Therapy Flashcards
What are the aims of mindfulness?
To be in control of your own mind by paying attention to present thoughts and emotions
To enhance our positive characteristics by allowing yourself to be a happier individual
What is learned helplessness?
Invented by Martin Seligman who said thsi was a reasoning some get depression
Symptoms develop when a feeling of uncontrolled is detected leaving feeling of helplessness and eventually depression
Suggests that individuals lack behaviour control over the events in their environment which undermines their motivation to make a change or an attempt to alter situatuons
What does positivists believe about depression?
Individuals develop depression as a result of their own feelings stemming from free will
“the secret of health for the mind and body is not to mourn for the last, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly
What are the components of mindfulness?
-Control over thoughts
-Meditation/mindful breathing
-Informal practices
What is component 1 of therapy?
gaining control of thoughts
What is gaining control of thoughts?
Focusing on the present and avoiding dwelling on the past and the future
-Mindfulness trains us to focus on what’s going on in the moment and becoming aware of immediate thoughts and feelings
-Goal is to accept them and becoming comfortable with thoughts
-If we become aware of negative thoughts we can have control over them and how we react
What are negative thoughts?
Focusing on the present, we gain greater awareness if unhelpful negative thoughts we are having, which allow us to control these
By responding to positive and optimistic way therefore reducing the impact on feelings and behaviour
What is negative automatic thinking?
Lead to mental health disorder like anxiety and depression- mindfulness should help the individual identify these thoughts and alter their reaction to it through mindfulness practice like meditations
Where did mindfulness come from?
Came from various religious and secular traditions from Hinduism and Buddhism to yoga and non religious meditation
Been in practice for thousands of years
Gaining control of thoughts has been around for a very long time
What is component 2?
Meditation and mindful breathing
What is meditation and mindful breathing?
Involves the physical practice and mindfulness
e.g. by developing skills through training which can help the patient remove their attention from daily life and focus on the present
Meditation is best learned through a mix of guided instruction and personal practice
What is mindful breathing- C2?
Physical aspect of minfulness, patients can practice this
Specific techniques that the patients can practice, can learn this with hopes they can complete them
independently in future
What are the four breathing techniques?
Belly Breathing- Slowly fill and empty your belly with breath
Breath Count- Count your breaths slowly and evenly
Mindful breathing- Pay attention to rythms of your breath
Breaking visualisation- Visualise taking something in positive with each breath
What is guided meditation?
Most effective
Sitting meditation, spine straight with a focus on breathing and bodily sensations, thoughts and emotions
Meditation should help an individual to realise that thoughts and emotions are impermanent, they come and go so we shouldn’t fixate or react automatically
What is the National Institute for health Care Excellence (NICE)?
Mindfulness technique have been used for a range of problems
NICE recommends mindfulness as a preventative treatment for those with reacurring depression
Can be used in every day life to improve well being in those not experiencing a particular psychological issue
6 steps to practice guided mediation?
1) Settle in a comfortable position
2) Close your eyes
3) Bring your awareness to your bodily sensations e.g. breathing
4) Maintain awareness as you breathe in and out
5) Allow breath to flow without trying to change it
6) If your mind wandered bring your awareness back to your breathing
What is component 3 of therapy?
Informal practices of mindfulness
What is informal practices of mindfulness
Once learned, mindfulness can be practiced in informal ways e.g. in the car
Informal mindfulness is the opposite to multi tasking
When the mind begins to wonder the individual should bring their attention back to the sensations and thought they were experiencing
What is online meditation? and an example
Growth of mindfulness has led to an abundance of meditation recourses online which are available for patients to practice at home
For example- Headspace which is an online platform for at home meditation, consist of guiding mediations with different aims e.g. feelings of stress anger and sadness
What are the 3 different ways of practicing mindfulness?
-Mindfulness in School Projects
-Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction
-Mindfulness Based Cognative Therapy
All about Mindfulness based stress reduction?
Designed for stress managing, illnesses like anxiety depression, ibs, skin cancer etc
-An option within CBT, reducing stress hormone levels
-Mainly used as a complimentary treatment
-Based on tradition meditation
-Don’t judge what you feel and don’t change sensation without analysing it
-Included making it a challenge not a chore
-8 classes in 8 weeks and giving educational material
Evaluation reaserch support- Crane and al (2014)?
Found that for people who’ve experienced 3+ previous episodes of depression
MBCT reduced recurrence rate iver 12 months by 40-50% with usual care
Due to the reaserch supporting the effectiveness of mindfulness in the UK
the government national institute for the health and clinical excellence (NICE) has recommended MBCT in their guidelines for the management of depression for service users should have had three or more episodes of depression
Evaluation reaserch support-Williams et al (2014)?
Compared MBCT with other treatments in people who had previously suffered depression
They were randomly allocated to each of these conditions and followed up a year later
MBCT provided protection against relapse in people with a history of childhood trauma, but did not show any significant advantage in other participants
Evaluation reaserch support- Kuyken et al (2013)?
Compared children in secondary schools who took part in the mindfulness in schools programme to those who took part in the usual school curriculum l
Children eh who were involved in the mindfulness programme reported less stress, greater well being and fewer depressive symptoms compared to the control group
SEEW paragraph for reaserch support?
S- one strength of mindfulness as a therapy is that their is evidence to support its use as a therapist for depression
E- Crane et sl found that fire people who gave expreienced they’re or more previous episodes of depression MBCT reduced the recurrence rate over 12 months by 40-50% compared to usual care
W based on this fact the NICE have recommended that MBCT can be used in cases of three ir more episodes of depression
W- This is a strength as it shows us that mindfulness in combination with cognative therapy can be successful in the treatment of mental health disorders
Methological issues with supporting reaserch?
Most evidence suggests that mindfulness helps with depression although some psychologists suggest the methodology behind the positive studies have not been as rigorous as they should have been
Professor Patricia Casey of University College Dublin says that many study’s were small pilot studies, the patients were alos on the mild end of the spectrum and studies haven’t fully shown how mindfulness compared with other therapies like pharmacological interventions
SEEW paragraph for methodological issues with supporting reaserch?
S- one weekness of mindfulness as a therapy is that the reaserch supporting its use can be criticised
E- Many studies into pos psychology are small scale, often pilot studies as mindfulness as a therapy is still a new concept. They also haven’t had frequent investigations that are large scale with severely mentally ill patients only ones in the mild end of the spectrum
E- This is an issue as their is a lack of evidence comparing the effectiveness of mindfulness to other more established interventions such as CBT and others
The fact this isn’t seen as effective means how can it be credible and treat people with such severe mental health
C- Kuyken et al did a study in a school and found that those completing mindfulness reported less stress, greater well being and a less depressive issue
W- This is a weakness because it leads us to question weather there is enough scientific evidence to support the use of minfulness as a therapy for mental health disorders
SEECW paragraph negative effects?
S- One weekness of mindfulness as a therapy is that medication can have negatively be effects for some people because instead it can cause more stress then not
E- Whilst the practice is easy to understand, not everyone benefits from it nor can they use meditation n to their advantage as people may grow frustrat d with the constant focusing and can be challanginb
E- For example whilst studies show benefits from consistent mindfulness practice in just 8 months weeks it dosent mean this works for everyone as we are all different
C- However this isn’t true for everyone as eveyone will experience it in different way and many people find it relaxing and worthy
W- This is a weekness because some people who attempt mindfulness feel worse then they started therefore it isn’t ethical
Ethics- highly ethical Ruedy and Schweitzer (2010)
Found that individuals who were high in mindfulness were less likely. cheat on a task therefore therapy made them uphold higher ethical and moral values
SEECW paragraph for highly ethical?
S- one strength if mindfulness as a therapy is that it’s highly ethical due to its non invasive process and patients have controlled or their own thoughts and can’t drop out when they feel necessary
E- Genraloy minfulness had been seen to be highly ethical as a therapy ut have a few side and takes a highly positive attitude toward individual wellbeing, it promotes free will empowering people to make changes in their own life
E- Compared to cbt minfulness does not place pressure on the client. compared to drug therapy there are no serious side effects that hqve an impact in the progress of the therapy- Mention Ruedey and Schweitzer
C- The dark night, buddhists meditate to much and felt like they had an empty void and felt like that have nothing to focus on as they have inner peace
W- This is a strength as it shows that mindfulness requires less pressure compared to other therapies and there is less risk of side effect or having an unpleasant experience, therefore patients are less likely to feel guilty about their thought process and is an extremely positive approach the theraoy
Ethical- Accessible SEEW paragraph?
S- another strength of minfulness as a therapy is that it’s accessible to all individuals
E- This is becysde we can now do it anywhere they please unlike CBT
E- For example headspace
W- This is a strength and can be done whenever