Thorax Flashcards
What are the muscles of expiration?
Serratus dorsalis caudalis m.
Retractor costae m.
Transverse Thoracic m.
Transversarus thoracis m. (expiration)
Retractor costae m. (expiration)
Serratus dorsalis caudalis m. (expiration)
Plica vena cavea (red star)- the connecting pleura between the caudal vena cava and the diaphragm, pericardial sac, and floor of the thorax.
Pulmonary ligaments (green star)
What is the mediastinum?
The cleft or wall between the right and left mediastinal pleura. Near the median thoracic plane, it divides the thorax into two cavities. The thoracic organs, other than the lungs, (heart, oesophagus, trachea, aorta, and thymus) help form the mediastinum.
Penetrating wounds and fluid build up- what is important about this situation to know in terms of an open thorax and anything between parietal and visceral pleura?
Sympathetic nervous system (autonomic)
Thoracolumbar- immediately associated with adrenal gland and use noadrenalin to make hair stand on end, face go blanch white, blood to muscles and heart and out of gut
Parasympathetic (autonomic) runs?
All the way from the brain. Vagus n
pink- intercostal nn.
green- phrenic nn.
Spinous processes of T2- T13
s- sternal ribs
a- asternal ribs
c- costal cartilages
f- floating ribs
How are the left lobes of the lungs named?
Left cranial (cranial and caudal parts) & left caudal
How does the vagus nerve branch?
Left Vagus n. and Right Vagus n. and then into Dorsal Vagus trunk and Ventral vagus trunk
Epaxial muscles
Dorsal to transverse processes
What is a synchronous diaphragmatic flutter? What nerve is related?
Hiccup. Reflex, once triggered causes a strong contraction of the diaphragm and closure of vocal cords. Related to the phrenic nerve.
What is the ansa subclavia?
The loop made by the cervical sympathetic trunk as it divides to pass on either side of the subclavian artery at the thoracic inlet. Forms a loop around the subclavian artery.