thinking and decision making Flashcards
what is the dual processing model
made up of two systems; system 1 and system 2
what is system 1
automatic, effortless way of thinking using heuristics. fast way that allows efficient processing but prone to errors
what is system 2
slower, conscious and rational. thinks carefully about different options and gradually eliminates. less likely to create confidence.
what are heuristics
mental short cuts that focus on only one aspect of a problem
strengths of dual process model
biological evidence that different types of thinking are processed in different parts of the brain
weakness of dual process model
does not consider how our thinking/decision making can be influenced by emotion
what was the procedure of tversky and khahneman
two groups; ascending 1x2x3x4x5x6x7x8 and descending group 8x7x6x5x4x3x2x1.5 seconds to estimate answer
what were the findings of tversky and khahneman
ascending more likely to give a lower estimate and descending more likely to give higher.