Third Quarter Classical Lit Flashcards
Roman name for area west of the Rhine river not controlled by Rome, personification of German nationalism,
Lapsus linguae
Slip of the tongue
Cupid (Eros)
God if love, son of venus, symbol for valentine’s day
Beautiful girl loved by cupid, her name means soul or butterfly
Ad infinitum
To infinity, endless
Ad nauseam
To the point of disgust, to go on way too long
Campus martius
“Field of mars,” military training ground in Rome
Titan punished with having to hold up the weight of the sky on his shoulders for eternity
Southern terminus of the via appia, port city in Italy for voyages to and from Greece
Ceres (Demeter)
Goddess if grain and harvest, “cereal”, mother of persephone
Became queen of underworld, pluto stole her- explains seasons
Citius, Altius, fortius
Faster, higher, stronger- motto if the olympic games
Mountain range north of Italy, crossed by Hannibal and his elephants
Mountain range down the center boot of Italy
Mountain range that divides spain and france (hispania and gallia)
Most famous greek poet, writer of the Iliad and the odyssey
Alma mater
Nourishing mother- used for where you graduate from, song of a school
Amor omnia vincit
Love conquers all things
Young girl who was a skilled weaver, she dared to say she was better than athena, contest between them- end result was that she became a spider to weave forever
Early Roman hero who defended a bridge across the tiber by himself against the Etruscans.
Gorgon who had snakes for hair/ if you looked at her you turned to stone.
Greek hero who killed medusa, with the help of the gods
Mucius scaevola
Roman who offered to go into Etruscan camp an kill the king, he is captured an sacrificed his right hand to show his bravery
9 goddesses that were patrons of the arts and music, lived on mount parnassus, attendants of Apollo
Anno Domini- in the year if our lord, used to refer to years since the birth of christ
Per capita
“By heads”, for each head, used in statistical reporting
Persono non grata
An unwanted person
Ars gratia ars
Art for the sake of art
Ars longe vita brevis
Art is long life is short, quote by hippocrates
Publius vergilius maro (vergil)
Greatest Roman poet, lived during reign of Augustus, write the Aeneid
Arma virumque cano
I sing of arms and the man, first three words if the aeneid
Capitoline hill
One of the 7 hills rome, sire of art or citadel of Rome, between forum and campus martius
“Head” building, art or citadel was on capitoline hill
Palatine hill
Entermost of 7 hills of rome, homes of wealthy romans, romulus and remus found here
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam
Either i will find a way or i will make one, don’t give up
Pax vobiscum
Peace be with you
Per annum
By the year, annually
Senatus, populusque, romanus- senate and the roman people
Roman name for England, national personification of all things