Thinkers Social Flashcards
Karl Marx
Key ideas
uses ?
1) social class is central to socialism
2) human nature is socially determined and can only be expressed under communism
social class/human nature
Karl Marx
What are the three elements to Marxism?
What are they?
When do these three conditions not exist ?
- historical materialism (form of society determined by economic system )
- dialectical change (development that occurs through conflict of opposing forces)
- class consciousness
Under capitalism
Beatrice Webb
Key ideas
1) the inevitability of gradualness establishing socialism peacefully by passing democratic reforms through existing institutions
2) the expansion of the state will deliver socialism
human nature/state/society
Beatrice Webb
How does she think socialism will happen?
What did Webb reject?
What did she describe the average voter as? Therefore she ?
She argued for what to be expanded ?
Rich people will see that it’s a good idea
Marxist theory of class struggle
Limited selfish and uninformed
Rejected direct democracy
The state
Rosa luxemburg
Key ideas
what type of socialist ?
uses ?
1) evolutionary socialism is not possible as capitalism is based on economic exploitation
2) struggle by the proletariat created the class consciousness needed to overthrow capitalist state
economy/human nature
Rosa luxemburg
What did Rosa critique ? Which was?
What did she argue would happen if evolutionary Socialist strategy ?
What did she argue would happen?
Why the need for class consciousness ?
Revisionism of Marx’s ideas
Leave capitalist system in fact and would loose their sense of political purpose
Capitalism run out of things to exploit system would collapse
A strike then radical socialist revolution
Antony crosland
Key ideas
what type of socialist?
1) the inherent contradictions in capitalism
2) state managed capitalism
social democrat
Antony crosland
He was a post war revisionist? Had influence on ?
Which type of economics?
What did he say about modern socialism ?
What are his four justifications for equality ?
What did he want to get rid of ?
Revising Marx work / Labour Party
Lack of internal tensions to drive social change or bring about revolution
- economic efficiency
- communitarian society
- injustice if rewarding talents due to nature
- need for social justice ‘democratic equality ‘
Grammar schools
Anthony giddens
Key ideas
1) the third way a new political approach to social democracy
2) rejection of state intervention
Anthony giddens
Who’s favourite academic was he ?
What were his two key themes ?
What did he argue about top down state intervention ?
What did he stress the importance of ? (2)
What did he reject ?
- Rejection of state intervention acceptance of free marked emphasis on equality of opportunity
- the role of the state in social investment
Inefficient ineffective
Community and responsibility
State welfare as it was social engineering
Marxism, 2 features?
class is….
reject ?(2)
- collectivism
- common humanity
economically determined
-equality of opportunity/universal welfare doesn’t remove capitalism
social democrats e.g.
reject? why
Antony Crossland, within capitalism
universal welfare
equality of outcome/absolute
impractical/ potentially destabilising