Thoracolumbar Complaint - Lab Flashcards
Piriformis Syndrome Presentation
- Pain in buttock region, radiates to posterior thigh but usually stops above the knee
- Worse with sitting, better with ambulation
- Tenderpoint present at sciatic notch
- May present with sciatica symptoms
What is a Piriformis Syndrome Test
Positive Log Roll & FAIR test
What is a positive Log Roll Test
Posterior Pain with sciatic notch tenderness
A. What is the FAIR test
B. What is the setup
A. Specific test that determines sciatic notch irritation due to the piriformis.
B. Patient is laying lateral recumbent with affected hip up. Physician flexes, adducts and internally rotates top leg while stabilizing at the hip.
What is a positive FAIR test
Pain at the sciatic/gluteal area
Psoas Syndrome Presentation
- Pain worsens with standing up straight
- Patient may present with limbing or shuffling stride
- Tenderpoint present medial to ASIS
Note: Iliopsoas is a hip flexor. A tight Iliopsoas would present with the hips being flexed. Possibly due to constantly sitting down.
Specialty Test for Psoas Syndrome
Positive Thomas test and FABER test
Negative Log Roll test
A. What does the Thomas test determine
B. What is a positive Thomas Test
A. Test for tight hip flexor muscle.
B. Inability to fully extend leg or leg raises off the table
A. What is the FABER Test
B. What is the set up
C. What is a positive test
A. Test for Psoas Syndrome
B. Pt. supine, with hip flexed, abducted and externally rotated and ankle resting on contralateral leg
C. Groin pain
If a FABER test presents with pain at the buttock region what does that mean?
Sacroiliac joint dysfunction = Hip pain
Herniated Disc presentation
- Leg pain
- Numbness
- TIngling
- Loss of function in the impinged nerve root
Herniated disc speciality test
Positive Straight Leg Raise between 30-60 degrees
What does a Positive SLR at 15-30 degrees indicate
IT band contracture
What does a positive SLR at 30-60 degrees indicate
- Lumbar disc herniation at L4-S1 nerve roots
- Lumbosacral radiculopathy (pain running down posterior leg)
- Sciatic neuropathy
What does a positive SLR grater than 70 degrees indicate
- Mechanical low back pain
- Pathology of hip or sacroiliaic joint
- Hamstrings or glueteus maximus tightness
Spondylolisthesis presentation
Pain worse with standing or walking but better with rest or spinal flexion. May cause muscle spasms of the hamstrings.
Spondylolisthesis specialty test
Positive low midline sill (step-off) sign
A. What is a Low Midline Sill (Step-off) Sign
B. What is the positive test
A. Tests for spondylolisthesis
B. Observable or palpable anterior displacement of superior segment compared to pathologica (affected) segment.
A. What is Scoliosis
B. What is the specialty test for Scoliosis
A. Lateral curvature of the spine greater than 10 degrees with rotation. May be functional or structural. Names for side of convexity.
B. Positive Adam’s forward bend
Functional vs. Structural Scoliosis
Function scoliosis is a resolution of the rib hump with sidebending. Structural scoliosis is a persistence of the rib hump with sidebending.