Adrenal Glands Flashcards


Different zones of adrenals and what they produce


Medulla - catecholamines

Inner reticularis - androgens (and some glucocorticoids)

Middle fasiculata - glucocorticoids (some androgens)

Outer glomerulosa - aldosterone (low CYP17)

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Physiological effects of glucocorticoids (7)


Stimulate hepatic gluconeogenesis and glycogenesis
Enhance protein and fat catabolism
Permissive actions on many metabolic reactions, such as lipolysis and calorigenesis
Maintain vascular reactivity to catecholamines.
Maintain normal BP
Counteract the effects of stress on GI mucosa and maintain normal function
Influence digestion and intestinal absorption by increasing the expression of brush border enzymes and mitochondrial enzymes
Suppresses ADH (vasopressin) release
Activity on mineralocorticoid receptors (inactivated to cortisone by locally produced enzymes in aldosterone target tissues)

Also antiinflammatory (PLA2 inhibition and reduced production of COX)

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Stimuli for Aldosterone release and effects of aldosterone action


reduced BP (ECV) sensed by juxtaglomeruli cells
–> RAAS –> AngII AT2 receptor on adrenal stimulates aldosterone release –> Na retention (indirect water conservation) and AngII mediated vasoconstriction
–> expands plasma volume and increases total peripheral resistance

Increased K+ –> aldosterone (independent of RAAS) –> Na+ reabsorption causes electrochemical gradient favouring K+ excretion

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Effects of long term mineralocorticoid excess


fibrosis and proliferation of vascular endothelial smooth muscle (contributes to hypertension)

And fibrosis and remodelling in the heart and kidney

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Stimuli for cortisol release from adrenal glnads


CRH from hypothalamus stimulates release of ACTH from pituitary corticotrophs
(increased by stress, pain, cold, hypoxaemia and hypoglycaemia)
Also modulated by Leptin, Ghrelin, ADH and Inflammatory cytokines

Release of CRH and ACTH inhibited by negative feedback from cortisol and ACTH. As well as indirectly by somatostatin from hypothalamus

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Cause of PDH


adenomas (which can be invasive or macroadenomas) or less commonly carcinomas. Thought to be caused by somatic mutation of a single corticotroph leading to clonal expansion

Hypothalamic theory that excess CRH stimulation of pituitary or there is reduced sensitivity to cortisol feedback → pituitary hyperplasia and excessive secretion of ACTH

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5 main effects of chronic cortisol excess


Protein and lipid catabolism

Gluconeogenesis/insulin resistance

Immune suppression

Anti-inflammatory/delayed wound healing

Altered arachidonic acid pathway

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Mechanisms of hypertension in HAC


Possibly due to cortisol activation of renal mineralocorticoid receptors (normally inactivated in tissue but this process is overwhelmed) –> Na and water retention

Excessive secretion of renin

Enhanced vascular sensitivity to pressors

Reduced vasodilatory PGI2 (due to suppression of COX enzyme synthesis and PLA2)

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How does HAC alter coagulation


Hypercoagulable state due to Increased production of procoagulant factors and impaired fibrinolysis pathway

Levels of procoagulation factors II, V, VII, IX, X, XII, and fibrinogen are significantly increased in dogs with HAC, and antithrombin was significantly decreased in another study

Also causes thrombocytosis and may alter TXA2 expression

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Cause of food dependent HAC


Thought to be expression of GIP receptors on the adrenal cortex –> food cauusing release of cortisol

Dx by feeding and seeing >50% increase in UCCR after meals.

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TVJ 2018 review of HAC investigation - recommendation on pituitary imaging


Routine pituitary imaging should be considered as part of the evaluation of a dog with newly-diagnosed PDH even if no clinical evidence of a large pituitary mass is present, especially if the client is willing to consider radiation therapy if a large pituitary mass is identified

If no mass is seen, the dog should be treated medically with no follow-up imaging required. If a mass 3 to 7 mm in diameter is seen, medical treatment of the HAC should be administered and imaging should be repeated in 12 to 18 months. If the mass is more than 8 mm in diameter, radiation therapy should be pursued

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Common HAC comorbidities/complications in dogs


Diabetes (10-14% of dogs with HAC);

GBM (HAC in 2-30% of affected dogs, possibly due to more unconjugated bile acids → mucosal irritation in GB or increased leptin and altered GB motility);

Pancreatitis (conflicting evidence, but do see increased cPLi which may reflect subclinical injury, long term studies do not support association with AP);
Urolithiasis (increased calciuresis due to reduced reabsorption);

PTE (2.7-15% of HAC cases)

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Common systemic signs of HAC in dogs and their pathophys


Promotes lipolysis and protein catabolism → cachexia, muscle loss, weight gain, weakness, pot-belly, organomegaly, polyphagia, hepatomegaly, obesity
→ myopathy from pseudomyotonia (degenerative myopathy) = severe muscle stiffness. Did not improve with Tx of HAC.

Polyuria: inhibits the action of ADH in renal tubules, also inhibits ADH release. Increased urinary Ca excretion. Also increases GFR. May increase risk of UTI
→ large pituitary masses may cause a secondary CDI through direct compression of posterior pituitary.
→ increased risk of Ca-Ox uroliths.

  • Antiinflammatory and immunosuppressive: inhibition of PLA2 prevents PG synthesis and GRE modulate gene expression for proinflammatory cytokines including NKkB.
    → secondary infections (UTI, Resp); delayed wound healing

Panting: respiratory muscle weakness and reduced pulmonary compliance; pulmonary hypertension (PTE, fibrosis, altered PGI2) increased abdominal pressure; direct effect of cortisol on resp centre in brain

Skin changes: Alopecia due to follicular atrophy; calcinosis cutis (altered collagen structure to organic matrix that binds Ca)

  • Behavioural: may be due to mass effect or hypertension or clot. Dogs with microtumour less likely to develop deficits.

Hypertension and hypercoag on other cars

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Different Endocrine tests for HAC and their sens/spec (6)


UCCR - Sens 75-100%; Spec 21-82%
Lower specificity for differentiating non-adrenal illness from HAC (increases with multiple samples). High sensitivity means good to r/o HAC

LDDST - Sens 85-97%; Spec 70% (complete suppression has NPV of 95%, lack of suppression PPV 76%)
JSAP 2023 - 30 dogs, Sens 85; Spec 100%
May lack suppression or escape suppression (or >50% of basal value if not completely suppressed)
False negatives with occult disease; false positives with non-adrenal illness. More sensitive for diagnosis of ADH

ACTHST - Sens 85% ADH 60-85% PDH; Spec 60 ADH, 90% PDH
Low sensitivity for AT, higher cutoff improves specificity (lower specificity reported when control dogs have NAI)
Less affected by non-adrenal illness or environmental stress
JVIM 2018 - baseline cortisol did not affect test interpretation (post cortisol sens 81; spec 100%)

HDDST- used to differentiate ADH from PDH, but only aids in differentiation of additional 33% that do not have traditional ‘escape’ pattern of LDDST

Endogenous ACTH: discriminates PDH from ADH very labile and sample handling is important. Newer sandwich technique measurements have lower limit of detection.
Also identify ectopic ACTH production
Does not differentiate PDH from normal due to pulsatile release. Stress/NAI also impact levels.

CRH - differentiation of PDH from ADH
Sens 100%; Spec 67%.

UCCR + Dexamethasone suppression

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Recent publication on monitoring of Trilostane Tx


JVIM 2020 study compared ACTHST, pre/post pill cortisol, ALP/AST, Haptoglobin, USG, UCCR and owner Questionnaire as gold standard (which did not include quantification of water intake).
→ Haptoglobin was significantly correlated with score and identified 90% of well controlled dogs. Was the best parameter assessed but overlap b/w well and undercontrolled dogs was present
→ time of day prepill sampling was not standardised and may have affected the results for this method.
–> no dogs with over-dose so unclear how other tests differentiated those cases (perhaps more important than adequate control)

→ No variable consistently discriminated dogs on adequate dose from those undercontrolled based on CS. Need to have well defined treatment goals to guide approach.

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MOA of trilostane


competitive inhibition of 3B-HSD that converts pregnenolone to progesterone → reduced cortisol synthesis. Fully reversible and should not affect mineralocorticoid production. Efficacy 90% in PDH, MST 660-880d, comparison with untreated dogs in 2017 showed longer MST (inherent bias due to owner decision to treat).
QoL improved on treatment based on owner survey scores

AEs: lethargy, hypoNa hyperK, vomiting, diarrhoea, inappetence (usually only in initial Tx). Need to assess for iatrogenic hypoA.
Adrenocortical necrosis reported in rare cases, usually reversible but can last weeks to months (25% did not recover in one study)

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Other drugs reported for use in canine PDH


Mitotane- adrenocorticolytic chlorinated hydrocarbon, converted to active metabolite in adrenal tissue then covalently binds adrenal proteins.
Initial loading phase until CS improve and cortisol 30-150 (variable time), then weekly maintenance.
AEs: GI, neurological, hepatotoxicity, iatrogenic mineralocorticoid deficiency (need to measure aldosterone as ACTHST does not predict), mortality in up to 12% with destructive protocol.

Pasireotide - somatostatin analogue, inhibits ACTH release from corticotrophs. Recent trial in 9 dogs, 6 dogs had reduction in pituitary tumour size.
Ketoconazole - inhibits steroid biosynthesis at high concentrations.
Selegiline - MOA inhibitor (increases dopamine in brain → tonic ACTH release suppression), inhibits ACTH release, monitor CS.

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Non-medical Tx of DH in dogs


VCNA 2021 review of surgical PDH management:
In theory the best treatment for PDH will attack the source of disease and not the secondary adrenal affects.
Hypophysectomy - 86-95% remission, recurrence 25%; 12-20% mortality (highly specialised). Shorter survival for larger tumours, higher remission if and longer survival if smaller (JAAHA 2021)
AEs: Acute onset CDI (78% transient) → hypernatraemia, KCS, secondary hypoTH. Need to Tx with DDAVP, GCS and levothyroxine

RT - more used ot reduce tumour size if causing neurological signs. MST 12-25 months. Tumour size reduces in most, but functional capacity and time to size reduction are highly variable.
JVIM 2023 500-700d survival times.

Bilateral adrenalectomy - need ongoing hypoA management.

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Pre-sx treatment with trilostane for adrenal tumours - evidence/arguments for and against


AVJ 2020 - retrospective study showing no pretreatment in 65 dogs, post-op clopidogrel if ROTEM hypercoag, intraop hydrocortisone for all and home with pred tapered over 4 weeks. DOCP if bilateral adrenalectomy.
Need for trilostane pre-treatment depends on case but likely unnecessary, consider anti-hypertensive therapy if clinically indicated or anti-coagulant (though no strong evidence exists for use of either improving outcome)
AEs: pancreatitis, PTE (consider clopidogrel); AKI, DIC; Addisonian crisis (post-op cortisol supplementation indicated)

FOR: improve metabolic derangements, healing alterations.
Reduce risk of thromboembolic or wound healing complications

AGAINST - delays surgery, could increase risk of complications, how long to delay when we know trilostane is not likely to get complete control in AT
Added expense for owners

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Clinical signs in cats with HAC


Risk of secondary infections and poor wound healing
- Skin fragility: steroid related fibroblast inhibition, curling of ear tips

PUPD, PP → reported but have high concurrent rate of DM and hyperTH and CKD which complicates interpretation

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Endocrine testing in cats with HAC


ACTHST - Sens 30-65%; Spec moderate
>600 strongly suggestive (hyperTH can also cause elevation), lower levels do not rule it out
Peak response has variable timing and magnitude (compared to dogs). Need to sample at 60 and 90 mins.
HDDST - preferred test in cats from JFMS review
Sens high, Specificity moderate
Low dose does not work as well due to higher variability in degree and duration of suppression
Concurrent DM does not appear to impact the sensitivity of the HDDST in diagnosing HAC in cats
UCCR - positive in HAC but also NAI. DAy to day variation common so need minimum 2 consecutive days. Again a screening test
UCCR + DST- can differentiate PDH from ADH with 77% accuracy. Consistent with PDH if suppression to <50% of baseline at 24h after baseline mean samples collected
eACTH - not validated in cats until 2020 JVIM study, reported low overlap b/w PDH and ADH.
Adrenal Cytology - can differentiate origin of mass but not if it is functional or not.
Alpha mealnocyte stimulating hormone - can be increased in some feline pituitary tumours and have weak glucocorticoid effects


Medical Tx of HAC in cats


Medical - Trilostane, varied reported doses → reduction but not resolution of symptoms reported.
JFMS recommend post ACTH 60 min of 50-150 nmol/L; <50 or >250 should prompt dose adjustment
AEs: pancreatitis, anorexia, weight loss, lethargy
For DM insulin dose requirements decline by ~30% (JFMS 2021), monitor with libre or urine spot checks and adjust dose (CS monitoring may not be sufficient due to overlap)


Evidence for and against occult HAC


Syndrome in dogs with appearance of HAC on PE/bloods but endocrine function testing is not supportive. Main problem is that any dog with CS has a disease but if it is not Cushing’s the severity of the disease will determine how likely it is to cause a false positive.

No single hormone is consistently elevated, the elevations in sex hormones are not validated and do not cause clinical signs when elevated in health. Response to treatment trials has been varied.

Response to treatment trials: no uniform response reported and in a mitotane study sex hormone concentrates did not change. Trilostane should not affect sex hormone production

Precursor production in excess of cortisol or sex hormones (deficiency in conversion enzyme)
FOR → study of 23 dogs with variable ACTHST, LDDST (+ and -) but all had high levels of 17OHP, elevated in classic and ‘occult’ cases
AGAINST → ability of sex hormones to cause symptoms other than alopecia is lacking (see entire females with prolonged progesterone and oestrogen elevations without any clinical signs). Also non-adrenal illness can cause elevations in sex hormones


Breeds at risk of HypoA


Great Danes, Bearded Collies, Standard Poodles, Portuguese Water dogs, Springer Spaniels, Cocker Spaniels, Labrador, WHWT.

4 types of hypoadrenocorticism
Primary: cause of 95% of cases and caused by lymphoplasmacytic destruction of adrenal glands. Secondary: failure within the hypothalamus (CRH) or pituitary (ACTH), usually there are concurrent neurological signs and mineralocorticoid function is not affected. Iatrogenic: long term corticosteroids suddenly withdrawn or mitotane use Atypical: failure of zona fasciculata and not glomerulosa, now thought to be just early hypoA as many/most go on to mineralocorticoid deficiency. Also shown to have reduced aldosterone levels pre and post ACTH stimulation.
Evidence forimmune mediated pathogenesis of hypoA And other DDx
Presence of adrenal lymphocytic inflammation and presence of autoantibodies (targetting various enzyme in steroidogenesis pathways) supports an immune mediated aetiology preceding the atrophy of the adrenal glands. Suspected genetic basis due to breed predisposition (autosomal recessive) DDx Neoplastic infiltration is a rare DDx Trichuris, severe GI disease, CKD, chylothorax, severe metabolic/respiratory alkalosis, ACEi (can cause hyperkalaemia); hyperkalaemia artefact, polyglandular endocrine disease
Systemic effects of hypoA
Altered vasomotor tone due to loss of glucocorticoid enhancement of catecholamine response. - Hypovolemia: loss of aldosterone mediated Na retention → excessive water loss → hypovolemia and loss of vascular tone exacerbate hypotension. → Azotaemia: reduced GFR from reduced renal perfusion as a result of decreased ECV → Hyperkalaemia and Acidosis: reduced excretion from lack of aldosterone (normally exchanges Na for K or H+) and reduced GFR reducing excretion further. → Hypercalcaemia: combination of reduced GFR, haemoconcentration increased tubular reabsorption (loss of cortisol and aldosterone inhibition), acidosis causing albumin dissociation - Polyuria: loss of Na leads to medullary washout +/- effect of hyperCa -GI Upset - loss of protective PG expression and modulation of barrier function, altered motility, reduced perfusion → melena or GI bleeding --> anaemia due to blood loss and reduced erythropoiesis Prevalence of HypoA in dogs with GI disease was 4% in recent retrospec study. 53% of dogs had low basal cortisol - Muscle weakness: inability to mobilise energy stores, reduced gluconeogenesis. → Hypoglycemia and seizures - Megaoesophagus: cause unknown
Tests for HypoA other than ACTHST (4)
PoC Cortisol IDEXX SNAP - fluorescent enzyme analyzer from IDEXX validation study in JAVMA 2022 Sens 100, Spec 97 for diagnosis of HypoA. Only 20 dogs with hypoA assessed, compared to 153 healthy dogs (not sick). Lab funded study eACTH - a ratio with serum cortisol can be calculated and is sensitive and specific for hypoxia diagnosis → low ACTH indicates secondary HypoA. Aldosterone - individual results have low specificity due to impact of dietary Na. In most hypoA dogs basal and post-ACTH levels are low. Preferably calculate ratio with renin - but limited availability. UCCR: JAVMA 2022 high values have NPV 100% UCCR <10 was 100% sensitive and specific in 41 HypoA dogs and 107 with NAI using CLIA method RIA UCCR <2 was 97% sensitive and 93% specific JVIM 2022 UCCR <1.4 had 100% sens and 97% spec. No overlap with mimicking diseases but small overlap with healthy dogs - small study. Urine Na - low urine Na makes HypoA unlikely based on small pilot study. Urine Na was significantly higher in dogs with hypoA compared to NAI → further validation needed.
Argument/evidence for lower DOCP dosing
Jvim 2019 and 2021 studies of low dose DOCP protocol. Initial study 17 dogs, median dose required was 1.1mg/kg, younger dogs needed higher doses Prospective Controlled study 2 dose groups. Plasma renin activity overly suppressed in 84/104 controls. Increased renin activity in 23/112 low dose. Did not address DOCP duration of action/adjust dosage based on results. As yet do not know optimal range of plasma renin in dogs but in humans they target high normal activity as over suppression could indicate aldosterone excess → hypertension (not demonstrated in this study). And if extend period b/w injections risk periods of mineralocorticoid deficiency acclimation period occurs after the initial DOCPtreatment, and Na:K ratios appear to stabilise after the second treatment. So may be better to base dose off data from second Tx rather than first No dog in the low dose Tx group developed signs of HypoA
DDx for hyperK
Reduced renal excretion = hypoA, renal failure, LUT obstruction, bladder rupture Hypovolaemia reducing GFR and tubular flow (GI disease, body cavity effusions) Translocation from ICF to ECF Metabolic Acidosis Insulin deficiency (have intracellular deficit) Tissue injury Artefact: haemolysis, EDTA, thrombocytosis, delayed serum removal DDx for low Na:K = hypoA, renal failure, LUT obstruction, GI dz, body cavity effusions
DDX for HypoK
Increased renal excretion CKD or Distal renal tubular acidosis Post-obstructive diuresis, diuretic drugs, DKA diuresis HyperTH polyuria Increased GI loss Gastric vomiting SI diarrhoea Translocation from ECF → ICF Alkalosis Hyperinsulinism or after glucose containing fluid Decreased intake: Iatrogenic fluids; Anorexia; Dietary deficiency
Corrected Cl calculation
[Cl] x 146/[Na]
ddx for hyperCl
Associated with a tendency towards acidosis Pseudochyperchloraemia can occur with lipaemia and bromide administration. Renal failure/renal tubular acidosis → chloride retention secondary to reduced ammonium excretion with Cl replacing HCO3 in plasma DM with ketoacidosis → high AG with normal chloride, ketones are excreted in urine as anion in place of Cl → hyperchloraemia (normal AG) Diarrhoea → loss of fluid with high Na compared to Cl Hypoadrenocorticism results in low aldosterone (↓ Na and Cl) → chloride retention with hyperchloraemic acidosis (due to lack of mineralocorticoids). Due to Na loss being > Cl the corrected Cl is increased (as loss is disproportionate) K-sparing diuretics Iatrogenic corrected hyperchloraemia is common as isotonic crystalloids
DDx for Hypochloraemia
Corrected for Na = [Cl] x 146 / [Na] In hypochloraemic states Cl is conserved by renal tubules until deficit resolves (usually just need to correct underlying cause) provided renal function is normal Iatrogenic = HCO3 therapy, loop diuretics, steroids, HAC Chronic respiratory acidosis (hypoventilation) GI loss or sequestration - vomiting Lipaemia (spurious)
Symptoms of hypoK
muscular weakness, polyuria, polydipsia and impaired urinary concentrating ability
Approach to hypoK
Iatrogenic causes? --> fluids, drugs, insulin/glucose admin Alkalosis, Burmese Cat --> intracellular translocation GI loss from Hx --> should have low Ur K+ Recent LUT obstruction --> post-obstructive diuresis Azotaemia/isosthenuria --> renal failure, diet induced hypokalaemic nephropathy of cats Hyperchloraemic metabolic acidosis? -> RTA If none of the above then hyperaldosteronism (or HAC)
ECG in hyperkalaemia
ECG - shortened QT, T tenting (rapid repol as K moves in quickly), widened QRS, eventual loss of P
Systemic effects of hyperaldosteronism
Systemic Effects: - Polyuria: aldosterone induces renal resistance to ADH; hypoK also down regulates aquaporin expression/incorporation into membrane - Hypokalaemia- K wasting due to increased aldosterone effects on distal tubule → more negative resting membrane potential → neck ventroflexion from lack of nuchal ligament; plantigrade stance, inability to jump, episodic collapse - Hypertension - Na retention → volume expansion → retinal detachment, neurological signs, CKD, HCM phenotype - Fibrosis and remodelling
DDx for hyperaldosteronism
Primary - associated with suppressed renin release through negative feedback (hypertension) DDx adrenocortical tumour (adenoma, carcinoma); micronodular hyperplasia of zona glomerulosa.(likely under diagnosed in cats due to limited renin activity assay and need fo histo) Recent JVIM report of 297 cats (not all with with primary disease) found elevations in progesterone, cortisol and corticosterone were present in up to ⅓ of cats with elevated aldosterone, much higher than those without elevated aldosterone. JVIM 2021: 10 cats with hyperaldosteronism and progesterone secreting adrenal tumours. All had concurrent DM. Secondary - high renin hyperaldosteronism, adaptive response to decrease in ECV such as in CHF or CKD. Periodic hypokalemic polymyopathy of Burmese cats A genetic mutation in renal tubular K transporter → autosomal recessive
Clinical findings of hyperaldosteronism
Hypokalaemia not responsive to supplementation HyperNa less common as the hypertension → pressure diuresis (aldosterone escape), but often upper normal. Elevated CK seen with severe hypokalemia. Fundic exam - retinal detachment, haemorrhage, vessel tortuosity Genetic test for Burmese K wasting nephropathy Rule out topical carbonic anhydrase inhibitor use (glaucoma).
Diagnostic tests for hyperaldosteronism and recent publications
Serum Aldosterone - basal levels increased (as are precursor hormones progesterone). But does not differentiate primary from secondary disease. Plasma half life in cats not established Plasma renin activity- limited test availability, DECREASED in primary disease (increased in secondary) Ald:PRA ratio - considered gold standard in humans, and can detect micronodular hyperplasia where renin may be incompletely suppressed Urine Aldosterone:Creat Ratio - does not differentiate primary from secondary disease. Fludrocortisone suppression test - normal cats have reduced aldosterone though may misclassify micronodular hyperplasia (false negative) Use of fludrocortisone can exacerbate hypokalaemic symptoms. Telmisartan Suppression Test - ARB that should suppress aldosterone production in healthy cats or those with secondary increase, but not in those with autonomous secretion. JVIM2023 pilot study: 10 healthy cats and 6 PHA - healthy cats had significantly decreased aldosterone while PHA cats had not reduction. But no secondary PHA cats and controls were younger. Higher dose was more effective though still small overlap. JVIM 2023 - Prospective study including PHA, CKD (with and without hypertension), hyperTH and idiopathic hypertension. → basal aldosterone higher in PHA cats → suppression test did not differentiate PHA from older healthy controls or secondary PHA diseases. → Identified variable serum telmisartan concentrations that may have impacted response. → did not use gold-standard Ald:PRA ratio for comparison
What is unique about adrenal blood flow and what is the physiological ramfication
close vascular relationship b/w the medulla and the cortex of the adrenal gland, with blood flowing from the zona reticularis leaving the gland via vessels in the medulla adrenal medulla receives blood with a high concentration of glucocorticoids as a result of this conformation underlies the fight or flight response.
Origin of catecholamines and
Catecholamines are synthesised from tyrosine which is converted to a precursor. molecule when it enters the chromaffin cells (by tyrosine hydroxylase). conversion of tyrosine to L-DOPA by tyrosine hydroxylase is the rate limiting step in catecholamine synthesis --> Dopamine --> noradrenaline (stored in granules in the adrenal medulla chromaffin cells) --> PMNT (only found in adrenal medulla) converts to adrenaline stored in intracellular vesicles together with many other substances
Where is PMNT expressed
In adrenal medulla only, convert NorA to adrenaline Higher levels in the cells receiving blood supply from the adrenal cortex (cortisol modulates expression) compared to medulla cells that get arterial supply (produce more norA)
How are metanephrines generated
There is also continual metabolism of catecholamines within the chromaffin cells. As noradrenaline leaks from the vesicles COMT metabolises it to: metanephrine and normetanephrine (MN and NMN). This accounts for the majority of catecholamine metabolism
Main roles of catecholamines and their receptors
Approximately same potency for alpha and B1, but B2 is adrenaline and B3 is noradrenaline Alpha1 = vasoconstriction, gluconeogenesis, relaxes GI smooth muscle and increases sphincter tone, contracts spleen. alpha2 = increases vasoconstriction; decreases insulin and glucagon release; increases platelet aggregation; decreasis lipolysis B1 = increased HR and force; secretion of renin, increased nerve conduction velocity, increased lipolysis (opposite of alpha R) B2 - vasodilator; bronchodilator; gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis; INCREASES insulin and glucagon; decreases intestinal motility B3 - increases lipolysis and increases intestinal motility Central dopamine receptors --> decrease release of NorA
Recommended testing for incidental adrenal masses
testing for pheochromocytoma is recommended, if a diagnosis cannot be made and endocrine testing is also negative and there is a lack of structural changes then monitoring the mass via ultrasound every 3-6 months is recommended
Systemic effects of phaeo
Cardiovascular - tachycardia, hypertension (paroxysmal); arrhythmia (SVT); collapse/syncope → HT more attributable to NorA than Adr → severity and ‘type’ of hypertension likely depends on what catecholamine is being predominantly produced (adrenaline is vasodilatory on B2, but alpha receptors activated by both are vasoconstrictors) Respiratory - tachypnoea Neuromuscular - weakness, pacing, anxiety, muscle tremors, seizures → invasion of vertebra and spinal canal reported to cause spinal symptoms Non-specific: weight loss, anorexia, lethargy, abdominal pain, PUPD Symptoms of space occupying mass - hindlimb oedema, ascites, ATE, haemabdomen
Evidence for and against adrenal FNA
FNA can discriminate neuroendo from cortical but not malignancy. Note can be both tumours in one adrenal. JSAP 2018 - 19 dogs no complications reported. All had phaeochromocytoma JVIM 2020 - survey of diplomats approx half did not perform FNA due to concern of risks 50 dog retrospective study - 23 phaeo. 3 dogs had haemorrhage. 1 dog died from acute respiratory distress (may have had lar par?). No reported hypertensive crisis. Based on anecdotal evidence death rate of 1%
Types of paraganglioma - are they functional?
Tumour of the extra-adrenal SNS and parasympathetic ganglia Sympathetic Paraganglioma: secrete catecholamines (noradrenaline only) → increased normetanephrine Parasympathetic paragangliomas are also called glomus tumours or head-and-neck paraganglia. Most of them do not secrete relevant amounts of catecholamines The most common type in dogs and usually arise from the aortic or carotid body
What is multiple endocrine neoplasia
Tumours in several endocrine organs may be present in the same patient. Oftentimes, the tumours are diagnosed simultaneously or within a short time period. In humans, All forms of MEN may be either inherited as autosomal dominant disease or may occur sporadically without a family history MEN-1 is caused by inactivation mutations of a growth suppressor gene MEN-2 is caused by activating mutations of a growth promoter gene Isolated reports in dogs and cats
Different Synthetic cortisols and thier potencies (GC and mineralocorticoid)
Cortison 0.8 for both Fludrocortisone 10 for GC, 125 for MC Pred 4 for GC and 0.8for MC Methylpred 5 GC and 0.5MC Dex 25 GC, 0 MC (also only drug that does not interfere with cortisol measurement other than suppressing its release)