This where I leave you Flashcards

Now,  here is the story, toots.
Can we go over some syndication numbers?
I'll consolidate these for you
she had a little touch-up
He's bereaved

toots: informal, mainly US :darling; sweetheart

When newspaper articles or television programmes are syndicated, they are sold to several different newspapers or television stations, who then publish the articles or broadcast the programmes.
A syndicate is an association of people or organizations that is formed for business purposes or in order to carry out a project.

If you consolidate something that you have, for example, power or success, you strengthen it so that it becomes more effective or secure.
The question is: will the junta consolidate its power by force?
To consolidate a number of small groups or firms means to make them into one large organization.
The state has 60 days to consolidate Louisiana’s four higher-education boards.

If you touch something up, you improve its appearance by covering up small marks with paint or another substance.

A bereaved person is one who has a relative or close friend who has recently died.

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So, in deference to him, I’m gonna limit myself to a single psalm
I’m just jotting down a few thoughts
Cradle and all was the inspiration for my dissertation
Jerry died 20 yeas ago and I still find ways to randomly working him into conversations.
I’m afraid I’ll start laughing or bawling or say sth inapproprriate


in deference to
in American English
out of regard or respect for (a person or the person’s position or wishes)
A dissertation is a long formal piece of writing on a particular subject, especially for a university degree.
If you bawl, you shout in a very loud voice, for example because you are angry or you want people to hear you.

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just a freak accident on an elliptical
Those are not the same breasts you nursed us with
Hopefullt, you will be looking for another sash for that robe
After we settle the will, I’ll buy your shares at a fair evaluation
This is my livelihood
and then you can assimilate the new information


If you see through someone or their behaviour, you realize what their intentions are, even though they are trying to hide them.
I saw through your little ruse from the start.
A cataclysm is an event that causes great change or harm.
A sash is a long piece of cloth which people wear round their waist or over one shoulder, especially with formal or official clothes.
Your livelihood is the job or other source of income that gives you the money to buy the things you need.
If you assimilate new ideas, techniques, or information, you learn them or adopt them.

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I’m blanking
Philip’s skanky ex-girlfriends are a dime a dozen
‘How’s your German?’—’Not bad, but I’m out of practice.’
We are im Paul’s car, come on, we are making a run for it
You have had your whole life mapped out since you were 12 years old.
I think I blew a fuse
The sensible thing is to leave them alone.
Grab some skates from the rental shack


If you look blank, your face shows no feeling, understanding, or interest.
a dime a dozen: very cheap or common
If you are out of practice at doing something, you have not had much experience of it recently, although you used to do it a lot or be quite good at it.
If you make a run for it or if you run for it, you run away in order to escape from someone or something.
Sensible actions or decisions are good because they are based on reasons rather than emotions.

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We were driving along Interstate 280, toward my home in Woodside.
you are in a cool rink in a hot day
That sounds what you were loading up
I always knew there was sth of a cold-heated slut in you. Takes one to know one
The royalties enabled the inventor to re-establish himself in business.
It’s asinine
I remember you father less as a sick, frail patient
It was probably medicinal
and I held down the fucking fort


In the United States, an interstate is a major road linking states.
A rink is a large area covered with ice where people go to ice-skate, or a large area of concrete where people go to roller-skate.
A cold-hearted person does not feel any affection or sympathy towards other people.
Payments made to someone whose invention, idea, or property is used by a commercial company can be referred to as royalties.
If you describe something or someone as asinine, you mean that they are very foolish.
Someone who is frail is not very strong or healthy.
If you hold down a job or a place in a team, you manage to keep it.

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Why are you skulking?
I extend an olive branch, and you are gonna pitch it in the trash?
I think I’m gonna gather up the tattered remnants of my dignity and say goodbye
I guess this is as good a time as any
I’m emotionally inept, you are a little strange.
I know you will join me in wishing them Godspeed.
The term Godspeed is sometimes used in order to wish someone success and safety, especially if they are about to go on a long and dangerous journey.
He’d changed his name to deflect accusations of nepotism.
Dad always had a soft spot for him, didn’t he?
I told him, I would mull it over


If you skulk somewhere, you hide or move around quietly because you do not want to be seen.
to do or say something in order to show that you want to end a disagreement with someone: He held out an olive branch to the opposition by releasing 42 political prisoners.
If you pitch something somewhere, you throw it with quite a lot of force, usually aiming it carefully.
Someone who is believed to be clairvoyant is believed to know about future events or to be able to communicate with dead people.
If you say that someone is inept, you are criticizing them because they do something with a complete lack of skill.
If you deflect something such as criticism or attention, you act in a way that prevents it from being directed towards you or affecting you.
If you mull something over, you think about it for a long time before deciding what to do.

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