therapies Flashcards
aim of cbt
to challenge negative maladaptive thoughts and replace them with healthy thinking
what part of the information process is faulty in people with mh disorders
the process part is faulty. leads to a negative output.
what does cbt begin with
an intial assessment- where the client and therapist will discuss the problems the client needs help with.
goal setting
the client and patient will collaboratively create goals for their sessions and a plan of action on how to achieve these
3 main components
- dysfunctional thought diary
- challenging dysfunctional thoughts
- pleasant activity scheduling
dysfunctional thought diary
homework, clients are asked to keep a record of the events leading up to any unpleasant emotions experienced.
they should then record the automatic negative thoughts associated with these events and rate how much they believe in these thoughts.
clients are then asked to write a rational response to the thoughts and rate their belief.
finally clients should rerate their beliefs in their automatic thoughts
challenging dysfunctional thoughts
-work together to identify and challenge negative thinking patterns
-a client may have a negative thought about something someone has said about them.
- the client is taught to challenge the dysfunctional automatic thoughts by rationalising the event
-leads to the client understanding that they don’t think rationally and work to change this.
pleasant activity scheduling
- involves the client planning for each day, one pleasant activity they will engage in.
- engaging in these pleasant activities will induce more positive emotions, and that focusing on new things will detract from negative thinking patterns (behavioural activation)
- clients keep a record of the experience, noting how they felt and what the specific circumstances were.
- if it didn’t go to plan, they are encouraged to explore why and what might be done to change it.
what is the aim of psychoanalysis
make the unconscious conscious in order to find the cause of mh disorder
what is dream analysis
a technique used within psychoanalysis to access the unconscious
dream analysis aims
-reveal the unconscious
-uncover the latent content of a dream by examining the manifest content
-to offer insights that allow psychological issues to be resolved
main components of dream analysis
- dreams as wish fulfillment
- symbolic nature of dreams
- dream work
- role of the therapist
- dream diary
dreams as wish fulfilment
- freud believed that all dreams were the unconscious fulfilment of wishes that can’t be satisfied in the conscious mind.
-dreams protect the sleeper but also allow some expression to these buried urges
symbolic nature of dreams
- dreams represent unfulfilled wishes and desires but the content is expressed symbolically, so they don’t cause anxiety and stress.
- there are 2 types of dream content
- the purpose is to uncover the latent content by interpreting the manifest content
manifest content
what we actually recall, the story of the dream
described by patient
latent content
the hidden meaning of the dream, the underlying wish, desire or emotion.
interpretation by the therapist
dream work
the latent content of a dream is transformed into manifest content through the process of dream work
4 processes involved in dream work
secondary elaboration
the dream thoughts is rich in detail but is condensed in the actual dream. one image could represent several ideas
the emotional significance of the dream object is displaced onto another object or person in order to protect our conscious mind
that an abstract thought is represented by a visual image. when we describe our dreams, we use words to describe the images
symbols replace an action, person or idea
secondary elaboration
the actual dream material could be of a recent event the person has experienced. this can disguise the latent content of the dream further.
role of the therapist in dream analysis
- decode the manifest to find the latent content
- offer a few possible interpretations based on their knowledge of the patients life
- the patient chooses the explanation that makes the most sense to them
dream diary
writing dreams down so small possibly significant details won’t be missed out when retelling the dream
step 1 of dream analysis
dreamer recalls their dream to the therapist
step 2 of dream analysis
process of dreamwork is applied to understand the dream.
step 3 of dream analysis
the five main processes in dream work
step 4 of dream analysis
the therapist reverses the dream work process to uncover the underlying meaning of the dream
therapist considers the clients life and context
client selects most suitable interpretation
define psychosurgery
removal or destroying the part of the brain responsible for the undesirable behaviour
prefrontal leucotomy
- holes drilled on each side of the skull
-a leucotome was inserted into the frontal lobe - the blade is then extended and the device is rotated to lesion the tissue and severe the nerve fibres
what did prefrontal leucotomy treat
-bipolar disorder
transorbital lobotomy
-an ice pick is inserted into the brain through the eye socket
- ice pick breaks through the skull, into the brain and is wiggled around to destroy connections between the frontal area and other areas
- damages frontal area
what did transorbital lobotomy treat
reduced aggressive behaviour
bipolar disorder
bilateral cingulotomy
- designed to surgically interrupt circuits
- a gamma knife is used to focus beams of radiation at the target site to burn away the tissue
- interrupts the link in circuits and induces a postive emotional response
deep brain simulation
- implanting electrodes within certain areas of the brain
- two small holes are drilled into the skull.
- these electrodes produce electrical impulses that regulate abnormal impulses
- amount of stimulation is controlled by a pace maker device placed under the skin in your upper chest.