things missed Flashcards
what is a feature of convertible bonds?
they are a cheaper source of finance
what is an example of an instrument which has synthetic replication?
what are the characteristics of investment trusts?
they are used for long-term borrowing and have fixed share capital
what is a feature of imobolised bearers?
they are used for money laundering
what is a characteristic of interest legs swaps?
one leg is fixed, other is floating
what does a fund manager buy/sell to make profits?
sells future contracts, buys put options
what are breeder documents?
identity theft
what is a characteristic of a rights issue?
they are offered at discount, increases liquidity, brings lower share prices
what is the term “exercised price” used for
what does private equity allow individuals to do?
buy a direct stake in the company
what are the features of hedge funds?
reduces market risk, has performance related fees, high fees
what is the percentage for a high yield IA?
what is corporation tax used on?
adjusting profits
what is a feature on money markets?
nominal value is preserved
what will low employment cause?
increase gov income and decrease outgoings
what are government bonds called?
what is the index for America tech?
what are ordinary shares also called when the nominal value is paid?
Contributing shares
who does the safekeeping of OEIC
what must new firms meet?
threshold conditions
what do Index-linked bonds increase?
coupons and redemption amount
how often do AGM need to be held?
which type of instrument is treated as income rather than capital gains?
Investment trusts (real estate trusts)
who does the registered title apply too?
the shareholders name on the company register in relation to shareholding
how should ETF be priced?
Near their NAV