Thoracic and Pulmonary Anatomy Flashcards
Number of ribs
True ribs
Ribs 1-7
Articulate directly with sternum
False Ribs
Ribs 8-10
Articulate with costal cartilage
Floating ribs
Ribs 11-12
No anterior articulations (floating)
Rib that articulates with manubrial sternal junction (Angle of Louis)
2nd rib
Structures inserting on OR arising from the 2nd rib
- Posterior scalene muscle (inserts onto 2nd rib)
- Pectoralis major muscle (arises from 2nd rib)
Caval hiatus (level and structures passing through)
- Level T8
- Structures
- Right phrenic nerve
Esophageal hiatus (level and structures)
- Level T10
- Structures
- Esophagus
- Anterior (left) vagus nerve
- Posterior (right) vagus nerve
Aortic hiatus (level and structures)
- Level T12
- Structures
- Aorta
- Azygous vein
- Thoracic duct
Course of sympathetic trunk
Runs posterior to diaphragm along lateral aspect of vertebral column
Thoracic inlet relationships of vessels and nerves
- Anterior to Anterior Scalene muscle
- Subclavian vein (over first rib, beneath clavicle)
- Between Anterior and Middle Scalene muscle
- Subclavian artery (over first rib, beneath clavicle)
- Brachial plexus
Nerve that descends on anterior surface of Ant Scalene m
Phrenic n
Chest wall muscles utilized for tissue coverage
- Pectoralis major (pectoralis branch of thoracoacromial artery)
- Latissimus dorsi (thoracodorsal artery)
- Serratus anterior (lateral thoracic artery)
- Pedicaled intercostal muscle
- Rectus abdominus for TRAM flap (superior epigastric artery)
- Not appropriate if ipsilateral IMA has been harvested for CABG
Average length of the trachea?
Number of cartilagenous rings of trachea?
10-11 cm
17-21 incomple anterior cartilagenous rings
Blood supply to trachea
Inferior thyroid artery (anastomotic arcade on posterolateral aspect of trachea)
Individuals responsible for regional lymph node classification system
Mountain and Dresler
Mediastinal lymph node levels
Levels 1-9 (single digit levels)
- N2 disease (ipsilateral LN involvement)
- N3 disease (contralateral LN involvement)
MLN Level 1
Supraclavicular LN
MLN Levels 2 and 4
- Level 2: upper paratracheal
- above Ao arch
- Level 4: lower paratracheal
- below Ao arch
MLN Level 3
Prevascular or prevertebral (immediately adjacent to trachea)
LN Levels 5 and 6
- Level 5: aortopulmonary window (btw aorta and PA)
- watch injury to recurrent laryngeal nerve
- Level 6: anterior to Ao arch
LN Levels 7, 8, 9
- Level 7: Subcarinal
- Level 8: Paraesophageal
- Level 9: Along inferior pulmonary ligament
Pulmonary LN
- Levels 10-14
- Level 10: hilar
- Level 11: interlobar
- Level 12: lobar
- Level 13: segmental
- Level 14: subsegmental
- Ipsilateral involvement (N1 disease)
Cervical mediastinoscopy allows sampling of which LN stations?
Levels 2, 4, 7
- N2 disease (ipsilateral LN involvement)
- N3 dieaese (contralateral LN involvement)
LN levels sampled by Chamberlain procedure (anterior mediastinoscopy)
Levels 2,4,5,6,7
LN levels sampled by EBUS
Levels 1, 2,3,4,7,10,11
Can be used to sample Level 8 LN
Number and distribution of bronchopulmonary segments in RIGHT LUNG
- 10 total segments
- RUL=3
- apical, anterior, posterior
- RML=2
- medial, lateral
- RLL=5
- superior segmental
- basilar (anterior, posterior, medial, lateral)
Number and distribution of bronchopulmonary segments in LEFT LUNG
- 8 total segments
- LUL = 4
- Apicoposterior
- Anterior
- Superior lingular
- Inferior lingular
- LLL=4
- Superior segment
- Basal segments
- Anteromedial
- Posterior
- Lateral
Behind aorta and SVC and anterior to right main bronchus
Braches of Right Main PA
- RUL:
- Trucus anterior (anterior and posterior segments)
- Posterior ascending
- RML:
- Middle lobe branch at level of fissure
- RLL:
- Superior segmental branch (arrising posteriorly at level of RML artery)
- Medial basal branch
- Common basal trunk
Course of Left Main PA
- Runs anterior to descending aorta and left main bronchus
- Attached to Aorta by ligamentum arteriosum (left recurrent LN)
Typical branch pattern of Left Main PA
- LUL: 4 branches (range 2-7)
- Anterior
- Apical
- Several posterior
- Lingula branch (arises anteriorly, single supply to linguala in 80% of pts)
- LLL:
- Superior segmental branch (arises posteriorly, usually proximal to lingula b)
- Common basal trunk
Anatomical relationships of Right Pulmonary Veins
- Right superior pulmonary vein
- Crosses anterior to bronchus intermedius
- 3 branches to RUL (apical, anterior, posterior)
- Single branch to RML
- Right inferior pulmonary vein
- Superior segmental vein
- Common basal vein
Anatomical relationships of Left Pulmonary Vein
- Superior pulmonary vein
- 3 branches: anterior, apical, lingular
- Inferior pulmonary vein
- Superior segmental vein (posterior to bronchus)
- Common basal vein (anterior)