Thorco-lumbar Flashcards
What is paraplegia
Paraplegia is an impairment in motor or sensory function of the lower extremities.
Why is the AEC not always recommended for T and L spine projections
soft tissue and viscera can change the window width.
Where are the illiac crests located , relative to the spine
What has to be injured to cause an unstable vertebrae?
What is a myelogram?
Kinda like angio but for nerves.
What forms the intervertebral foramena
Inferior vertebral notch
What demarks the location of T vertebrae for C@ ?
9cm below sternal notch
What position is the patient best in for thoracic projections and why?
comfier and easier to replicate.
Typical thoracic kVp range?
Typical thoracic C@
why might a exposure of 40mAs be used on a lateral thoracic projection?
to compensate for breathing to blur the ribs.
Why are iliac crests used on a scoliosis projection?
and how to orientate IR’s
measurement data.
landscape, may need 2.
Breathing for thoracic and lumbar projections?
Thoracic = susp. Insp.
Lumbar= susp. Expir.
Why are knees flexed on a lumbar projection?
Brings spine closer to IR.
(will bring spine further away for a thoracic).
Why is a filter beam used for lumbar region?
Dense bone
soft viscera.
typical kVp range for lumbar?
one of highest radiographic exposures.
Alot harder to damage thoracic vertebrae , why?