thoracic outlet syndrome Flashcards
what are other names for TOS?
cervical rib and scalenus syndrome
costoclavicular syndrome
hyperabduction syndrome
cervicobrachial compression syndrome
pathophysiology of TOS?
compression on brachial plexus(neurologic TOS)
or compression on axillary or subclavian arteries(arterial TOS; pale skin)
or compression on brachial vein(venous TOS; venous congestion and purple discoloration with venous congestion)(common in men with difficult occupations–>effort thrombosis–>PAGET-SCHROETTER syndrome)
what innervates the anterior scalene muscle?
phrenic nerve
risk factors of TOS?
enlarged clavicle or first rib bone
heavy lifting in gym
breast implant or hypertrophy
repetitive hand movements at work/office
scalene muscle hypertrophy
congenital ligaments
what is the most common symptom of TOS?
paresthesia; compression of artery–pins and needles sensation due to ischemia
T1–arms will ???
C4-7=occipital headache
T1=arms will weaken and be atrophied long term+paresthesia
which of the venous or arterial system can create collateral new vessels??
venous system,
bcz in arterial TOS the cell will necrotize by the time new vessels form
what is claudication?
phenomenon in TOS when the pt wants to relieve pain due to compression on arterial supply to relieve paresthesia and let the blood pass
What are the differential diagnosis of TOS
Cervical disc syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Cubital tunnel syndrome
Orthopeedic should disorder;scoliosis
Cervical radiculopathy
Ulnar nerve compression
Multiple sclerosis
(Spinal cord tumors
Pancoast tumors
Stable angina)
Reflex sympathetic dystrophy
Raynaud’s phenomenon
What is the test performed to detect TOS?
Adson’s test(scalene maneuver)
Halsted test
Hyperabduction test(wright test)
Roos test(elevated arm test)
What are the definitive objective tests to diagnose TOS?
X ray
Doppler USG
Thorax CT
Nerve conduction study
What is raynaud’s phenomena?
Vasospastic disorder that increases with cold and stress
Treatment for TOS?
Conservative treatment: change occupation , correct posture, lose weight, Pilates or physical therapy+pain killers
Surgical;in case of thrombosis: decompression by transaxillary(arterial TOS) or infraclavicular or supraclavicular route