packrat questions Flashcards
initial tx for acute angle glaucoma
topical pilocarpine
what lab differentiates seizure from pseudo-seizure
serum prolactin
5 month history of schizophrenia symptoms including flattened affect, disorganized speech and poor hygiene. what is this disorder?
Schizophreniform disorder (similar to schizophrenia that cannot be dx until 6 months)
what is the mechanism associated with hornets syndrome: a disorder comprised of: ptosis, mitosis, & anhydrous
cranial sympathetic dysfunction that occurs due to nerve injury below the level of entry into the skull
increased tactile fremitus and egophony =
increased density such as effusion or pneumonia
what lab test should be followed bi-yearly for pts taking atypical antidepressants?
Glucose-blood sugar
trauma to the eye causing enopthalmos and flattened anterior chamber is suggestive of
globe rupture, shield eye and refer
pt has 225/130 bp what med should be used?
nitroprusside. it lower bp in seconds by direct arteriolar and venous dilation
herpangina is associated with what viruses? what are the symptoms?
enteroviruses, present with painful vesicles about the tonsillar fauces
Infliximab (Remicade) is a TNF inhibitor is used in the treatment of RA, what SE does it have
increased risk of developing infection, test for TB before starting medication
___ is the dominant hemoglobin found in sickle cell anemia
what medication is recommending for family members of pts recently dx with Hep A?
young otherwise healthy pt with a recent viral syndrome, followed by acute, sharp, focal chest pain =
severe abdominal pain, vomiting for 6 hours, high white count, significant hypertriglyceridemia, and transient hyperglycemia =
acute pancreatitis
what PE finding indicates that delivery of the placenta is imminent?
uterus is higher and more globular in abdomen
right homonymous hemianopsia, where is the lesion located
left optic tract
what is the definitive treatment of OSA
is a high fat diet is associated with prostate cancer?
tx for otitis externa?
topical cipro it will kill pseudomonas and proteus
Noninflammatory causes of arthritis include
tumors, such as osteochondromas, osteoarthritis, trauma, and bone necrosis
What is the most common cardiac abnormality that develops in patients with undertreated acromegaly?
Which of the following best represents the initial evaluation of an otherwise healthy adult patient with the chief complaint of painless gross hematuria?
Urinalysis and culture. This is the best initial study for evaluation of hematuria. Centrigution of the urine specimen will help separate the sediment from the supernatant. Red sediment indicates hematuria, while red supernatant with a positive heme dipstick indicates hemoglobinuria vs myoglobinuria.
A 5 year old female is brought to your office by her mother who has noticed a rash on the palms of her hands and soles of her feet. She also reports that her daughter has had a fever of 100.5 F (38.1 C) and significantly decreased appetite for the past 3 days. What physical exam findings would you suspect in this patient?
Painful, small gray lesions on an erythematous base seen on the oral mucosa. This describes the aphthous ulcers commonly seen in Hand, foot, mouth disease caused by Coxsackie virus A16.
what is the usual tx of Polymyalgia Rheumatica.
Low dose corticosteroids for a couple of years and close follow-up with Rheumatology
A 45 year old male presents to the office with chronic rhinorrhea, and two weeks of purulent and bloody nasal discharge accompanied by a dry cough and pleuritic chest pain. He complains that over the last week his dyspnea has been worsening. You order labs and imaging studies. The CT scan reveals blood vessels leading to nodules within the lung, and he has a positive ANCA test, but otherwise labs are non-contributory. Which of the following is his most likely diagnosis?
Wegener’s Granulomatosis
What hematologic abnormality may be present in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?
Polycythemia can result in patients with this chronic lung disorder due to their chronic state of hypoxemia.
Which of the following is the most common presenting symptom in diabetic gastroparesis?
Vomiting several hours after meals
This is the most common presenting complaint in patients with diabetic gastroparesis. Metoclopramide is the drug treatment of choice in this condition, due to the increase in gastric emptying that it causes.
best test for syphillis
FTA-ABS is the diagnostic test of choice when a diagnosis of Syphilis is suspected. Dark field microscopy is not generally used clinically today, and RPR and VDRL aren’t as specific as the Fluorescent treponemal antibody testing.
What is the currently accepted treatment regimen for bacterial meningitis in the population between 1 month and 50 years?
Cefotaxime and vancomycin
Which of the following is the initial drug of choice for mood stabilization?
What cluster of features make up Cushing’s Triad and indicate increased intracranial pressure?
Hypertension, bradycardia, respiratory depression
What is the imaging modality of choice in suspected nephrolithiasis?
non contrast CT
Above which of the following levels is hypertriglyceridemia considered to be a significant risk for acute pancreatitis?
With triglyceride levels of > 1000, a patient may be at increased risk of developing pancreatitis; xanthomas (deposits of chylomicrons within macrophages in the skin) may also occur at this level.
Factors VIII and IX are part of the intrinsic pathway, so they share a prolonged_______
Which of the following is the correct equation for calculation of the anion gap?
Na – (HCO3 + Cl)
Erythema multiforme
Characterized by target lesions with centripetal spreading
This is the gold standard test for Malarial infection, and should be taken and sent to the laboratory as soon as you suspect this diagnosis due to the associated mortality of this disease. what the name of the test?
Peripheral blood smear with Giemsa staining
Which of the following organisms is most often implicated in infections caused by cat bites?
Pasteurella multocida
At times congestive heart failure patients are placed on dopamine to yield diuretic effects. Dopamine, however produces different peripheral responses depending on the dose administered. At what dosing level does dopamine exert the desired effect of diuresis?
2-5 ug/kg/min administered intravenously
Pain associated with the mouth lesions prevents the boy from wanting to eat or drink. Physical examination of the oropharynx shows several clusters of small vesicles with erythematous bases and areas of ulceration, both of which bleed easily, on the lips, buccal mucosa, tongue, gingiva and hard palate. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Gingivostomatitis (herpes simplex virus type 1) is generally made clinically, based upon the typical appearance and location of oral and extraoral lesions. The enanthem begins with red, edematous marginal gingivae that bleed easily and clusters of small vesicles. The vesicles become yellow after rupture and are surrounded by a red halo. They coalesce to form large, painful ulcers of the oral and perioral tissues. They bleed easily and may become covered with a black crust.
Which of the following is the next step in the management of a patient who has elevated bilirubin levels on his routine annual lab work and a history of Gilbert’s syndrome?
This is a congenital disease that often goes undiscovered for many years. In this condition, the patient’s liver has a difficult time processing bilirubin. This is completely benign and will resolve on its own, no medical therapy is necessary.
what migraine medications due to their vasoconstrictor properties are contraindicated in patients with a history of ischemic heart disease
Drug Eruption with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms (DRESS) Syndrome most often caused by
long acting sulfonamides, allopurinol, or anticonvulsant drugs.
Bloody show may precede which stage of labor?
first stage of labor
A healthy 20 year old male presents to the clinic to be tested for tuberculosis. Which of the following is the most sensitive test for tuberculosis in this patient population?
Which of the following electrocardiographic findings is most consistent with a patient who has hypocalcemia?
Prolonged QT interval
vasculitis + HEP B =
polyartheritis nodosa
In a patient with a suspected cervical spine injury, which of the following views will yield the most results?
Lateral radiographs of the spine will reveal 80% of spinal fractures and injuries.
how do you remember the causes of asystole
PATCH 4 MD. Pneumothorax, acidosis, thrombosis, cardiac tamponade, (4 H’s) hypo/hyperkalemia, hypo/hyperthermia, hypoxemia, hypovolemia, massive MI or PE, and drug toxicities.
What is the worrisome complication associated with correcting chronic hyponatremia too quickly
Central Pontine Myelinolysis
This is the average age of menopause in the United States. It is important to recognize this for the proper diagnosis and treatment of patients.
Imaging and biopsy of her thyroid reveal a 3 cm follicular tumor in the right lobe. Which of the following is the best treatment plan for this patient?
Follicular tumors greater than 1cm in diameter should be treated with total thyroidectomy, followed by radioactive iodine ablation
In which of the following conditions are you likely to see an “apple core” lesion?
Barium contrast x-rays will show filling defects due to colonic masses seen in colon cancer
Which of the following is the correct description of a positive Brudzinski’s test?
Involuntary leg and hip flexion with passive neck flexion
A patient presents to the emergency room for evaluation of a non-convulsive generalized seizure. An electroencephalogram (EEG) is ordered. What would you expect this test to show?
Generalized spikes and associated slow waves
Wrist drop in this patient with a humeral shaft fracture indicates what type of nerve injury
radial nerve
Interstitial Cystitis
hallmark is increased urination (50x per day)
A blood chemistry panel is ordered and reveals a sodium level of 125, what is the next step in management of this patient?
Slow drip IV saline
Which of the following is the best pharmacologic therapy for a patient with a sustained erection of greater than four hours?
Alpha adrenergic agonists have been shown to be a successful treatment in priapism. This is likely due to their sympathomimetic vasopressor effect. Drugs such as terbutaline and methylene blue have also shown to be effective.
What is the most common cause of bronchiolitis?
horrible dysmenorrhea? then use…..
Mefenamic acid (Ponstel) is the only NSAID that is currently approved for use in spasmodic dysmenorrhea, and should be the first line therapy for this patient.
Which of the following types of HPV is the most severe and has the worse prognosis?
18 (the age when most of us get it)
Which of the following sexually transmitted organisms classically is associated with the development of large, painful inguinal lymph nodes that may rupture?
Chlamydia trachomatis
A 37 year old female presents to the emergency room complaining of sudden onset of the ‘worst headache of my life.’ Physical exam shows that she is in apparent distress, pupils are reacting normally to light, and abdominal exam is benign. Head CT is found to be normal. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in the evaluation and management of this patient?
A 27 year old woman, with a recent diagnosis of sarcoidosis, presents to the urgent care with complaints of increasing dyspnea and abdominal pain over the last two days. Which finding on the abdominal exam would be most consistent with sarcoidosis?