Thorax & Abdominal Body Wall Flashcards
Line of pleural reflection landmarks
8-9th costal arch –> dorsocaudally to 18th rib –> reflects cranially to 17th IC space
What is the line of pleural reflection
Where costal parietal pleura becomes diaphragmatic parietal pleura
What is the basal border of the lungs
Dorsal: epaxial muscles
Cranial: olecrannon-scapular cartilage
Caudoventral: 6th costochondral junction - middle of 11th rib - dorsal 16th rib (6-11-16)
External intercostal: fiber direction & function
Caudoventral, inspiration
Internal intercostal: fiber direction & function
Cranioventral, expiration
Where on the ribs do the vessels and nerves run
Caudal aspect
What/where is the costodiaphragmatic recess
caudal to basal border of lung, where costal and diaphragmatic pleura come into contact
Why do we care about the costodiaphragmatic recess
It overlies the abdominal cavity
When doing a liver biopsy, do on expiration so you don’t puncture the lung
What/where is the cupula pleura
Where costal pleura reflects back to become the mediastinal pleura (cranial)
Extends cranial to first rib on RIGHT side
Why do we care about the cupula pleura
On the right side, it extends very far cranial (past first rib) so punctures/lacerations that look innocent may cause a pneumothorax
Where do we listen for the different valves in the heart
L AV: ventral 5th IC space, caudodorsal to olecrannon
Aortic: dorsal 4th IC
Pulmonary: ventral 3rd IC
R AV: ventral 3rd/4th IC
Where are the cardiac notches
L - 3-6 IC space
R - 3-4 IC space
What is special about the vessels that exit the heart in the horse
Everything branches off the brachiocephalic trunk
T/F: the caudal vena cava is ventral to the aorta
What is special about the equine mediastinum and why do we care
It has fenestrations, very easy for pneumothoraxes to become bilateral
What is the course of the phrenic nerve
ventral branch of SCS C5,5,7 –> caudoventrally over CrVC [R] or base of heart [L] –> ventral to lung root –> diaphragm
Vagus nerve - path
Exits skull via tympano-occipital fissure –>
dorsal ganglion of the vagus –>
vagosympathetic trunk to middle cervical ganglion –>
At level of heart/lungs - split into dorsal and ventral trunks –>
trunks reunite and pass through diaphragm in esophageal hiatus
Grooves of the heart - what side do they live on and what vessels run through them
RIGHT - subsinuosal groove: R coronary a., middle cardiac v.
LEFT - paraconal interventricular groove: L coronary a., great cardiac v.
What lives between the auricles
The pulmonary trunk (pulmonary a.)
EAO (a, fd, f)
Tuber coxae, linea alba, prepubic tendon, last ribs
Compress viscera, flex vertebral laterally
IAO: (a, fd, f)
Tuber coaxae & dorsal inguinal ligament - last rib, costal cartilage, linea alba
Compress & support viscera
TA (a, fd, f)
Lumbar trans process - medial costal cartilage & linea alba
Abdominal press, move pelvis cranial, flex trunk
RA (a, fd, f)
Xiphoid/4th rib - prepubic tendon
Compress, support viscera
EAO contribution to inguinal ring
Slit in aponeurosis = superficial inguinal ring
free edge = inguinal ligamanet = caudal boundary of deep inguinal ring
IAO contribution to inguinal rings
Caudal free edge = cranial border of deep inguinal ring
RA contribution to inguinal rings
Medial boundary of deep inguinal ring
What are the boundaries of the abdominal cavity
Cranial: diaphragm
Ventral: rectus abdominus
Lateral: body wall muscles
Dorsal: lumbar vert., epaxials
Caudal: pelvic inlet
Where does the diaphragm attach
Ribs 9-18
Latissimus dorsi (a, f)
thoracolumbar fascia to teres major tuberosity
Moves limb caudally, moves body forward if limb is planted
What are the epaxial muscles from dorsal –> lateroventral
What is the anatomic name for the ‘spur vein’
Superficial thoracic vein
Runs with the lateral thoracic nerve
Why do we care about the superficial thoracic vein
-Can be used for a catheter
-Need to avoid when doing a pleural tap (want to be dorsal to the vein)
What makes up the pericardium
Parietal pericardium
Fibrous pericardium
Mediastinal parietal pleura
What are the openings in the diaphragm and what passes through each
Aortic hiatus: aorta, azygous, thoracic duct
Esophageal hiatus: esophagus, vagal trunks
Caval foramen: caudal vena cava
What is a ‘heave line’ from
The hypertrophy of the EAO makes a visible line between the muscle fibers and the aponeurosis