this is it! Flashcards
number of points of apgar score?`
10 (HR, RR, Muscle tone, response to stim, color of extremities
pt is acutely dealing with a kidney stone, help them out by
giving them pain meds
Cardiogenic shock markers
increase in systemic resistance, increase in BUN
septic shock markers
decreased preload, decreased systemic resistance , ALP will be high
horrible HA, LOC and shows up in ER, you must think
subarchnoid hemorrhage
SAH, regained consciousness, what symptom will he still have?
confusion and irritable
autoimmune dz, pain in shoulder and pelvis griddle, but NO WEAKNESS
polymyalgia rheumatic (MYALGIA) think joint aches
autoimmune dz, causes proximal muscle weakness
harsh holosystolic murmur heard best at the LSB with a fixed S2
schizo with depression what med
Carbamazeprine (tegretol)
sickle cells are usually asymptomatic, but during extreme conditions they may experience
painless hematuria and are at a risk of rhado
how does pericardial pain differ from MI pain
pericarditis is much more stabbing and sharp
palpable parasternal lift, harsh systolic murmur that radiate to the left shoulder, ECG show right axis deviation
pulmonic stenosis
can aspirin and NSAID cause an asthma attack
hell yes!!
best imagining for stress fx
bone scan
condylomata acuminata highest risk for what lady cancer
Rh negative is most common in what population
scattered discrete macules with an orange-red greasy scale
facial seborrhea
tx facial seborrhea with?
hydocortisone cream
what is the most common electrolyte SE of ACE inhibitor?
anytime urinary obstruction may be a factor, get a post void residual volume. good for neurogenic bladder dx too
and that is a fact
punched out lytic lesion
MM lesions are best seen on what imagine
plain x-ray
child had URI 2-3 weeks ago, now has sore knee +
transient synovitis, treatment is symptomatic
foul smell sputum and lots of it, chronic productive cough
epigastric pain that is relieved by sitting up and forward?
pancreatic cancer pain
T score -2 or less, should be scanned how often
1-2 years
T score -1.5 should be scanned every
5 years
t score -1.5 to -2.0 should be scanned every
3 years
hx of Barretts, pain with swallowing, continuation of drinking and smoking and regurgation, most likely has?
Even though he has Barrett’s these are serious symptoms that warrant ESOHAGEAL CANCER
hemolytic anemia + elevated LDH with normal Pt and PTT, however pt has fever, petechiae and HA
purpura, pallor, gingival bleeding, normocytic normochromic anemia—
think chronic dz-aplastic anemia
intermittent chest pain + midsyslic click
mitral valve prolapse
most common bug in osteomyeltitis in sickle cell pt?
Stap. aureus
tx of s. aureus osteomyelitis
fluoroquinolone for 4 wks- 6wks (CIPRO)
most common site of Crohns?
Terminal Ileum
tx of a pneumo if less than 15% and no sign of tension pneumo
outpatient tx with bed rest
complication of tracheal intubation
tracheal stenosis, unable to clear secretions, can occur weeks or months after trauma
allergy eye dz tx
cold compresses, topical histamine
risk factors for cataracts
STEROIDS, DM, uvetitis and sun