thing cause i dont care about this thing and i dont knoe the name to this thing Flashcards
the rigid outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle.
the upper layer of the earth’s mantle, below the lithosphere, in which there is relatively low resistance to plastic flow and convection is thought to occur.
The mesosphere is a layer of Earth’s atmosphere.
Inner Core
The inner core is a hot, dense ball of (mostly) iron
Outer Core
is mostly composed of liquid iron and nickel
Seismic Waves
an elastic wave in the earth produced by an earthquake or other means.
Oceanic Crust
the outermost layer of Earth’s lithosphere that is found under the oceans and formed at spreading centres on oceanic ridges
Continental Crust
the outermost layer of Earth’s lithosphere that makes up the planet’s continents and continental shelves
a measure of the amount of information on a storage
Alfred Wegener
Alfred Lothar Wegener was a German climatologist, geologist, geophysicist, meteorologist, and polar researcher.
Continental Drift
one of the earliest ways geologists thought continents moved over time.
Convergent Boundary
A convergent boundary is an area on Earth where two or more lithospheric plates collide.
Divergent Boundary
In plate tectonics, a divergent boundary or divergent plate boundary is a linear feature that exists between two tectonic plates
Transform Boundary
places where plates slide sideways past each other
. Sea-floor Spreading
a geologic process in which tectonic plates—large slabs of Earth’s lithosphere—split apart from each other