Thyroid Flashcards
Thyroid exam 6 in neck
2 masses: Tongue protrusion & swallow + Cervical LNs
2 vascular: thyroid bruit and carotid pulse(Berrys sign)
2 respi: tracheal deviation and retrosternal extension
6 eyes of thyroid exam
2 mvmt: opthalmoplegia and lid lag
4 lid retraction, chemosis, proptosis, exophthalmos
6 arm steps of thyroid exam
Treatment options for multinodular goitre
- Observation: Sx,PE,TFT and US
- Levothyroxine
- Ablation
- Thyroidectomy
Marker for medullary thyroid cancer surveillance
Types of thyroid cancer with good RAI uptake
Papillary and follicular
High risk features of thyroid nodules
- Solid
- Hypoechoic
- Microcalcifications
- Absence of halo
- Irregular margins
- Taller than wide
- Increased vascularity
TIRADS level where biopsy is recommended
4 and above
Difference between total and modified radical neck dissection
Sparing of one or all of SCM, IJV and CN XI
Boundaries of anterior neck
Hyoid bone, eternal notch, 2 SCMs?
Cutoff on FNAC score for requiring surgery and cannot offer follow up as treatment option
Bethesda 4
What is important to test in Medullary Thyroid cancer
For underlying MEN syndrome(Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia)
Sx of thyroid cancer
- Neck swelling
- LOA, LOW, Fever
- Compressive Sx( Esp in anaplastic)
- Dyspnea
- Dysphagia
- Dysarthria
- SVCO/ Pemberton - Sx of Horner’s syndrome
- Sx of metastasis
- Sx of Hyperthyroidism(uncommon)
- Diarrhea and facial flushing: Paraneoplastic syndrome of MTC
- B- symptoms of Fever, LOW, night sweats in Thyroid lymphoma
Signs of thyroid cancer
- Midline thyroid nodule/mass
- Solitary more common in papillary and follicular
- Diffuse mass more common in medullary and anaplastic
- Nodular, hard with irregular edges - Cervical Lnopathy
- Berry’s sign: Carotid pulse masked by malignant infiltration
RFs of papillary thyroid cancer
- Radiation exposure
- Polyposis syndromes eg Gardners/FAP
- Cowden syndrome
Tends to mets to LNs