Therapeutics of HTN pt. 4 Flashcards
Direct arterial vasodilators agents
Hydralazine, minoxidil
Are direct arterial vasodilators a last line therapy for HTN
Who are direct arterial vasodilators reserved for
Reserved for pts w/ special indications or very difficult to control BP (i.e. severe CKD or hemodialysis)
Which of the direct arterial vasodilators is more potent
Minoxidil is more potent than hydralazine
What is a requirement with direct arterial vasodilators
requires concomitant therapy w/ diuretic and B blocker
which of the direct arterial vasodilators is more preferred
Hydralazine is preferred over minoxidil
If a pt is on minoxidil, which class of diuretic must the pt be on
Loop diuretic
Direct arterial vasodilators AEs
- Palpitations, tachycardia, chest pain, GI SEs, headache, hematologic dyscrasias, hepatotoxicity, fluid retention
- Hydralazine specific - lupus like syndrome/rash
- Minoxidil specific - hair growth
frequency of hydralazine
frequency of minoxidil
what are the boxed warning summaries of minoxidil
- may cause pericarditis and pericardial effusion that may progress to tamponade
- may increase oxygen demand and exacerbate angina pectoris
what should be used before minoxidil is ever added
maximum therapeutic doses of a diuretic and two other antihypertensives
direct arterial vasodilators use caution with:
CVA, renal impairment, CAD, liver disease, SLE
alpha 1 blockers agents
doxazosin, prazosin, terazosin
what is the use of alpha 1 blockers
- NEVER considered 1st line for HTN
- 2nd line for pts with concomitant BPH