Threads Flashcards
What is the flow of Multithreaded Server Architecture
CLIENT > requests to > SERVER > creates thread to service request >
SERVER > continues to listen for additional client requests
Four benefits of Threads
Resource sharing
A benefit of threading which may allow continued execution if part of the process is blocked ( which is important for UI)
A benefit of threads wherein threads share resources of process
(Easier than shared memory or message passing)
Resource sharing
Benefit of threads since
thread creation is CHEAPER than process creation;
Thread switching has LOWER OVERHEAD than context switching
Beneift of thread wherein the process can take advantage of the multiprocessor architecture
_______ systems putting pressure on the programmer
Multicore / multiprocessor
Challenges faced because of using multicore / multiprocessor systems
Dividing activities Balancing Dtaa dependency Data splitting Testing and debugging
____ implies that a system can perform more than one task SIMULTANEOUSLY
___ supports more than one task making progress
(Single processor only)
(Scheduler is responsible for this)
A type of parallelism wherein you distribute SUBSET of the SAME DATA and perform the SAME operation across multiple cores
Data parallelism
A type of parallelism wherein you distribute threads across cores and perform DIFFERENT OPERATIONS per thread
Task parallelism
An increase in the number of threads implies that ___
Architectural support for threading also grows
CPUs have cores and h____
Eg: oracle sparc t4
hardware threads
For every thread in a Mutithreaded processes, there is a unique ____
This identifies the PERFORMANCE GAINS from ADDING ADDITIONAL CORES to an applictaion which has serial and parallel components
Amdahl’s Law
The higher the serial portion of an application, the ___ the performance gained by adding additional cores
Formula for amdahl’s law
Speed-up = 1 / s-((1-s) / no of cores )
As N reaches infinity, speedup approaches __
1/serial portion
A type of parallelism wherein you distribute SUBSET of the SAME DATA and perform the SAME operation across multiple cores
Data parallelism
A type of parallelism wherein you distribute threads across cores and perform DIFFERENT OPERATIONS per thread
Task parallelism
An increase in the number of threads implies that ___
Architectural support for threading also grows
CPUs have cores and h____
Eg: oracle sparc t4
hardware threads
For every thread in a Mutithreaded processes, there is a unique ____
This identifies the PERFORMANCE GAINS from ADDING ADDITIONAL CORES to an applictaion which has serial and parallel components
Amdahl’s Law
The higher the serial portion of an application, the ___ the performance gained by adding additional cores
Formula for amdahl’s law
Speed-up = 1 / s-((1-s) / no of cores )
As N reaches infinity, speedup approaches __
1/serial portion
A type of parallelism wherein you distribute SUBSET of the SAME DATA and perform the SAME operation across multiple cores
Data parallelism
A type of parallelism wherein you distribute threads across cores and perform DIFFERENT OPERATIONS per thread
Task parallelism
An increase in the number of threads implies that ___
Architectural support for threading also grows
CPUs have cores and h____
Eg: oracle sparc t4
hardware threads
For every thread in a Mutithreaded processes, there is a unique ____
This identifies the PERFORMANCE GAINS from ADDING ADDITIONAL CORES to an applictaion which has serial and parallel components
Amdahl’s Law
The higher the serial portion of an application, the ___ the performance gained by adding additional cores