Thinking Flashcards
What are the 2 types of self?
experiencing self and remembering self
What is experience utility?
hedonic experience
theory of ethics
What is decision utility?
wants and desires
based on memory
economic utility theory
What are the two systems for decision making?
1; fast, automatic, no voluntary control
2; slow, allocation of effort, complex computations
What are the most influential factors for system 1?
unconscious ones; you are not aware of them e.g. associating actions with words - there is a disinclination to believe their effect on actions as system 2 is not aware
What are some problems with system 1?
relies on cognitive ease; takes things at face value which can lead to illusions of truth
very susceptible to priming effects
it is insensitive to quantity and quality of information
What are the main features of system 2?
it makes logical decisions but is lazy and easily fatigued
recognises the errors made by system 1
What is substitution in relation to decision making?
substituting a simpler heuristic question for a harder one which may lead to incorrect/incompatible judgements
What is the halo effect?
when a persons overall impression of a person is based on the wrong aspects e.g. height
What can cause fast decisions to go wrong?
the halo effect
judgements about unfamiliar items
judgements made of of context
judgements made under stress
What is William James theory of thinking?
there is distinction between associative thought and reasoning
What is Newell and Simon theory of thinking?
distinction in problem solving between heuristic and algorithmic methods
What is Over and Evans theory of thinking?
two types of rationality; logic and goal oriented
What is Wysiati’s theory on thought and decision making?
system 1 jumps to conclusions, is overconfident and is susceptible to framing effects
How do emotion and affect heuristics affect decision making?
likes and dislikes determine beliefs, impaired affect is associated with impaired decision making
What is the focusing illusion?
things seem to be far more important than they are when you are thinking about them
What factors affect peoples rating of experienced well being?
ill-health, religion, children, wealth, education