General Stuff Flashcards
Borders of Hasselbachs triangle
Medial border: lateral border of rectus abdominis
Lateral border: Inferior epigastric vessels
Inferior border;inguinal ligament
Wish list for hernia exam
1) Auscultate hernia
2) Abdo exam for ascites, masses,palpable bladder
3) Respi exam for chronic cough causes(COPD,asthma)
4) DRE for BPH, constipation, Rectal masses
5) Social Hx
How to differentiate direct and inguinal hernia
- Medial vs lateral to inf. Epigastric vessels
- Cannot vs can extend into scrotum
- Emerges from Hasselbachs triangle vs superficial ring
Mid inguinal point vs midpoint of inguinal ligament
Location of femoral artery vs location of deep ring(2FBs above)
Femoral hernia vs inguinal hernia
Femoral hernia below inguinal ligament, inferio lateral to pubic tubercle
Inguinal hernia above inguinal ligament, superior medial to PT
Risk factors for acquired hernia
1) Old age
2) Smoking
3) Connective tissue disease
4) Male
5) High BMI
6) Causes of increased intraabdominal pressure eg pregnancy
Contents of spermatic cord
3 arteries: Testicular artery, cremasteric artery, artery to vas deferens
3 nerve: Ilioinguinal nerve,genital branch of genitofemoral nerve, autonomic nerves
3 others: Vas deferens, pampiniform plexus, lymphatics from testes
Mx of hernia
-lifestyle mod eg less standing and heavy lifting
-treat underlying causes
-abdominal truss
1) tension free mesh repair(lichtenstein)
2) Tissue repair(tension): Shouldice
3) Transabdominal pre peritoneal repair
4) totally extraperitoneal repair
Specific risks of hernia repair
1) Hematoma or Seroma
2) ARU
3) Injury to vas deferens
1) Chronic pain
2) Mesh infection
3) Mesh migration
4) Hernia recurrence
5) Ischemic orchitis
Indications for laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair
1) Bilateral inguinal hernia
2) Recurrent hernia from OPEN repair
3) Patient preference
General complications of cancers 4Bs
Threshold to place IDC instead of in and out for ARU
Bladder scan shows vol>500ml due to risk of bladder rupture, obstructive uropathy etc
Crescent sign of umblicus suggests
Paraumbiliical hernia
Cx of new stomas
Ischemia and necrosis
Cx of old/mature stomas
Parastomal Hernia
Features that help identify type of stoma
Size of lumen
Number of lumens+stoma key
Location of stoma
Stoma effluent(output) type
spouted or not
Complications of hernias
Sx eg pain
Functions of a stoma
- Feeding
- Diverting
- Decompression
- Externalisation
Common causes of intestinal obstruction
- Adhesions
- Incarcerated hernia
- CR Ca
Rarer: Strictures due to RT, IBD, extrinsic tumors, gallstone,
3 6 9 rule of bowel obstruction
SB >3cm
LB >6cm
Caecum >9cm
Signs of SB IO on XR
- Valvulae conniventes(Stack of coins)
- String of beads appearance
- Dilated bowel loops
- Air fluid levels
- These are centrally located
Signs of SB IO on CT
- Dilated small bowel loops >2.5cm
- Small bowel feces sign
- Closed loop obstruction
Classification for pelvic ring fractures
Young Burgess Classification
Most common type of pelvic ring fx
Lateral compression
Commonly pedestrians in RTA
8 parts of extended FAST scan
- Apical 4 chamber cardiac
- Morrison’s pouch
- Splenorenal
- Bladder/Pouch of Douglas
- Lung apices and bases