Thoracic Spine and Costal Cage (1) Flashcards
impairment based classification thoracic spine
thoracic pain w/ mobility deficits
thoracic cage/respiratory mobility deficits
mid back pain w/ radiating pain (dural slump)
1st rib pain and mobility deficits
thoracic pain w/ mobility deficits
awkward movement
increased w/ end of motion
thoracic cage/respiratory mobility deficits
chest wall pain
worse w/ deep breaths, mechanical strain to thorax
chest wall pain –> thoracic cage/respiratory mobility deficits
worse w/ deep breaths, mechanical strain to thorax –> thoracic cage/respiratory mobility deficits
mid back pain w/ radiating pain
sxs precipitated by prolonged sitting, long sit or neck flexion
diffuse, central or bilateral
mvmt coordination of flexion/extension
1st rib pain and mobility deficits
scap, shoulder, or upper chest pain
associated w/ C8/ulnar deviation
upper chest breather, ipsilateral cervical SB, scap elevation
red flags in t-spine
many visceral pains can mimic thoracic
other red flags exist and must be ruled out
orange flags
mental health red flags
stomach pain
T 6-10 innervation
upper abdominal
middle and lower tspine
yellow flags
associated w/ beliefs, worries, fear, anxiety
small intestine pain
T 7-10
middle thoracic spine
pancreas pain
T 6-10
upper abdominal
lower tspine
upper l spine
gall bladder pain
T 7-9
R upper abdominal
R middle and lower tspine (including causal aspect of scap)
Liver pain
T 7-9
right middle and lower tspine
right c spine
common bile duct pain
T 6-10
upper abdominal
middle tspine
what do all thoracic vertebrae have
rib attachment via demifacets
on the body and facets of TPs
size of thoracic vertebrae
smaller than lumbar
generally same arthrokinematics
T7 is going to move
rib below it
rib 8
T6 is going to move
rib below it
rib 7