This section of Stats Flashcards
Survey Research
people tell about themselves, important compliment to observational and experimental findings.
Prone to social desirability
Where to find survey research?
What are the psychometrics- reliability and validity? Cite relevant forms
How to - Constructing questions
will likely do this for th particulars of my study
- Close ended
- Grammatical issues and phrasing
-Simplicity but sometimes needs operational definition
Avoid- Contructing questions
double barreled questions
Negative wording
Yea saying and nay saying- use reverse coding
Responses to questions
close ended versus open ended
good for how people would naturally response versus prime or lead responses
Visual analogue
likert scale, likest type, yes/ no
External validity
Was the research done right? Internal validity. External validity is other populations,
Generalizing with volunteers
research indicates that volunteers differ in carious ways from non-volunteers
Generalizing-Online research
internet users represent certain people. More diverse than university student sample
ONline people- urbane or suburban, college, younger high income
Mturk and QUaltrics- can aid in diversifying
validity checks for this- captcha
Generalizing to other populations
Know what you are asking
- Operationalize race ethnicity, and related constructs
Guidelins for operationalizing race ethnicity and culture
Contectulize- generation status, langue, socioeconomic status and religion
Use labels that reflect identieis- lentil
Benefits of lab settings
Study of impact of IV under highly controlled conditions to investigate causal relationships
Generalization to real life settings are less important
Good external Validity
Replication of study- exact and conceptual (operationalize IV and DV differently.
Supporting external validity
Replicate and extend- different methods, populations, additional factors
Different samples greatly increases generalizability
Meta Analysis
Determining reliability of a finding by examining the results from different studies