Thorax & Respiratory System Flashcards
What does the diaphragm do during ins-piration?
What is the role of external intercostal muscle during inspiration?
increase the anteroposterior chest diameter
What are the primary muscles of respiration?
interior intercostals (decrease transverse chest diameter during expiration), SCM and trapezius are accessory muscles (used when there are pulmonary problems)
How many lobes do the lungs have?
right:three, left: 2 and a lingula
The trachea divides into right and left main bronchi at about what thoracic level?
T4 or T5 just below manubriosternal joint
The main bronchi divide into?
three branches on the right and two on the left
Which bronchus is winder, shorter, and more vertically placed leaving it more susceptible to aspiration of foreign bodies?
right bronchus
Which intercostal space are the male nipples typically located?
4th intercostal space
The manubriosternal junction is located at which intercostal space?
2nd intercostal space
Where are the lungs located in relation to the clavicles?
the apex is partially above the clavicles
How do fetuses have gas exchange?
through placenta (NOT the lungs)
How would you describe the chest of a newborn?
round (chest and head circumference are about the same until age 2)
Why do premature babies have lung issues?
because the lungs are the last thing to develop
What is the proper order of a chest examination?
inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation
When inspecting a patient during a chest exam, what are you looking for
finger clubbing, breath odor, skin, nail and lip cyanosis or pallor, pursing lips, nostril flaring
What is the normal respiration rate in an adult?
12-20 breaths/minute
Respiratory rhythm in a resting adult is described as what kind of breathing?
What kind of respiration patter should a resting adult have?
cheyne-stokes, biot respirations
Retractions in the chest wall symmetry would indicate?
What is the term for-on inspiration, the lower thorax is drawn in, and on expiration, the opposite occurs (thorax moves in a wave from bottom up)
paradoxic breathing
Name the three P structures in the body that might produce friction rubs?
pleura, paracardium, and peritineum
What could cause deviation of the trachea?
large thyroid, aortic aneurysm, collapsed lung (pneumothorax), cancer-tumor, goiter
What side would the diaphragm typically be higher on and from what structure?
the right from the liver
What would you want the measurement of diaphragmatic excursion to be in a health patient?
between 3-5 cm difference
Where would you expect to hear vesicular breathing?
over healthy lung tissue