Thorax anatomy flashcards
Which vessels can be palpated in the neck?

Fill in the blanks of the different parts of vertebrae

How do the upper ribs move when breathing in/out?

Fill in the blanks of the attachments of the serratus anterior, pectoralis major and minor onto the thorax

How does the subclavian artery and vein pass over the 1st rib?

Where is the triangle of safety formed on a person and with what is it formed?

Fill in the blanks for the thoracic veins

Fill in the blanks of the sympathetic trunk

Fill in the blanks of the thoracic lymphatic system

Fill in the blanks of the components of the thoracic inlet

Fill in the blanks of the thoracic arteries

How does the sympathetic outflow from the spinal cord occur? FITB

Which structures are the sympathetic nerves attached to in the thorax?

What are the surface projections of the heart?

What are the posterior surface landmarks of the pleural space?

What are the anterior surface landmarks of the pleura?

Fill in the blanks of the different surface lines that can be used to divide the body

Fill in the blanks of the spinal cord and vertebra in situ

Fill in the blanks of the somatic spinal nerves

Fill in the blanks of the structures that can be seen on the right lung

Fill in the blanks of the sections of the ribs that can connect to the vertebrae/cartilage

How do the ribs and vertebrae articulate with each other?

What are the different pulmonary plexuses? FITB

What are the posterior surface landmarks on a person?

Fill in the blanks of the thorax organsiation on a superior view

Where should percussion and auscultation of the lungs be carried out?

Which viscera are connected to the parasympathetic nerves?

Fill in the blanks of the oesophageal veins

Fill in the blanks of the oesophageal plexus

Fill in the blanks of the nerves of the oesophagus

Fill in the blanks of the RHS viscera of the mediastinum

Fill in the blanks of the LHS viscera in the mediastinum

Fill in the blanks of the mediastinum areas

Fill in the blanks for the bony surface landmarks anteriorly

How does the lymphatic system work to keep the cycle going?

Fill in the blanks of the lymphatic system in the thorax

Fill in the blanks of the lymphatic system in the thorax

Fill in the blanks of the lymph node

Where should the lung be auscultated anteriorally?

Where should the lungs be auscultated posteriorly?

How do the lower ribs (usually) move when breathing?

Fill in the blanks about the relations of the viscera to the left lung

Fill in the blanks of the intervertebral disc

Fill in the blanks of the intercostal muscles

Fill in the blanks of the intercostal bundles

Fill in the blanks of the hilar structures of the lungs

Where are the heart valves located and where should it be auscultated?

Fill in the blanks of the heart

Where should the ECG leads be placed on the chest?

Fill in the blanks of the diaphragm

Where do dermatomes spread to?

How does the costotransverse joint move?

How is the CNS separated?

Fill in the blanks of the cardiac plexus

What are the bronchopulmonary segments?

Fill in the blanks of the bronchial tree

Fill in the blanks of the major vessel branches

Fill in the blanks of the breast anatomy