Things (furniture, relationships and other shit) Flashcards
Common Usages
의자에 앉다 = sit on a chair
그녀는 의자에서 일어났어요 = She rose up from her chair
고양이는 의자 밑에 있다 = The cat is under the chair
의자는 탁자보다 더 낮아요 = The chair is lower than the table
저는 의자를 앞으로 움직였어요 = I moved my chair forward
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “탁짜”
Notes: The little table that Korean people use when they sit on the floor to have meals is called a “상.” A kitchen table can be referred to more specifically by saying “식탁.”
Common Usages
탁자 위에 = on top of the table
탁자에 놓다 = to place on a table
저는 잡지를 탁자 위에 놓을 거예요 = I will put the magazine on the table
펜이 탁자에 놓여 있었어요 = The pen was (laying) on the table
의자는 탁자보다 더 낮아요 = The chair is lower than the table
밖에 나가기 전에 열쇠를 탁자에 두었어요 = Before I went outside, I put the keys on the table
이 탁자가 너무 낮아요 = This table is too low
병이 탁자에서 떨어졌다 = The bottle fell from the table
Common usages: 이층침대 = bunk bed 간이침대 = cot 침대에 눕다 = to lay in bed 침대에서 자다 = to sleep in a bed
애기는 침대에서 자고 있어요 = The baby is sleeping in the bed
저는 침대에 누워 있어요 = I’m lying in bed
저의 사진은 침대 위에 걸려 있어요 = My picture is hanging above my bed
피곤한 사람은 침대에 누워서 잤어요 = The tired person lay on the bed and slept
저는 침대에 잠깐 눕고 싶어요 = I want to lie down in bed for just a second
Common Usages:
집에 가다 = to go home
집값 = the price of houses
우리 집 = our house (this is used more commonly that “my house”)
어린이집 = daycare (literally a “kids house”)
맛집 = a new term used to refer to a “cool” and delicious restaurant
집사람 = wife (older men often use this to refer to their wife)
집을 짓다 = to build a house
집 청소를 하다 = to clean one’s house
저는 집에 돌아갈 거예요 = I am going back (returning) home
집 값은 비싸지고 있어 = House prices are getting expensive
저는 내일 선생님의 집을 방문하겠어요 = I will visit the teacher’s house tomorrow
저는 어제 집을 두 번 청소했어요 = I cleaned the house twice yesterday
엄마는 우리를 위해 점심을 집에서 만들 거예요 = Mom will make lunch for us at home
우리 엄마는 집에 와서 빨리 요리했습니다 = Our/my mom came home and quickly cooked
우리는 집에 와서 바로 잤어요 = We came home and went to sleep immediately
집에 가지 마! = Don’t go home!
저는 세탁을 집에서 할 수 있어요 = I can do laundry at home
Common Usages:
소형차 = small sized car (If you study Hanja, 소 (小) means “small”)
중형차 = mid-sized car (If you study Hanja, 중 (中) means “middle”)
대형차 = large sized car (If you study Hanja, 대 (大) means “large”)
수입차 = foreign (imported) car
국산차 = Korean (domestic) car
차를 운전하다 = to drive a car
차를 타다 = to be riding in a car
Notes: The counter for automobiles is “대”. See Lesson 10 for more information
우리 아버지는 차를 항상 안전하게 운전해요= Our dad always drives his car safely
저는 차 두 대가 있어요 = I have two cars
어떤 종류의 차를 원해요? = What type of car do you want
이 차는 너무 비싸요 = This car is too expensive
저는 새로운 차를 샀어요 = I bought a new car
Common Usages: 책상 = desk 공책 = notebook 책방 = bookstore 책자 = booklet, leaflet 책벌레 = bookworm 책갈피 = bookmark 만화책 = comic book 책을 읽다 = to read a book 책을 반납하다 = to return a book 책을 빌리다 = to borrow a book (usually from a library)
Notes: The word used to count books is “권”
저는 좋은 책을 읽고 싶어요 = I want to read a good book
저는 그것에 대해 책을 쓸 거예요 = I will write a book about it
저는 친구에게 책을 돌려줬어요 = I gave my friend back his book
저는 책 두 권을 읽었어요 = I read two books
저는 그 책을 읽고 싶어요 = I want to read that book
그 학생은 하루 종일 책을 읽을 수 있어요 = That student can read books all day
이 박스에 책이 들어가 있어요 = There are books in this box
저는 누워서 책을 읽었어요 = I lied down and read a book
Common Usages:
컴퓨터를 켜다 = turn on a computer
컴퓨터를 끄다 = turn off a computer
컴퓨터가 고장 났다 = for a computer to be broken
Examples: 컴퓨터가 꺼져 있어요 = The computer is turned off
저는 컴퓨터를 켰어요 = I turned the computer on
컴퓨터가 켜져 있어요 = The computer is (in the state of being) on
그는 고장 난 컴퓨터를 수리했어요 = He repaired the broken computer
교실에서 선생님들을 컴퓨터로 대체할 수 없어요 = You can’t replace teachers with computers in the classroom
그는 소파에 앉아 있어요 = He is sitting on the couch
이 소파는 아주 편해요 = This sofa is very comfortable
애기는 높은 소파에서 떨어졌어요 = The baby fell from the high sofa
Notes: On the subway, you will hear “내리실 문은 왼쪽/오른쪽이에요” – “The doors are on your left/right.”
On the bus, you will see signs saying “문이 완전히 열릴 때까지 버스에서 내리거나 문에 기대지 마세요” – “Until the door is fully/completely open, don’t get off the bus or lean on the door”
Common Usages:
창문 = window
정문 = main entrance
뒷문 = back door
앞문 = front door
동대문 = “east big gate” – tourist attraction and neighborhood in Seoul
남대문 = “south big gate” – tourist attraction and market in Seoul
서대문 = “west big gate” – tourist attraction and neighborhood in Seoul
문을 닫아야 돼요 = You have to close the door
저는 문을 잠갔어요 = I locked the door
저는 문을 열 거예요 = I will open the door
너무 추워서 문을 닫았어요 = I closed the door because it is too cold
문이 완전히 열릴 때까지 버스에서 내리거나 문에 기대지 마세요 = Until the door is fully/completely open, don’t get off the bus or lean on the door
Common Usages:
배낭가방 = backpacker style backpack
가방을 매다 = to put a bag on your shoulders
가방을 들다 = carry a bag
This is used to refer to a backpack and also other types of bags like purses.
이 가방은 너무 무거워요 = This bag is too heavy
이 가방은 가벼워요 = This bag is light
저는 가방을 들었어요 = I carried the/my bag
저는 가방을 어깨에 맸어요 = I put the bag on my shoulders
저는 가방에 책을 넣었어요 = I put my books into my backpack
가방을 아무 데나 두세요 = Put your bag down anywhere
Common Usages:
창문을 열다 = to open a window
창문을 닫다 = to close a window
창문 너머로 = through a window
너무 더워서 창문을 열었어요 = I opened a window because it is too hot
저는 창문 너머에 봤어요 = I looked through the window
저는 팔을 창문 너머로 내밀었어요 = I stuck my arm through the window
창문이 커튼으로 가려져 있어요 = The window is covered by the curtains
아버지는 창문을 잠갔어요= Dad locked the window
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “잡찌”
Common Usages 잡지를 읽다 = to read a magazine 잡지 기사 = magazine article 잡지구독 = magazine subscription 잡지사 = magazine company 잡지 편집장 = magazine editor
저는 잡지를 읽었어요 = I read a magazine
저는 잡지를 탁자 위에 놓을 거예요 = I will put the magazine on the table
이 잡지를 가져가도 돼요? = May I take this magazine?
Common Usages:
안방 = used to refer to the main bedroom of a house (“the master bedroom”)
PC방 = internet café
난방 = the heating of a room
냉방 = the cooling (air conditioning) of a room
놀이방 = daycare
노래방 = “singing room” – Korean style karaoke
방이 좁다 = for a room to be small (“narrow”)
방이 넓다 = for a room to be big (“wide”)
방을 비우다 = to check out of a room
저의 방은 너무 좁아요 = My room is too small/narrow
이 방은 좁아요 = This room is narrow
남자는 방에 들어왔어요 = That man came into room
저 책상은 이 방에 알맞아요
= That desk looks good in this room
저는 어제 저의 방을 청소했어요 = I cleaned my room yesterday
Notes: The word for “freezer” is 냉동실.
Common Usages:
김치냉장고 = kimchi refrigerator (these actually exist – most Korean families would have [at least] one)
(음식을) 냉장고에 넣다 = to put (food) in the fridge
(음식을) 냉장고에서 꺼내다 = to take something out of the fridge
저는 야채를 냉장고에 넣었어요 = I put the vegetables in the fridge
자석을 냉장고에 그냥 붙여 놓았어요 = I just stuck the magnet onto the fridge
저는 당근을 칼로 잘라서 냉장고에 넣었어요 = I cut carrots with a knife and then put them into the fridge
Common Usages:
펜으로 쓰다 = to write with a pen
펜이 안 나오다 = for a pen to not work (literally “the pen [ink] isn’t coming out)”
저는 그것을 펜으로 썼어요 = I wrote that with a pen
나는 펜 네 개를 샀어 = I bought four pens
나는 펜을 가지고 있어 = I have a pen
A 전화기 usually refers to a typical land-line style phone that nobody uses anymore, and thus, is not said as often as it used to be said. A more common word to use is “핸드폰” (hand-phone, or cell-phone)
요즘에 아무도 전화기를 안 써요 = These days, nobody uses a phone
Common Usages:
건물 내에 = inside a building
건물 외에 = outside a building
그 건물은 너무 높아요 = That building is very high
그 건물은 어제와 달라요 = That building is different from yesterday
저 학교는 역사적인 건물이에요 = That school is a historical building
한국은 문화적인 건물이 많아요 = Korea has a lot of cultural buildings
건물을 지나가서 오른 쪽으로 가세요 = Go past the building, then go right
Common Usages:
건물 내에 = inside a building
건물 외에 = outside a building
그 건물은 너무 높아요 = That building is very high
그 건물은 어제와 달라요 = That building is different from yesterday
저 학교는 역사적인 건물이에요 = That school is a historical building
한국은 문화적인 건물이 많아요 = Korea has a lot of cultural buildings
건물을 지나가서 오른 쪽으로 가세요 = Go past the building, then go right
Common Usages:
텔레비전을 보다 = to watch television
Originates from the English pronunciation of “Television.”
This is often shortened to “TV” which sounds like “티비” in Korean.
텔레비전을 오랫동안 보지 마세요! = Don’t watch TV for a long time!
Common Usages:
5성급 호텔 = five star hotel
호텔에 식당이 있어요 = There is a restaurant in the hotel
호텔은 학교 옆에 있어요 = The hotel is beside the school
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “학꾜”
Common Usages: 학교를 다니다 = to attend a school 초등학교 = elementary school 중학교 = middle school 고등학교 = high school 대학교 = university
저는 학교에서 공부했어요 = I studied at the school
저는 학교 안에 있어요 = I am inside the school
저는 내일 학교에 갈 것입니다 = I will go to school tomorrow
어제 학교에 몇 번 갔어요? = How many times did you go to school yesterday?
저는 3일 동안 학교에 안 갔어요 = I didn’t go to school for 3 days
학교는 학생들한테 교과서를 제공하지 않아요 = The school doesn’t provide textbooks to the students
우리 학교가 세운 지 10주년이에요 = It is the 10th anniversary of our school opening
Common Usages: 은행원 = a banker 한국은행 = Bank of Korea 농협은행 = Nonghyup Bank 국민은행 = Kookmin bank
호텔은 은행 옆에 있어요 = The hotel is beside the bank
아버지는 은행에 들어갔어요 = My dad went into the bank
저의 친구는 은행 안에 있어요 = My friend is in the bank
저는 친구를 만나고 나서 은행에 갈 거예요 = I will meet a friend and then go to the bank
친구가 오기 전에 저는 은행에 갔어요 = Before my friend came, I went to the bank
Notes: In English, I would only go to the “hospital” if I was really sick, and I would “go to the doctor” if I had some minor illness. In Korean, they go to the hospital for minor and major problems. This is because even small doctors’ offices are referred to as a “병원.” If you are really sick, you would probably need to go to a “대학병원.”
Common Usages: 병원비 = hospital bills 대학병원 = university hospital 동물병원 = animal hospital (vet) 병원에 입원하다 = to be admitted to a hospital 병원에서 퇴원하다 = to finish treatment and leave a hospital
저는 아파서 병원에 갈 거예요 = I’m going to the hospital because I am sick
저는 저의 친구를 병원에서 봤어요 = I saw my friend at the hospital
저는 먼 병원에 갔어요 = I went to a far away hospital (a hospital that is far away)
엄마가 어디에 있어요? 병원에 갔어요? = Where is mom? Did she go to the hospital?
Common Usages:
놀이공원 = amusement park
국립공원 = national park
친구들이랑 공원에서 놀았어요 = I played in the park with friends
저는 남편을 공원에서 만날 거예요 = I will meet my husband at the park
저는 아버지랑 공원에 갈 거예요 = I will go to the park with my dad
저는 내일 공원에 갈 거예요 = I am going to the park tomorrow
나는 공원에서 친구를 만났어 = I met a friend at the park
우리는 공원에서(/을) 산책했어요 = We went for a walk in the park
이 장소는 공원이 될 것이다 = This place will become a park
일요일이어서 저는 공원에 가고 싶어요 = It is Sunday, so I want to go to the park
Common Usages:
인천국제공항 = Incheon International Airport
공항버스 = Airport bus
공항철도 = Airport railroad
저는 인천공항에서 출발했어요 = I departed from Incheon airport
저는 어제 공항에 처음 갔어요 = I went to the airport for the first time yesterday
Korean (language)
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “한구거”
Common Usages:
한국어로 말하다 = to speak in Korean
한국어를 배우다 = to learn Korean
한국어를 공부하다 = to study Korean
Notes: “한국말” is a colloquial way to refer to the Korean language.
Examples: 저는 한국어로 말했어요 = I spoke in Korean
저는 내일 한국어를 공부하겠어요 = I will study Korean tomorrow.
저는 두 달 동안 한국어 수업을 들었어요 = I took a Korean class for two months
저는 10년 동안 한국어를 공부했어요 = I studied Korean for 10 years
저는 한국어를 한국에서 배웠어요 = I learned Korean in Korea
나는 학생들한테 한국어를 가르쳤어 = I taught Korean to the students
언제부터 한국어를 공부했어요? = Since when have you been studying Korean?
한국어를 얼마나 자주 공부해요? = How often do you study Korean?
Common Usages: 머리카락 = hair 머리띠 = hairband 머리핀 = hairpin 머리뼈 = skull 머리가 아프다 = to have a head ache 머리를 감다 = to wash one’s hair 머리를 묶다 = to tie up one’s hair
Notes: This is used to refer to one’s head or the hair on one’s head. For example, if you get a haircut, you can say “머리를 잘랐어요.” Note that this does not mean “I cut my head.” To specifically refer to the hair on your head, you can use “머리카락”
머리가 아파서 학교에 못 가요 = I can’t go to school because my head hurts
저는 머리를 긁었어요 = I scratched my head
머리를 감을 때마다 눈이 아파요 = Every time I wash my hair, my eyes hurt
여자의 머리 색깔은 자연스러워요 = That girl’s hair color is natural
친구가 머리를 깎은 것을 알아보지 못했어요 = I couldn’t recognize that my friend cut his hair
저의 머리카락을 꼬지 말아 달라고 했어요 = I told her to please stop twisting my hair
Common Usages: 앞다리 = an animal’s front legs 뒷다리 = an animal’s back (hind) legs 양다리 = a way to refer to a person who has two girlfriends or boyfriends 양반다리를 하다 = to cross one’s legs 다리가 후들거리다 = for one’s legs to shake
Example: 다리가 길었으면 좋겠어요 = I wish my legs were long
다리에 있는 문신을 포함하면 저는 문신 네 개가 있어요
= If you include the tattoo on my leg, I have four tattoos
제가 스트레칭을 안 하고 바로 운동을 하다가 갑자기 다리에 쥐가 났어요
= I suddenly got a cramp in my leg while exercising because I didn’t stretch and exercised right away
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “손까락”
Common Usages:
엄지손가락 = thumb
새끼손가락 = pinky finger
손가락을 베다 = to cut one’s finger
Examples: 저의 손가락은 길어요 = My finger is long
손가락으로 버튼을 눌렀어요 = I pressed the button with my finger
제가 어렸을 때 자꾸 손가락을 빠는 버릇이 있어서 엄마에게 많이 혼났어요 = When I was young, I had the habit of sucking my fingers so my mom was mad at me a lot
Common Usages:
귓밥 = slang for “earwax”
귀걸이 = earring
귀를 막다 = to cover/block one’s ears
Example: 토끼는 큰 귀가 있어요 = Rabbits have big ears
저는 그녀의 귀에 속삭였어요 = I whispered into her ear
너무 시끄러워서 귀를 막았어요 = It was so loud so I covered my ears
Common Usages:
반팔 = short sleeve shirt
긴팔 long sleeve shirt
팔꿈치 = elbow
Examples: 팔이 아파요 = My arm is sore
팔에 문신이 있어요 = I have a tattoo on my arm
저는 팔을 창문 너머로 내밀었어요 = I stuck my arm through the window
어제 운동을 해서 오늘 저의 팔이 아파요 = My arms are sore because I exercised yesterday
병원에서 넘어져서 팔을 다친 아줌마가 약을 무료로 받았어요
= The older lady who fell in the hospital and hurt her arm received free medicine
Common Usages: 눈물 = tear (literally “eye water”) 눈동자 = pupil 눈썹 = eyebrow 속눈썹 = eyelashes 눈병 = some sort of eye disease 눈이 맵다 = the feeling of one’s eyes burning (usually when cutting onions) 인공눈물 = artificial tears (eye drops)
Examples: 눈을 뜰 수 없어요 = I can’t open my eyes
저 남자의 눈이 진짜 파래요 = That man’s eyes are really blue
오늘 너무 피곤해서 눈이 자꾸 감겨요 = My eyes keep shutting because I’m so tired
너에 있어서 내가 가장 좋아하는 것은 너의 눈이야 = My favourite part about you is your eyes
mouth, lips
Common Usages:
입술 = lips
입냄새 = bad breath
입가심으로 먹다 = to eat something to freshen your mouth/breath
Example: 저는 저의 여자 친구의 입에 키스했어요 = I kissed my girlfriend on the lips
고무를 입에 넣어서는 안 돼요 = You shouldn’t put rubber in your mouth
음식을 입에 넣은 채 말해서는 안 돼요 = You shouldn’t talk with food in your mouth
마취를 했지만 입에 아직 감각이 있어요 = I received anesthetic, but there is still feeling in my mouth
mouth, lips
Common Usages:
입술 = lips
입냄새 = bad breath
입가심으로 먹다 = to eat something to freshen your mouth/breath
Example: 저는 저의 여자 친구의 입에 키스했어요 = I kissed my girlfriend on the lips
고무를 입에 넣어서는 안 돼요 = You shouldn’t put rubber in your mouth
음식을 입에 넣은 채 말해서는 안 돼요 = You shouldn’t talk with food in your mouth
마취를 했지만 입에 아직 감각이 있어요 = I received anesthetic, but there is still feeling in my mouth
Common Usages:
배가 아프다 = for one’s stomach to be sore
배가 고프다 = to be hungry
배가 부르다 = to be full
Notes: This word is used for the general area of your abdomen. Medically, the stomach is referred to as “위.”
배가 아파요 = My stomach is sore
배가 너무 아파서 일할 수 없어요 = I can’t work because my stomach hurts
밥을 너무 많이 먹어서 배가 터질 것 같아요 = My stomach might explode because I ate too much
Common Usages:
배를 타다 = to take/ride a boat
Example: 저는 제주도에 배로 갔어요 = I went to Jeju by boat
배가 선착장에 아직 도착하지 않았어요 = The boat hasn’t arrived at the wharf yet
배가 많이 흔들거려서 멀미가 났어요 = The boat rocked a lot so I was seasick
Common Usages: 마을버스 = village bus 좌석 버스 = a bus with more seats 시외버스 = inter-city bus 우등버스 = first class bus 버스운전사/버스기사 = bus driver 버스를 타다 = to ride a bus 버스에서 내리다 = to get off a bus
저는 서울역에서 버스를 탔어요 = I got on the bus at Seoul station
다음 버스는 저 정류장에서 출발할 거예요 = The next bus will depart from that stop
택시는 버스보다 더 빨라요 = The taxi is quicker than the bus
이 버스는 10분마다 와요 = This bus comes each/every 10 minutes
우리는 이미 버스를 놓쳤을 것 같아요 = We probably already missed the bus
버스운전사는 승객들을 버스에 서울역에서 태웠어요 = The bus driver took on riders at Seoul Station
Common Usages: 우리의 = our (the 의 is often omitted) 우리말 = “our language” (Korean people often use this to refer to the Korean language) 우리 팀 = our team 우리 집 = our house
우리는 어제 서울에 갔어요 = We went to Seoul yesterday
저는 우리 집을 나무로 지었어요 = I built our house out of wood
우리는 야구를 1시에 할 거예요 = We will play baseball at 1:00
우리는 7시 20분에 시작할 거예요 = We will start at 7:20
우리 둘째 아들은 고등학생이에요 = Our second son is a high school student
우리 셋째 아이는 야구를 좋아해요 = Our third child likes baseball
우리가 지난 번에 계획이 없었어요 = We didn’t have plans last time
우리는 지난 번에 돼지고기를 먹었어요 = We ate pork last time
우리는 6일 동안 만나지 않았어요 = We didn’t meet for 6 days
Common Usages:
길을 잃다 = to get lost (literally, to lose a street)
길을 건너다 = to cross a street
길이 막히다 = for the streets to be “clogged” with traffic
Notes: This is also used to indicate that somebody is “on the way” somewhere. For example:
저는 집에 가는 길이에요 = I am on my way home
This grammar is taught in Lesson 113.
이 길에서 오른 쪽으로 가세요 = Turn right at this street
이 길에서 직진하세요 = Go straight on this road
우리는 옛길을 따라 걸었어요 = We walked along, following the old road
Common Usages:
사거리 = intersection (with four ways)
삼거리 = intersection (with three ways)
거리에 사람이 많았어요 = There was a lot of people on the street
저는 긴 거리를 건넜어요 = I crossed the long street
저는 거리를 안전하게 건넜어요 = I crossed the street safely
우리는 사거리에서 왼쪽으로 돌았어요 = We turned left at the intersection
Common Usages: 손으로 = with one’s hand 손가락 = finger 손목 = wrist (literally “hand neck”) 손잡이 = handle (literally “hand grabber”) 저의 손은 커요 = My hand is big
저는 (저의) 손을 들었어요 = I raised/lifted my hand
손을 씻으세요! = Wash your hands!
손을 잘 씻고 먹어요 = To wash one’s hands well, and then eat
Common Usages: 손으로 = with one’s hand 손가락 = finger 손목 = wrist (literally “hand neck”) 손잡이 = handle (literally “hand grabber”) 저의 손은 커요 = My hand is big
저는 (저의) 손을 들었어요 = I raised/lifted my hand
손을 씻으세요! = Wash your hands!
손을 잘 씻고 먹어요 = To wash one’s hands well, and then eat
Common Usages: 영어로 = in English 영어로 말하다 = to speak in English 영어회화 = English conversation 영어 수업 = English class
제가 수업을 하면 항상 영어로 해요 = When I teach, I always do so in English
저는 영어를 공부할 거예요 = I will study English
한국 사람들은 외국 사람들과 영어를 연습하고 싶어요 = Korean people want to practice their English with foreigners
저는 영어랑 한국어를 학교에서 배웠어요= I learned English and Korean at school
그 사람은 영어를 자연스럽게 말해요 = That person speaks English naturally
영어를 어떻게 배웠어요? = How did you learn English?
한국어는 영어보다 훨씬 어려워요 = Korean is much more difficult than English
그 선생님은 영어를 가르친 지 20 년 됐어요 = That teacher has been teaching English for 20 years
Common Usages:
택시 기사 = taxi driver
택시를 타다 = to ride/take a taxi
택시로 가다 = to go by taxi
택시는 버스보다 더 빨라요 = The taxi is quicker than the bus
지하철을 놓쳤기 때문에 택시를 타야 돼요 = I missed the subway, so I must take a taxi
Common Usages:
열차로 가다 = to go by train
열차를 타다 = to ride/take a train
열차는 택시보다 더 빨라요 = The train is faster than the taxi
train/subway station
Common Usages:
서울역 = Seoul Station
역에서 내리다 = to get off at a station
출발역 = the first (departing) station
홍대역에서 어떻게 가요? = How do I get to Hong-dae station?
저는 서울역에서 내릴 거예요 = I will get off at Seoul station
전철역까지 걸어갈래요? = Shall we walk to the subway station?
이 기차는 서울역까지 가요 = This train goes to/until Seoul Station
버스 정류장
bus stop
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “버스 정뉴장”
Common Usages: 버스 아저씨 = bus driver (informal way to refer to a male bus driver) 버스 기사 = bus driver 버스를 타다 = to get on/ride a bus 버스 카드 = bus/transportation card
This refers to the bus stop for a public transportation style city bus. For inter-city buses, the word “버스 터미널” (bus terminal) is more frequently used.
버스 정류장에서 버스를 타야 돼요 = You must get on the bus at the bus station
다음 버스는 저 정류장에서 출발할 거예요 = The next bus will leave from that stop
Common Usages:
비행기를 타다= to take/ride an airplane
비행기가 아직 출발할 준비가 안 됐습니까? = Is the plane not yet ready to depart?
하늘에 비행기가 있어요 = There is a plane in the sky
거기에 가고 싶으면 비행기를 타야 돼요 = If you want to go there, you must take an airplane
비행기가 9시에 출발할 예정이지만 눈이 많이 와서 못 출발할 것 같아요 = The plane is scheduled to depart at 9:00, but it probably won’t because it is snowing a lot
Common Usages:
자전거를 타다 = to ride a bicycle
자전거로 가다 = to go by bicycle
저는 자전거를 타는 것이 너무 좋아요 = I like riding bicycles
무릎이 아플 때 자전거를 타지 마세요 = When your knee hurts, don’t ride a bike
The word “와이프” is commonly used these days.
저의 아내는 너무 예뻐요 = My wife is very pretty
저는 아내한테 꽃을 줬어요 = I gave flowers to my wife
저는 저의 아내와 유럽에서 사랑에 빠졌어요 = I fell in love with my wife in Europe
저의 아내는 자기가 요리한 것을 보통 안 먹어요 = My wife usually doesn’t eat the food she cooks
제가 아내와 결혼하기 전에 우리는 2년 동안 사귀었어요 = Before marrying my wife, we went out/dated for 2 years
Common Usages:
아이를 돌보다 = to look after a child
우리 아이는 아직 두 살이에요 = My child is still 2 years old
우리 셋째 아이는 야구를 좋아해요 = Our third child likes baseball
이 아이는 우리 첫째 아들이에요 = This (child) is our first son
부모님들은 아이에 영향을 준다/미친다 = Parents have an influence on their children
아이들은 나무 주위에서 놀고 있어요 = The children are playing around the tree
저는 아이를 잃어버려서 걱정이 되었어요 = I was worried because I lost the baby
그녀는 아이가 죽었다는 사실을 숨겼어요 = She hid (the fact that) her child died
아이들은 자기 부모님을 존경해야 돼요 = Children must respect their parents
저는 아이들이랑 바다에서 수영했어요 = I swam in the sea with the kids
아이들은 만화영화를 매우 좋아해요 = Children really like animated movies
Common Usages: 아드님 = polite way to refer to somebody else’s son 큰아들 = one’s eldest son 첫째 아들 = first son 둘째 아들 = second son
우리 아들은 대학생이에요 = Our son is a university student
할아버지는 우리 아들에게 돈을 주었어요 = Grandpa gave money to our son
저의 아들은 열이 났어요 = My son had a fever
저는 우리 아들이 자랑스러워요 = I am proud of our son
너는 나쁜 아들이야 = You are a bad son
저는 아들 세 명이 있어요 = I have three sons
그 사람은 아들 한 명만 있어요 = That person only has one son
아들은 엄마를 위해 박스를 들었어요 = The son carried the box for his mother)
우리 아들은 자기(의) 일을 항상 혼자 하고 싶어요 = Our son always wants to do his work alone
Common Usages: 따님 = polite way to refer to somebody else’s daughter 큰딸 = one’s eldest daughter 첫째 딸 = first daughter 둘째 딸 = second daughter
우리 딸은 그 고등학교를 다녀요 = Our daughter attends that high school
저는 저의 딸이 아주 자랑스러워요 = I am very proud of my daughter
우리 딸은 사랑스러운 여자예요 = Our daughter is a loving/lovely girl
딸은 어제부터 아팠어요 = The/our daughter has been sick (was sick) since yesterday
저의 남편은 선생님이에요 = my husband is a teacher
저는 남편을 공원에서 만날 거예요 = I will meet my husband at the park
그 여자의 남편이 비서랑 바람을 피운다는 소문이 있어요 = There is a rumor that that woman’s husband is having an affair with his secretary
Common Usages:
큰아버지 = the eldest brother of one’s father
The word “아빠” is used colloquially
아버지는 지금 일하고 있어요 = Dad is working now
형하고 아버지는 영화를 봤어요 = My brother and dad saw a movie
저와 저의 아버지는 너무 비슷해요 = I am very similar to my father
저의 아버지는 모자를 항상 써요 = My father always wears a hat
우리 아버지는 예전에 옷을 팔았어요 = Our dad sold clothes in the past
우리 아버지는 고모와 살고 있어요 = Our father lives with our aunt
나는 아버지랑 공원에 갈 거야 = I will go to the park with my dad
Common Usages:
큰어머니 = the wife of the eldest brother of one’s father
The word “엄마” is used colloquially
우리 어머니는 서울대학교를 다녔어요 = Our mom attended Seoul University
저는 밥을 친구랑 저의 어머니랑 먹었어요 = I ate (rice) with my mom and my friend
저의 어머니는 언니 세 명이 있어요 = My mother has three (older) sisters
저의 어머니는 올해 한국에 올 것입니다 = My mom will come to Korea this year
Common Usages:
편지를 쓰다 = to write a letter
편지를 받다 = to receive a letter
저는 여자 친구를 위해 편지를 썼어요 = I wrote a letter for my girlfriend
저는 여자친구에게서 편지를 받았어요 = I received a letter from my girlfriend
저는 여자친구를 위해 편지를 쓰고 싶어요 = I want to write a letter for my girlfriend
우리는 서로 편지를 줬어요 = We gave letters to each other
저는 옛날 친구한테 편지를 보냈어요 = I sent a letter to an old friend
저의 여자 친구는 제가 쓴 편지를 찢었어요 = My girlfriend ripped up the letter that I wrote for her
Common Usages:
아침식사 = breakfast
아침에 일어나다 = to wake up in the morning
This can also be used to refer to “breakfast.” For example:
저는 아침을 안 먹었어요 = I didn’t eat breakfast
저는 아침에 일찍 일어났어요 = I woke up early in the morning
저는 아침부터 밤까지 공부만 했어요 = I only studied from morning to night
대부분 사람들은 아침밥을 먹지 않는다 = Most people don’t eat breakfast (rice breakfast)
저는 항상 아침에 운동해요 = I always exercise in the morning
아침으로 무엇을 먹었어요? = What did you eat for breakfast?
Common Usages: 용돈 = pocket money/allowance) 돈을 내다 = to pay (money) 돈이 부족하다 = to not have enough money 돈을 벌다 = to earn money 돈을 주다 = to give money
저는 돈이 없어요 = I don’t have any money
어머님은 너에게 돈을 줬어? = Did your mother give you money?
저는 돈을 받을 때 행복할 거예요 = When I receive (the) money, I will be happy
의사들은 돈이 많아 = Doctors have a lot of money
아버지는 아들에게 돈을 준다 = The father gives money to his son
저는 돈을 정부로부터 받았어요 = I received money from the government
얼마나 많은 돈을 가져갈 거야? = How much money will you bring?
Younger sibling
Common Usages:
남동생 = younger brother
여동생 = younger sister
친동생 = biological younger sibling
While technically this word means “younger sibling” Korean will refer to a close friend (who is younger than them) using this word. This often leads to dialogues like this:
Korean person: “Hey! This is my 동생!”
Me: “Really?”
Korean person: “No, not really.”
To distinguish that somebody is actually related to you by blood, they use the word “친동생”
저 사람은 저의 동생이에요 = That person is my younger sibling
동생은 왜 울었어요? = Why did your brother/sister cry?
younger brother
저는 남동생보다 키가 더 커요 = I am taller than my (younger) brother
나는 남동생보다 밥을 더 먹었어 = I ate more than my (younger) brother
너의 남동생은 몇 살이야? = How old is your (younger) brother?
저의 게으른 남동생은 하루 종일 아무것도 안 해요 = My lazy brother doesn’t do anything all day
저는 2주 전에 남동생을 만났어요 = I met my brother 2 weeks ago
남동생은 울었어요? = Did your brother cry?
younger sister
저의 여동생은 지난 주에 책 두 권을 읽었어요 = My sister read two books last week
너의 여동생은 예뻐요 = Your younger sister is pretty
older brother
This word is only used if the younger person is also a man
Common Usages:
형님 = formal version of 형
그 사람은 저의 형입니다 = That person is my brother
형을 왜 때렸어요? = Why did you hit your brother?
저의 형은 똑똑한 남자입니다 = My brother is a smart man
older brother
This word is only used if the younger person is a female
저는 공을 오빠한테 던졌어요 = I threw the ball to my brother
오빠는 바닥에 앉아서 점심을 먹었어요 = My brother ate lunch sitting on the floor
오빠는 밤 늦게 밥을 먹는 것을 좋아해요 = My brother likes eating food late at night
오빤 (오빠는) 강남스타일 = older brother (I am) is Gangnam style
older sister
This word is only used if the younger person is a male
저의 누나는 대학생이에요 = My older sister is a University student
저는 저의 누나를 불렀어요 = I called my sister
이 사람은 저의 누나예요 = This (person) is my sister
저는 저의 누나한테 돈만 줄 거예요 = To my older sister, I’ll just give money
저의 누나는 충동적인 여자예요 = My older sister is an impulsive girl
older sister
This word is only used if the younger person is a female
저는 언니랑 밥을 먹었어요 = I ate with my sister
Notes: Korean people often pronounce this word as “삼춘”
저의 삼촌은 선생님이에요 = My uncle is a teacher
aunt (on mother’s side)
This word is only used to refer to the sister(s) of one’s mother
Common Usages:
큰 이모 = the oldest sister of one’s mother
둘째 이모 = the second oldest sister of one’s mother
막내 이모 = the youngest sister of one’s mother
우리 엄마는 이모와 닮았어요 = My mom looks like our aunt
aunt (on father’s side)
This word is only used to refer to the sister(s) of one’s father
우리 아버지는 고모와 살고 있어요 = Our father lives with our aunt
older man not related to you
Notes: This word is used to refer to an older man whom you don’t know. More broadly, it can be applied to the position that men have, for example “버스 아저씨” for “bus driver” or “택시 아저씨” for “taxi driver.”
아저씨! 앉으세요! = Sir, please sit down
아저씨! 맥주 두 잔 주세요! = Sir! Two glasses of beer, please!
older man not related to you
Notes: This word is used to refer to an older man whom you don’t know. More broadly, it can be applied to the position that men have, for example “버스 아저씨” for “bus driver” or “택시 아저씨” for “taxi driver.”
아저씨! 앉으세요! = Sir, please sit down
아저씨! 맥주 두 잔 주세요! = Sir! Two glasses of beer, please!
older woman not related to you
아주머니! 소주 두 병 주세요! = Miss! Two bottles of soju please!
동대문시장에서 아주머니가 많아요 = There are a lot of older women in Dongdaemun market
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “하라버지”
Common Usages:
산타할아버지 = Santa Clause (Santa Grandpa)
Notes: You can use this word to refer to anybody who looks the age of a grandfather, not just your own grandfather.
우리 할아버지는 한국전쟁에서 싸웠어요 = Our grandfather fought in the Korean war
할아버지와 할아버지 친구는 옛날 이야기를 나눴어요 = Grandpa and his friend shared old stories (with each other)
아들은 할아버지께 선물을 줬어요 = The son gave a present to his grandfather
그 할아버지는 주름이 하나도 없어요 = That grandfather doesn’t even have one wrinkle
할아버지께 선물을 드리고 싶어요 = I want to give my grandfather a present
할아버지가 여기에 계신지 몰랐어요 = I didn’t know you were here, grandpa
할아버지는 우리 아들에게 돈을 주었어요 = Grandpa gave money to our son
우리 할아버지가 죽어서 저는 너무 슬퍼요 = I am very sad because my grandfather died
Notes: You can use this word to refer to anybody who looks the age of a grandmother, not just your own grandmother.
저의 할머니는 요리를 너무 잘해요 = My grandmother cooks very well
저의 할머니가 여기에 자주 안 오셔요 = My grandmother doesn’t come here often
저는 할머니를 위해 식사를 준비했어요 = I prepared a meal for grandmother
할머니는 어제 아파서 입원했어요 = Grandma checked into the hospital yesterday because she was sick
Common Usages:
여자 친구 = girlfriend
남자 친구 = boyfriend
친구를 만나다 = to meet a friend
저는 어제 친구를 만났어요 = I met a friend yesterday
저는 저의 친구를 자주 만나요 = I meet my friend often
저는 친구랑 같이 있어요 = I’m with my friend
저는 저의 친구에게 돈을 줬어요 = I gave my friend money
저는 친구와 집에 갔어요 = I went home with my friend
저는 그것을 친구한테서 들었어요 = I heard that from my friend
저의 친구는 저 쪽으로 갔어요 = My friend went that way
저는 친구와 비슷해요 = I am similar to my friend
저의 친구는 (여기) 근처에 살아요 = My friend lives close (to here)
Common Usages:
사진기 = camera
사진을 찍다 = to take a picture
Notes: The word “그림” is used to refer to a picture that somebody painted.
여행했을 때 사진을 많이 찍었어요 = When I travelled, I took a lot of pictures
이 사진 어때? = How about this picture?
이것은 나쁜 사진입니다 = This is a bad picture
저의 사진은 침대 위에 걸려 있어요 = My picture is hanging above my bed
저는 사진을 하나도 안 찍었어요 = I didn’t even take one picture
저는 사진을 벽에 걸었어요 = I hung a picture on a wall
Common Usages:
안경을 쓰다 = to wear glasses
저는 새로운 안경을 샀어요 = I bought new glasses
Common Usages:
비밀을 밝히다 = to let a secret go/tell somebody else about a secret
비밀을 지키다 = to protect a secret/not tell somebody else about a secret
그것이 비밀이라서 말하지 마세요 = Don’t say anything because it is a secret!
그것은 큰 비밀이었어요 = That was a big secret
그의 과거는 큰 비밀이에요 = His past is a big secret
저는 가게에서 사과를 샀어요 = I bought apples at the store
저는 이 가게에서 잠깐 구경하고 싶어요 = I want to look around for a bit in this store
이 가게는 싼 음식을 팔아요 = this store sells cheap/inexpensive food
그 가게에 18세 미만은 못 들어가요 = Those under 18 years of age can’t enter that store
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “방물관”
그 박물관은 특별해요 = That museum is special
저는 박물관에 다음 번에 갈 거예요 = I will go to the museum next time
병원은 박물관 뒤에 있어요 = The hospital is behind the museum
선생님은 학생들과 박물관에 갔다 = The teacher went to the museum with the students
가스 레인지
stove (gas range)
Literally the English pronunciation of “gas range” in Korean.
이 집은 가스 레인지가 없어요 = This house doesn’t have a stove
Common Usages: 공을 던지다 = to throw a ball 공을 잡다 = to catch a ball 야구공 = baseball 축구공 = soccer ball 농구공 = basketball
야구선수는 공을 세게 던졌어요 = The baseball player threw the ball hard