→ upper ref TT4, retest with fT4 in 2-4 weeks if high then confirms Dx, if normal investigate concurrent dz.
3) Enlarged thyroid with normal TT4
→ monitor CS and TT4 every 6 months, could be carcinoma
4) No clinical FHT but TT4 elevated
→ repeat in 2 weeks, if still elevated Tx, if normal re-eval in 6 months
5) Clinical FHT, elevated TT4 and concurrent dz
→ CKD, hypertension, GI disease, low B12, DM
→ Tx still recommended in all comorbidities
6) Elevated TT4 with no clinical signs
→ repeat with fT4 by ED and if elevated Tx
Effects of hyperTH on renal function
- increased Cl reabsorption in distal tubule → macula densa tubuloglomerular feedback and increased GFR
- Vasodilation and direct effect of TH on renin expression → RAAS activation → Na retention
** reduced vascular resistance, increased CO, increased blood volume → increases renal blood flow → increased GFR → lowers creatinine (as does reduced muscle mass) which can mask CKD - TH enhances Na/Ca exchanger in tubule → increased Ca reabsorption
- Proteinuria common in hyperTH and CKD. Mechanisms in hyperTH is not well understood, and hypertension uncommon so unlikely to be this causing it
→ improves with return to euthyroid state. - Polydipsia: psychogenic/CNS effects of TH - exaggerates thirst response to osmolality changes and downregulates aquaporin expression in tubules preventing water retention
Effects of hyperTH on cardiac function and common clinical findings
Cardiac: positive ionotropic effects → altered Ca channel activity → shorter diastole → causing myocardial hypertrophy
Positive chronotropic effects from increased B R activity and direct TH effect → shorter conduction times
- Increased ECV through RAAS → increased preload → increased cardiac output
ECG/Echo: SVT, APCs, eccentric hypertrophy, hypertrophic phenotype +/- LA/LV enlargement
→ CHF uncommon without underlying heart disease.
NB: Hypertension is uncommon but should be assessed for and managed if it develops. May indicate presence of comorbid CKD, hyperaldosteronism or HAC.
→ T3 causes vasodilation by vascular smooth muscle relaxation → decreased TPR
Recent evidence for coagulopathy and LUTI in hyperTH cats
Coagulation - 2 studies:
PFA100 closure times were not different to healthy or Tx cats.
Fibrinogen was higher in hyperTH cats in another study but a hypercoagulable state was not considered to be more likely than healthy cats.
2 recent studies refute previous assertions that hyperTH increased risk of LUTI in cats. And most cats with positive cultures were subclinical at time. 4-5% positive culture and not different from healthy cats.
Sens and Spec for thyroid assays in hyperTH
TT4 - in clinic catalyst results had strong agreement with lab value (97%) based on study by IDEXX, but limits of agreement of +/-30% allowed. Most cats fell in same classification regardless of test
→ Lower sensitivity, specificity of 100%
→ use same laboratory for ongoing monitoring
fT4 - sensitivity 98%; specificity 93%
CEIA yields lower results than ED
→ elevated in 95% of cats with CKD and occult hyperT
Types of congenital hypothyroidism
Thyroid gland dysmorphogenesis : defective thyroid peroxidase activity → impaired iodine organification. This does not cause thyroid enlargement
Dyshormonogenesis- TSH binds to receptor but intra-thyroidal defect in TH synthesis
→ develop a goitre due to ongoing TSH stimulus and follicular cell hyperplasia
TSH deficiency - has been reported and will not result in a goitre
Tx options and outcomes for canine thyroid carcinoma
VCO 2022 - response to I131
overall response rate was 35.3% (four complete and eight partial responses).
→ Radioactive iodine ( 131 I) is not readily available for dogs due to concerns related to isolation and management of radioactive waste
→ used in treatment of 5 ectopic tumours
→ Survival times close to 3 years have been reported with surgery followed by 131I treatment
→ major disadvantage is the need for prolonged isolation after radioactive iodine treatment and the limited number of facilities that are licensed to administer the high doses
Surgery MST 3-38months (adjuvant Tx with radioiodine
Complete margins >3y vs 6-12 months for incomplete
JVIM 2023 144 cases surgical thyroidectomy: Overall median survival time was 802 days 89 dogs (77.4%) survived >500 days. Metastases were identified at admission in 12 (8.3%) dogs and were associated with higher thyroid cancer-related fatality
–> Adjunctive radiation or chemotherapy should be considered for dirty margins. Merits for these treatments in extending life expectancy are limited.
→Functional tumour Treatment of signs of thyrotoxicosis with methimazole prior to any GA. Beta-blocker therapy should be considered prior to surgical removal to prevent tachycardia and thyroid storm.
Various protocols with ST 6 to >45 months reported
Side effects - inflammation of surrounding structures, cough, alopecia.
hypoTH and hypoPTH are less common but have been reported in isolated cases
- VCO - use in naive setting did not provide as long MST/ORR as the dogs that had prior Tx
→ no comparative prospective studies
Contribution of hypothyroidism to CKD after treatment of hyperTH
Where TSH was assessed concurrently, 57%– 66% of cats with abnormal kidney function following radioiodine treatment (as determined by creatinine or GFR) were found to have iatrogenic (subclinical or overt) hypothyroidism
Pre-treatment determination of CKD risk in cats with hyperTx
Summary: there has not been a single marker identified that accurately predicts development of azotaemia in post-Tx hyperthyroid cats. Some earlier studies of markers may have been hampered by poor recognition of subclinical hypothyroidism affecting results.
SDMA and creatinine have a high specificity for detecting post-Tx azotaemia if elevated beforehand. However, it is the cats without these elevations that are the most difficult to identify and the performance of both these markers has been dismal, sensitivity <50%, in that regard. Indicating a poor ability to detect diseases patients.
Studies are also hampered by the fact that iatrogenic hypoTH may affect results by causing renal injury in some cats that may not have developed CKD should they have remained euthyroid
GFR: IV iohexol and serial blood level monitoring. Variable protocols have been used (iohexol vs inulin vs scintigraphy). Likely the most sensitive but some studis have not shown good correlation with outcome
Previously established cutoffs may be insensitive due to factors other than thyroid status affecting GFR. And there is added complexity due to clinical limitations of these tests (multiple samples) and limited lab availability.
- SDMA: initially thought to have excellent specificity, it has high index of individuality (some individuals with normal results may be abnormal for the individual). Not affected by muscle mass, mostly excreted by kidneys.
Effect of hyperTH on SDMA and the effect of euthyroidism has been repeatedly studied without consensus:
JFMS 2020 - sensitivity of 15% and specificity of 94% for detection of post-Tx azotaemia (so only useful if elevated pre-treatment) Similar to JVIm 2018 study (sens 33, Spec 97%) which also evaluated Creat (sens 11%; Spec 100%)
JVIm 2019 - found no correlation of SDMA with GFR measurement before or after hyperTH treatment (while creatinine had moderate correlation)
No cats became azotaemic limiting the use of this study in predicting that outcome.
JSAP 2019 - SDMA did not increase in 28% of cats after 131 Tx, 5 of which were hypoTH (may be due to individual variation).
JVIm 2020 - SDMA before and after 131 → some increased some decreased. Discordant results with creatinine.
JFMS 2023 - comparison of SDMA and creatinine to GFR from renal scintigraphy → signficiant decrease in GFR post-Tx, SDMA not altered. Suggests extrarenal factors affecting SDMA in some cases
→ unknown effects of non-renal related disease (DM lowers, HCM no effect, don’t know for others). A detailed understanding of the possible biosynthesis and elimination pathways of SDMA, and how this changes in hyper-catabolicstates such as hyperthyroidism is required - USG: JVIM 2023 - 655 hyperTH cats prospective study before/after 131.
USG cut off of <1.035 sensitivity of 86.1%; but poor specificity at 65.2%. Only 6% of cats with USG > 1.035 developed azotaemia after treatment compared to 44% of cats with USG <1.035 before treatment
Cats with hypoTH after Tx had a lower USG, but this did not improve with supplementation.
What is thyroid storm
Thyroid storm is a rare, but life-threatening, complication of FHT. It results from a rapid increase in serum thyroid hormone. Causes include damage to the thyroid gland during 131I therapy or vigorous thyroid gland palpation, abrupt withdrawal of antithyroid medication, anesthesia, exacerbation of NTD or a stressful event
In humans it is a clinical diagnosis (no df. Based on T4 alone)
CNS abnormalities - agitation, delirium
Often other organ decompensation - Cardiovascular (CHF, tachyarrhythmias), liver failure etc.
High fatality rate
Needs 3 pronged tx.
Anti-thyroid medications to slow production
B blockers due to high [circulating catcholamines]
Tx other decompensation
Unlikely to occur with 131 as scarce clinical reports and often not meeting criteria - would be hard to miss as often fatal
Uses for thyroid scintigraphy
Scintigraphy - measures gamma radiation.
Usually uses technetium 99 (pertechnetate 99 TcO4)
Transitional metal that is alo trapped (but not incorporated)
Short half life and very little B radiation
- Evaluation of the functional status of the thyroid glands
- Determination of unilateral or bilateral thyroid lobe involvement
- Detection and localization of ectopic thyroid tissue
- Differentiation between benign and malignant thyroid disease
- Determination of thyroid gland size for radiation therapy calculations
- Determination of thyroid or nonthyroid origin of cervical mass
- Detection of functional metastasis
- Evaluation of the efficacy of therapy
- Evaluation for residual tissue after thyroidectomy
- Differentiation between hypothyroidism and euthyroid sick syndrome
- Differentiation between primary, secondary, and tertiary hypothyroidism
- Differentiation between thyroid dysgenesis and inherited iodination defects